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Expiration Date: Sunday, January 8, 2012 NOFO Number: PA-11-147 Release Date: Monday, March 14, 2011 Notice Type: PA
The purpose of this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is to encourage applications to pursue translational and pilot clinical studies for neural prosthetics. The program will utilize the cooperative agreement mechanism to enable support for milestone-driven projects for the design, development, and demonstration of clinically-useful neural prosthetic devices. Activities supported in this program include implementation of clinical prototype devices, preclinical safety and efficacy testing, design verification and validation activities, pursuit of regulatory approval for clinical study, and proof-of-concept or pilot clinical studies.
Expiration Date: Thursday, May 8, 2014 NOFO Number: PA-11-148 Release Date: Monday, March 14, 2011 Notice Type: PA
This initiative, issued by the National Institutes of Health, encourages applications from institutions/organizations that apply nanoscience and nanotechnology approaches to address problems in biology and medicine. The purpose of this FOA is to provide support for cutting-edge nanoscience and nanotechnology research that can lead to biomedical breakthroughs and new investigations into the diagnosis, treatment and management of an array of diseases and traumatic injuries. Nanoscience and nanotechnology have the capacity to drive a new wave of medical innovation through the engineering of bioactive nanoscale structures, processes and systems based on the advancement of our understanding of biology at the nanoscale. Therefore, this FOA will also support research projects that develop new or improved nanotechnology and nanoscience-based tools, methods, concepts, and devices that lead to a better understanding of basic biology in addition to conducting translational biomedical studies.
Expiration Date: Wednesday, May 11, 2011 NOFO Number: RFA-NS-11-004 Release Date: Friday, March 4, 2011 Notice Type: RFA
The National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) invites new and renewal applications for the Morris K. Udall Centers of Excellence for Parkinsons Disease Research program. The overarching goal of the specialized Udall Centers program is to establish a network of Centers that work independently as well as collaboratively to define the causes of and discover a cure for Parkinsons disease (PD). A more immediate goal for each Center is to rapidly advance synergistic, high-impact research programs while serving as local resources and national leaders in PD research and treatment. The overall theme, proposed research projects, and associated scientific/clinical cores must relate directly to the etiology, pathogenesis or treatment of PD. Investigations on related parkinsonian disorders may be included, to the extent that these directly inform research on PD. Required components include: 1) a minimum of three interdisciplinary research projects, which must include one early-stage translational research project (see below); 2) a complement of resource-related Cores essential to accomplish the Aims of proposed research projects; 3) an early-stage translational research project. In this context translational research is defined as investigations focusing on the development of therapeutics, diagnostics, devices or clinical criteria that would ultimately lead to new approaches for the treatment of PD; 4) an Administrative Core; and 5) at a minimum, in the absence of a dedicated Research and Education Core, each application must include a specific mission statement for training within the Administrative Core section.
Expiration Date: Wednesday, January 8, 2014 NOFO Number: PA-11-135 Release Date: Monday, February 28, 2011 Notice Type: PA
The NIH Blueprint for Neuroscience Research is a framework to enhance cooperative activities among the NIH Office of the Director and 15 NIH Institutes and Centers that support research on the nervous system. This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is released in affiliation with the Neuroscience Blueprint, with Institutes and Centers participating independently, and with participation by Institutes and Centers that are not part of the Blueprint. This FOA encourages Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) grant applications that propose to continue the process of developing complex instrumentation, clinical research tools, or behavioral interventions and treatments. This FOA specifically invites applications for the competing renewal of previously funded Phase II SBIR grants to further develop the aforementioned types of technologies.
Expiration Date: Wednesday, January 8, 2014 NOFO Number: PA-11-134 Release Date: Friday, February 25, 2011 Notice Type: PA
The NIH Blueprint for Neuroscience Research is a framework to enhance cooperative activities among the NIH Office of the Director and 15 NIH Institutes and Centers that support research on the nervous system. This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is released in affiliation with the Neuroscience Blueprint, with Institutes and Centers participating independently, and with participation by Institutes and Centers that are not part of the Blueprint. This FOA encourages the translation of technologies for brain or behavioral research from academic and other non-small business research sectors to the marketplace. Encouraged from Small Business Concerns (SBCs) are Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) grant applications that propose to further develop, make more robust, and make more user-friendly such technologies in preparation for commercial dissemination. It is expected that this activity will require partnerships and close collaboration between the original developers of these technologies and SBCs, which may be accomplished in any of a number of ways, including the use of multiple principle investigators.
Expiration Date: Tuesday, January 8, 2013 NOFO Number: PAR-11-127 Release Date: Friday, February 18, 2011 Notice Type: PAR
The purpose of this individual predoctoral research training fellowship is to provide support for promising doctoral candidates who are enrolled in combined MD-PhD programs, who will be performing dissertation research and training in scientific health-related fields relevant to the mission of the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke.
Expiration Date: Saturday, March 8, 2014 NOFO Number: PA-11-112 Release Date: Thursday, February 10, 2011 Notice Type: PA
The purpose of this individual predoctoral research training fellowship is to improve the diversity of the health-related research workforce by supporting the training of predoctoral students from groups that have been shown to be underrepresented. Such candidates include individuals from underrepresented racial and ethnic groups, individuals with disabilities, and individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds.
Expiration Date: Tuesday, April 12, 2011 NOFO Number: RFA-DA-11-013 Release Date: Thursday, February 10, 2011 Notice Type: RFA
This FOA solicits applications focused on improving kindergarten through twelfth grade science education in areas related to the NIH Blueprint for Neuroscience Research. Applications must be innovative, creative, and have a clear plan for improving science knowledge and enthusiasm for science among the targeted students or teachers. Plans for evaluation must be included in the application. Partnerships between educators and scientists in the development of the science education project are highly encouraged.
Expiration Date: Saturday, March 8, 2014 NOFO Number: PA-11-113 Release Date: Thursday, February 10, 2011 Notice Type: PA
The purpose of this individual postdoctoral research training fellowship is to provide support to promising Fellowship Applicants with the potential to become productive, independent investigators in scientific health-related research fields relevant to the missions of participating NIH Institutes and Centers.
Expiration Date: Saturday, March 8, 2014 NOFO Number: PA-11-111 Release Date: Thursday, February 10, 2011 Notice Type: PA
The purpose of this individual predoctoral research training fellowship is to provide support for promising doctoral candidates who will be performing dissertation research and training in scientific health-related fields relevant to the missions of the participating NIH Institutes and Centers (ICs) during the tenure of the award.
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