
Deadline for Consideration in FY2024
All non-SNAP or non-automatic carryover requests must be received be by August 1st, 2024 to be considered in FY2024. Materials received after August 1st will be considered in FY2025 starting in October 2024.

Carryover is the process of carrying unobligated funds from a previous budget period into the current budget period. Carryover requests are for immediate need only and should not be requested only because there are unobligated balance funds available. Learn more about submitting carryover requests. 

Do I Need to Request a Carryover?

The mechanisms below typically do not have automatic carryover authority and often require the recipient organization to submit a formal request. See Section III of the NoA to determine the carryover authority for your award.

  • Cooperative agreements (U) 
  • Awards to individuals, including fellowships (F) 
  • Program centers (P30, P50) 
  • Clinical trials (regardless of activity code) 
  • Training grants 
  • Non-Fast Track, Phase 1 one-year SBIR (R43) and one-year STTR (R41) 

How to Submit a Carryover Request 

If your award does not have automatic carryover authority, you should submit an official carryover request that includes the  information below.

  • A detailed budget with budget justifications
    • Personnel costs should be broken down, per person, into salary, fringe, and effort for the carryover period.
    • Detailed subcontract budgets should also be included.
  • Facilities and administrative (F&A) checklist page 
  • A scientific justification for the use of funds, including how the carryover funds will allow the investigators to accelerate progress  
  • Reason for the unobligated balance 

The most recent federal financial report (FFR) for the grant must be submitted and accepted by NIH in order to process a carryover request.

Submit Prior Approval Requests via the eRA Prior Approval Module
Recipients are strongly encouraged to submit all prior approval requests through the eRA Prior Approval module. If needed, email requests must be submitted by an Authorized Business Official, and should be directed to both the assigned grants management specialist and program officer.