Training & Career Development

three scientists working in a lab

Choose an Award by Career Stage & Eligibility

Choose an Award by Program Type

Individual Fellowships

F30 F31 F32 F99/ K00
Research training opportunities for trainees at the graduate and postdoctoral levels.

Career Development Awards

K01 K02 K08 K22 K23 K99/ R00
Research training opportunities for scientists and clinical-researchers at the postdoctoral and early career faculty levels.

Institutional Grants

T32 K12 R25 UE5
Research training opportunities on an institutional level to support multiple scientists and clinician-researchers at all levels of training.

Other Training-Related Programs

These programs have unique elements including specific institutional eligibility, or supplementation of an existing NINDS award.

Related Topics 

Pre-Application Considerations
NIH supports scientists at various stages in their careers, from predoctoral students on research training grants to investigators with extensive experience and who run large research centers

Training Outcomes Data
Data on the outcomes of selected NINDS training mechanisms and programs

NINDS's Building Up the Nerve
A podcast for neuroscience trainees that takes you through the life cycle of a grant from idea to award.

Diversity Policies & Resources
’s diversity activities span the training pipeline, with innovative funding opportunities and mentoring networks across critical career transitions

Training & Career Development Flyer(pdf, 421 KB)
Download a one page summary of our training programs.