Patient Organizations

This listing is not intended to be a comprehensive listing of all not-for-profit health agencies in the United States, nor does inclusion of any particular organization imply endorsement by the National Institutes of Health or the Department of Health and Human Services. Our intent is to provide information useful to individuals nationally, and for this reason we have not included many local groups that offer valuable assistance to patients and their families within a limited geographic area. Many of the organizations listed in this directory have information available to the public on the World Wide Web.


Funds, promotes, and supports medical research dedicated to developing treatments and a cure for ML4, which causes mental retardation, motor delays, retinal degeneration, and limited lifespan.

National, non-profit organization dedicated to enhancing the quality of life for those affected by multiple sclerosis.

Dedicated to helping people with MS, the Multiple Sclerosis Foundation offers a wide array of free services including: national toll-free support, educational programs, homecare services, support g

Voluntary health agency that fosters neuromuscular disease research and provides patient care funded almost entirely by individual private contributors.

Provides services, resources, adaptive equipment, and home medical equipment to individuals with muscular dystrophy and their families to improve independence and quality of life.

Non-profit organization dedicated to improving the quality of life and survival times for brain tumor patients by providing information to patients and their families and raising money for brain tu

Works to facilitate the timely diagnosis and optimal care of individuals affected by myasthenia gravis and closely related disorders and to improve their lives through programs of patient services,

Focused on accelerating the discovery and development of myelin repair therapeutics for multiple sclerosis to globally impact the way medical science is conducted by shortening the time to market f

Works to improve the lives of those affected by inflammatory myopathies.

The Myotonic Dystrophy Foundation (MDF) is the world’s largest patient organization focused solely on myotonic dystrophy.

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