K99/ R00 MOSAIC Postdoctoral Career Transition Award to Promote Diversity

To support diverse postdocs to develop their independent research skills through a two-phase program: an initial mentored research experience followed by a period of independent research.

Program Announcement
MOSAIC K99/R00 - Independent Clinical Trial Not Allowed - PAR-21-271

MOSAIC K99/R00 - Independent Clinical Trial Required - PAR-21-272

MOSAIC K99/R00 - Independent Basic Experimental Studies w/ Humans Required - PAR-21-273

Due Dates for New Applications
February 12, June 12, October 12

Due Dates for Resubmission Applications
March 12, July 12, November 12

Intended PD/PI
U.S. citizens or permanent residents; research doctorate holders; individuals from diverse backgrounds strongly encouraged

Institution Eligibility
U.S. domestic institutions

Additional Information

The purpose of the Maximizing Opportunities for Scientific and Academic Independent Careers (MOSAIC) Postdoctoral Career Transition Award to Promote Diversity (K99/R00) program is to support a cohort of early career, independent investigators from diverse backgrounds conducting research in NIH mission areas. The long-term goal of this program is to enhance diversity in the biomedical research workforce. The MOSAIC K99/R00 program is designed to facilitate a timely transition of promising postdoctoral researchers from diverse backgrounds (e.g., see NIH’s Interest in Diversity) from their mentored, postdoctoral research positions to independent, tenure-track or equivalent faculty positions at research-intensive institutions. The MOSAIC K99/R00 program will provide independent NIH research support before and after this transition to help awardees launch successful, independent research careers. Additionally, MOSAIC K99/R00 scholars will be part of organized scientific cohorts and will be expected to participate in mentoring, networking, and professional development activities coordinated by MOSAIC Institutionally-Focused Research Education Award to Promote Diversity (UE5) grantees.

Applicants for diversity-related career development programs will be expected to attach a Description of Candidate’s Contribution to Program Goals, explaining how the candidate’s participation would further the goals of the program to promote diversity in health-related research (see Notice of NIH’s Interest in Diversity NOT-OD-20-031).

Salary and Research Costs

For mentored (K99 phase) candidates at an extramural institution, NINDS will provide up to $75,000 per year for salary support, plus fringe, and up to $20,000 for research support costs. For applicants with medical degrees who are licensed to practice, NINDS will provide up to $125,000 per year for salary support. Applicants must commit a minimum of 9 person months effort to the K99/R00 research during both phases of the award (Note: Neurosurgeons must commit a minimum of 6 person months effort to the K99/R00 research during both phases of the award).

For independent (R00 phase) candidates at an extramural institution, NINDS will provide up to $249,000 of support per year (total costs). This amount includes salary, fringe benefits, research costs, and applicable indirect costs. Applicants must obtain an offer for a tenure-track or equivalent position by the end of the K99 phase to be eligible for R00 support.

NINDS will not support projects, regardless of the results of merit review, if they do not fulfill current programmatic priorities at NINDS. We strongly recommend that potential applicants consult Scientific/Research Staff at NINDS before preparing an application.

See more information about NINDS requirements for transition to the independent (R00) phase(pdf, 123 KB) (pdf, 103kb).

Not sure whether your research qualifies as a clinical trial? 
Applicants are strongly advised to consult with NINDS program staff prior to submitting an application with human subjects to determine the appropriate funding opportunity.
NIH definition of a clinical trial



Michelle Jones-London, Ph.D. | Associate Director, Office of Programs to Enhance the Neuroscience Workforce (OPEN)

Lauren Ullrich, PhD | Section Chief, Career Advancement, OPEN



Webinar: What You Need to Know About the NINDS Diversity Career Development K22 Award

Putting Together Your Strongest K22 Application


The Importance of Project Originality and Project Ownership by the Candidate(pdf, 126 KB) 

Suggestions for a Good Career Development Plan

NIH Clinical Trial Definition

K22 Award Information from NIH

Notice of NIH's Interest in Diversity

Diversity Resources

Awardee Success Stories

Loan Repayment Program

How to Apply

Administrative Supplements to Promote Research Continuity and Retention of NIH Mentored Career Development (K) Award Recipients

NINDS Diversity Career Development (K) Award OPEN Conversations Webinar