SUP Administrative Supplements to Promote Research Continuity and Retention of NIH Mentored Career Development (K) Award Recipients


NINDS Mentored Research Continuity supplements are intended to help provide additional funds to ensure continued research progress for recipients of NINDS mentored career development (K) awards whose research program is impacted by a critical life event.

Program Announcement

PI Eligibility

To be eligible, PIs must hold an active NINDS K award that will remain active during the period proposed for use of the supplement. Eligible activity codes include K00, K01, K02 (within first 36 months), K08, K22, K23, and K99.  NINDS Intramural K99 and K22 awardees are not eligible for this funding opportunity but should consult with the NINDS Scientific Director for information about resources during critical life events.

For the purposes of this program, childbirth, adoption, serious personal health issues or illness and/or debilitating conditions, high-risk pregnancy, and primary caregiving responsibilities of an ailing spouse, child, partner, parent, or a member of the immediate family during the project period are critical life events that would qualify for consideration. A description of how the critical life event will affect advancement of the mentored career development award or productivity must be provided. Detailed personal health information such as specific diagnoses or medical conditions is not required or necessary to be considered for this supplement.

Additional Information

The additional information on this page applies to applications requesting research continuity supplements to active National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) career development (K) awards. Its purpose is to clarify the application process for NINDS grantees and is not intended to replace the detailed information in the program announcement.

Prior to submission of an application, the Principal Investigator (Applicant) should contact the Director, NINDS Office of Training & Workforce Development to discuss the proposed supplement.

On this page, find information on:

  • Eligibility
  • Application and Submission Information
  • Allowable Costs and Other Provisions
  • Review and Award of Applications


PD(s)/PI(s) are encouraged to consider a continuity supplement if a critical life event is expected to impact research progress on an active K award AND there is a clear plan for how the addition of supplemental funds up to $50,000 in direct costs for up to one year will be used to mitigate delays and/or interruptions in research progress. There must also be a plan to return to full research productivity at the end of the supplement period.

Supplement funds may not be used for PI salary support during the regular or extended period of the grant.

As indicated in instructions below, the applicant should describe how the critical life event will affect advancement of the mentored career development award research and/or productivity. The request should also address whether additional or alternative sources of support are available. These sources would include carryover of funds from prior years as well as Department or University matching funds (applicants are strongly encouraged to secure supplemental local funding if requesting supplemental funds to their K award).  In circumstances in which the critical life event is pending and is expected to occur during the project period, the supplement request may be submitted in advance of the event. Requests related to critical life events that occurred prior to the K award date, or which have passed, are not suitable for this program and will not be considered.

PD(s)/PI(s) should work closely with their K Award Mentor/Sponsor to ensure that appropriate Institutional commitment is obtained in the form of resources and mentorship. Family friendly practices and commitment to trainee advancement at the institution should be evident and the NINDS supplement support should be considered a value-added component to the institutional environment. 

Application and Submission Information
Supplement requests must be submitted in accordance with the parent program announcement: Administrative Supplements to Existing NIH Grants and Cooperative Agreements (Parent Admin Supp Clinical Trial Optional) PA-20-272 or its subsequent reissued equivalent. 
Supplement requests should be submitted electronically. The process for Streamlined Submissions using the eRA Commons cannot be used for this initiative.

Application Due Date(s)

NINDS will accept applications at any time. Prior to submission, please contact the Director, NINDS Office of Training and Workforce Development to discuss the potential need.
If you are seeking an award before the end of a fiscal year—September 30—we must receive your request no later than June 30. Requests received after June 30 will be considered for funding in the next fiscal year.

Application Content

All instructions in the SF424 (R&R) Application Guide, PA-20-272, and NOT-OD-23-031 must be followed. Applicants must include NOT-OD-23-031 in box 4b of the SF424 R&R form.

The following items are required.

  • Face Page or R&R Cover Form.
  • PHS 398 Career Development Award Supplemental Form
  • Budget page from PHS 398 for a maximum of 12 months.
  • Progress to date. One- to two-page description of the original aims of the research project and results to date, including roles of personnel working on the project.
  • Statement of need.  Describe how progress on this award will be, or has been, impacted by a critical life event and how an administrative supplement will mitigate the impact.
  • Other Support.  Applicants should list the availability of carryover funds from prior years and describe any additional or alternative local assistance, including matching funds or specified ‘in kind’ support from the mentor, Department, College or Institution.
  • Candidate Information and Goals for Career Development attachment as described in NOT-OD-23-031. Explain how the requested supplement support, together with other available funds and resources, will be used to ensure continuity, productivity and momentum of the project. Explain how the plan will proceed. For example, if funds are requested for additional personnel, what is the projected timeline for hiring as it relates to the timeline of the critical need; what skills would be needed by the additional personnel and how is it anticipated that an individual with these skills would be identified who would contribute to the project for the limited period of time supported by the additional funding?
  • Institutional Commitment to Candidate’s Research Career attachment. This should include, in addition to those items listed in NOT-OD-23-031, a Mentor’s statement describing current oversight of progress to date on the project and how the mentor and/or institution intends to help the applicant continue to maintain progress in their research during the period impacted by the critical life event.
  • Applications should include a letter signed by the Institutional Business Official certifying PI’s eligibility for the supplement award.

Allowable Costs and Other Provisions

The supplement may be used to support additional personnel, computational or research services, or other specified assistance that will promote the continuity of the career development research project during a period in which the PD/PI experiences critical life events which have the potential to impact research progress or potential productivity. Administrative supplements must support work within the scope of the original project and provide support during the period of the critical life event. An itemized budget justification must be provided.

Projects in no-cost extension period are not eligible to apply.

Review and Award of Applications

A committee of NINDS program staff will review requests submitted to NINDS. NINDS will support the most meritorious requests, based upon availability of funds.


Anahid Ebrahimi, Ph.D. | Health Program Specialist, Office of Programs to Enhance the Neuroscience Workforce



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Loan Repayment Program

How to Apply