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Expiration Date: Friday, January 1, 2027 NOFO Number: NOT-NS-10-017 Release Date: Thursday, May 13, 2010 Notice Type: NOT
Notice Changes NINDS Policy Support NIH Exploratory/Developmental Research Grant Program Parent R21) Notice Number: NOT-NS-10-017 Key Dates Release Date:  13, 2010 Issued National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke NINDS), Purpose purpose this notice to announce changes NINDS policy support research via R21 grant mechanism. Policy Effective immediately, following guidance apply consideration R21 applications NINDS: NINDS continue accept applications investigator-initiated exploratory/developmental projects R21s) all program areas supported the Institute.  Previous NINDS language stated R21 proposals ldquo;limited those the potential truly ground-breaking impact”.  would to emphasize such impact, described the trans-NIH parent R21 announcement, be achieved many different ways.  example, projects assess feasibility a novel area investigation, develop new techniques models, apply existing methodologies a new scientific area, etc. parent announcement additional examples). NINDS maintain existing policy not accepting unsolicited R21 applications include clinical trials other clinical studies potential therapies. nbsp;NINDS places high priority the development evaluation clinical interventions has established specific mechanisms supporting types proposals,…).  R21 applications involve human subjects be submitted NINDS the proposals not testing efficacy a clinical intervention if safety monitoring study participants be performed appropriately within budgetary time constraints an R21.  information regarding specific programs contacts, please is important note analyses new investigator applications NINDS indicate the success rate R21 applicants lower for R01 applicants FY 2009 success rates NINDS R21 New Investigators: 11% vs.  NINDS R01 New Investigators: 19%).  Given current policy the NIH support New Investigator R01s success rates equivalent those established investigators submitting new Type 1) applications, NINDS encourages New Investigators, in particular Early Stage Investigators, apply R01 grants seeking first-time funding the NIH. nbsp; Inquiries Inquiries concerning policy should sent to: Anna Taylor, Ph.D. Division Extramural Research National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke, NIH 6001 Executive Blvd., Rm. 3003 Bethesda, MD 20892 Telephone: 301) 496-9248 Fax: 301) 402-4370
Expiration Date: Friday, January 1, 2027 NOFO Number: NOT-NS-10-016 Release Date: Thursday, May 6, 2010 Notice Type: NOT
Request Information: Scientific Regulatory Issues be Explored an Upcoming Pluripotent Stem Cell Workshop involving NIH FDA Notice Number: NOT-NS-10-016 December 12, 2011 - Notice NOT-NS-12-004. Request Information: Scientific Regulatory Issues be Explored an Upcoming Pluripotent Stem Cell Workshop involving NIH FDA. Key Dates Release Date:    6, 2010 Response Due By:  July 16, 2010 Issued National Institutes Health NIH), Purpose National Institutes Health NIH) the Food Drug Administration FDA) proposing series workshops will engage broader research community regarding requirements necessary translation pluripotent stem cell-derived products the clinic. purpose this RFI to solicit information will useful developing first workshop will focus establishment pluripotent stem cell lines banks, manufacturing early phase clinical trials, manufacturing commercial production, characterization human stem cell-derived products. Background Human pluripotent stem cells the potential both self-renew differentiate specialized cell populations can used repair, replace, regenerate damaged tissue.  characteristics offer substantial promise development therapeutic products address unmet medical needs.  state stem cell science advancing rapidly research activities this area, including those directed clinical application, expected multiply the next few years.  pluripotent stem cells pose additional challenges therapeutic development beyond those encountered other types somatic cellular products? development effective therapeutic products derived pluripotent stem cells require ability demonstrate safety other characteristics the starting cell populations. addition, effective methods have be developed produce target cells choice consistently through execution controlled vitro differentiation protocols.  Finally, analytic test methods need be developed permit identification characterization the intended final cell type(s), well facilitate assessment additional non-target cells present the final product. test methods should possess sufficient precision ensure product safety anticipate possible effectiveness.  enable translation clinical research occur effectively, to increase coordination between research regulatory communities, National Institutes Health the Food Drug Administration proposing series workshops will engage broader research community regarding requirements necessary translation pluripotent stem cell-derived products the clinic.  first workshop focus establishment stem cell lines banks, covering safety regulatory issues related how original cell line derivation done the case embryonic stem cells, how cells reprogrammed the case iPS cells.  workshop expected address issues of  cell line generation banking, manufacturing early phase clinical trials academic industry perspectives), manufacturing commercial production, characterization human stem cell-derived products methods, limitations, current developments).  second workshop expected focus preclinical safety and  proof concept  testing, including, among topics, clinical relevance the animal models, selection cell dose levels, impact host microenvironment, cell fate post-administration.  third workshop expected focus clinical trial design including safety monitoring, immunogenicity, immunosuppressant and immune monitoring. Information Requested NIH seeking information will useful developing first workshop the series. Specifically, NIH seeking input the following five questions: challenges exist moving pluripotent cells the laboratory clinical trials? key questions posed pluripotent stem cell biology respect safety potential clinical effectiveness? you aware any laboratories, research institutions, companies countries have experience safety regulatory translational stem cell research can serve models discussion? can learned our experience other cell therapies is applicable products derived pluripotent stem cells? other questions should asked the workshop? Responses Responses should submitted via email, will accepted through July 16, 2010.  Inquiries Specific questions this RFI should directed the contact listed below: Susan Marino, PhD Office the Director National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke National Institutes Health
Expiration Date: Friday, January 1, 2027 NOFO Number: NOT-NS-10-015 Release Date: Monday, April 5, 2010 Notice Type: NOT
Corrections NOT-NS-10-013, NINDS Announces Availability Funds Competitive Revision Applications Grand Challenge Optimal Cortical Control DARPA Revolutionizing Upper-Limb Prosthetics R01 R37)” Notice Number: NOT-NS-10-015 Key Dates Release Date: April 5, 2010 Issued National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke NINDS), Purpose Notice corrects/clarifies three aspects NOT-NS-10-013: 1) frequency administrative reporting; 2) allowability PD/PI changes; 3) budget format applications requesting than 250,000. 1) Frequency administrative reporting release FY2 funds NIH DARPA program staff use annual progress report make administrative evaluation whether has sufficient progress merit release funds the second year. evaluation include site visits. 2) Change single PD/PI multiple PD/PIs Competitive revisions allow change the Multiple PD/PI team well a conversion a single PD/PI multiple PD/PI. Applicants must include multiple PD/PI Leadership Plan the revision application such changes being proposed. nbsp; See OER Multiple Principal Investigators Frequently Asked Questions 3) Budget format Applications requesting than 250,000 required submit detailed budget, regardless the budget used the parent award. Upon submission Grants.Gov, warning message be generated, can ignored, the application move forward processing.  other aspects NOT-NS-10-013 remain unchanged. Inquiries Dr. Daofen Chen Dr. James Gnadt Program Directors Systems Cognitive Neuroscience National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke Neuroscience Center 6001 Executive Blvd Rockville, MD 20892 301) 496-9964 Email:;
Expiration Date: Friday, January 1, 2027 NOFO Number: NOT-EB-10-001 Release Date: Tuesday, March 30, 2010 Notice Type: NOT
Notice Change Expiration Date Program Announcement Bioengineering Research Partnerships PAR-07-352) Notice Number: NOT-EB-10-001 Key Dates Release Date:  March 30, 2010 Issued National Institute Biomedical Imaging Bioengineering NIBIB), National Cancer Institute NCI), National Heart, Lung, Blood Institute NHLBI), National Human Genome Research Institute NHGRI), National Institute Aging NIA), National Institute Deafness Other Communication Disorders NIDCD), National Institute Dental Craniofacial Research NIDCR), National Institute Environmental Health Sciences NIEHS), National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke NINDS), Purpose purpose this Notice to extend Expiration Date PAR-07-352: Bioengineering Research Partnerships R01) until September 8, 2010. However, following institutes no longer participating: National Eye Institute NEI), National Institute Arthritis Musculoskeletal Skin Diseases NIAMS), Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute Child Health Human Development NICHD), National Institute Drug Abuse NIDA), other aspects this announcement remain unchanged. Inquiries Inquiries concerning Notice directed to: Albert Lee, Ph.D. National Institute Biomedical Imaging Bioengineering National Institutes Health 6707 Democracy Blvd., Suite 200 Bethesda, MD 20892-5477 Phone: 301) 451-4781 Email: 
Expiration Date: Friday, January 1, 2027 NOFO Number: NOT-NS-10-013 Release Date: Friday, March 12, 2010 Notice Type: NOT
NINDS Announces Availability Funds Competitive Revision Applications Grand Challenge Optimal Cortical Control DARPA Revolutionizing Upper-Limb Prosthetics R01 R37) Notice Number: NOT-NS-10-013 Update: following update relating this announcement been issued: April 5, 2010 - Notice NOT-NS-10-015 Corrections NOT-NS-10-013, NINDS Announces Availability Funds Competitive Revision Applications Grand Challenge Optimal Cortical Control DARPA Revolutionizing Upper-Limb Prosthetics R01 R37). Key Dates Release Date: March 12, 2010 Application Due Date: 12, 2010 Earliest Anticipated Start Date: September 30, 2010 Issued National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke NINDS), Purpose purpose this notice to encourage requests competitive revisions research projects currently funded NIH R01 R37 grant mechanisms, appropriate support research development a Grand Challenge achieving optimal electrocorticography ECoG) based cortical control the Revolutionizing Upper-limb Prosthetics 2009 developed the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency DARPA).  Grand Challenge be achieve reaching grasping objects the DARPA Arms a subject’s natural work space, obtaining maximum cortical control can realized the highly anthropomorphic prosthetic arm hand. Background Device-based therapeutic approaches offer opportunities restoring neurological function through mechanical, electronic, neural interfacing technologies, complement cellular molecular strategies under development, their roles reducing burden disease injuries. DARPA Revolutionizing Upper-limb Prosthetics DARPA Arms) been developed response the urgent needs providing clinical care and improving life quality the recently injured war veterans.  Launched 2005 funded over 100 million, four-year component the program a 2009 deadline demonstrate modular upper-limb prosthetic where associated hardware software become available open-source, that specifications replace current confusion scattered prosthetic-arm designs a standard platform could incorporate current well the future 21st century technologies. the desired functions be anthropomorphically designed fit inside package has look, weight, strength, dexterity, natural movement, toughness an intact arm.  Led DEKA Inc., by Applied Physics Laboratory APL) the Johns Hopkins University, over 30 universities research institutions, more 300 investigators, participated the DARPA project.  is multidisciplinary collaboration areas mechatronics, neuroscience, neurology/neurosurgery, electrical engineering; signal processing, battery design, nanotechnology, robotics, cognitive behavioral sciences. of participating labs considered leading groups their respective fields.  of goals the DARPA Arm program to allow investigators explore neural sensorimotor integration feedback paradigms could incorporated the control the prosthetic arm upper-limb amputees, by patients paralysis-related disorders, such spinal cord injury SCI) stroke, regain purposeful movements functions. DARPA Arms designed be capable being controlled decoded neural signals. is expected rigorous comprehensive experimental tests optimal neural control animals humans be conducted, once electromechanic components completed. is also recognized investigators have scientific knowledge interests who also the appropriate experimental resources provide test platform identifying optimal neural control the DARPA arm mostly NIH-funded investigators. funding initiative intends capture unique opportunity providing NIH-supported expertise sensorimotor neurophysiology neural interface technology a scientific challenge developing demonstrating optimal cortical control paradigms these highly advanced anthropomorphically designed prosthetic arms.  Scope Objectives the Grand Challenge competitive revision up a maximum 2 years duration project period the competitive revision not extend beyond of parent” award) be limited currently active NIH projects focus studying cortical sensorimotor control functions awake humans non-human primates using defined motor behavioral paradigms the upper arm, and/or projects involve electrocorticographic ECoG) local field potential LFP) recordings awake humans.  parent projects should already the capability generating brain signals cortical areas, be decoded establishing interface neutral control an external device. goal to foster collaborative team efforts NIH-funded cortical neurophysiologists, neurosurgeons have significant experience ECoG LFP data collection awake humans. receive competitive revision funding, proposed revision projects should established IRB approval all invasive procedures humans.  collaborative team should the capability recording decoding broadband low high frequency cortical signals, capable interfacing the DARPA Arms optimal ECoG based cortical control. particular interest signals recorded multiple cortical sites in combination multiple modalities. intend seek most robust approach recording signals terms recording scale, duration, signal quality), most robust decoding algorithm, the smoothest, volitionally-controlled kinematic trajectories the full functional degrees freedom the arm hand. additional programmatic interest the potential role brain plasticity plays adaptive control dexterity using visual other sensory) feedback, once neural interfacing established. We expect Grand Challenge not only able identify implement best ECoG-based cortical control the DARPA Arms, will also reverse-translational generating important scientific questions further basic science research this program area. Progress be monitored NIH DARPA program staff through semi-annual reporting site-visiting, will evaluated administratively sufficient progress merit release funds the second year.  Funded projects be required present results evaluation NIH DARPA program staff a selected steering committee a dedicated workshop symposium, using video demo kinematic analysis cortical controlled DARPA arm hand movement.  resource sharing plan be required element the application.  Eligibility notice calls competitive revision applications active NIH Research Grants funded under R01 R37 grant mechanisms.  be eligible, parent” award which revision application based must active the time revision application submitted. project period the competitive revision not extend beyond of parent” award. a no-cost extension needed complete work be proposed the revision, no-cost extension must in place before application submitted.  proposed studies must within scope described the Scope Objectives the Grand Challenge” section above, i.e. peer-reviewed activities specified within active NIH parent award(s) include recording brain signals human non-human primates performing upper-limb motor tasks, and/or projects involve electrocorticographic ECoG) local field potential LFP) recordings awake humans.  all revision applications, Project Director/Principal Investigator PD/PI) must the same the PD/PI the parent award. revision applications multiple PD/PI parent awards, Contact PD/PI must the PD/PI listed the parent application. competitive revision does allow change the Multiple PD/PI team nor conversion a single PD/PI multiple PD/PIs. revision applications must submitted the sponsoring institution the PD/PI Contact PD/PI multi-PD/PI grants) listed the parent grant. Only revision request be submitted per PD/PI an NIH-funded parent project. NIH encourages participation individuals racial ethnic groups underrepresented biomedical behavioral research, individuals disabilities individuals disadvantaged backgrounds. Budget Funding Information NINDS intends commit to 3 million total costs per year FY 2010 FY 2011 fund to 4 competitive revisions response this announcement.  Funding competitive revisions existing parent” awards be available FY2010 FY 2011. Due the limited, two-year nature these funds, competitive revision applications be requested no than years; therefore scope budget the requested revision must reflect aims goals can accomplished within limited timeframe. Applicants must submit budget using same budget format was used the parent award. applicant request budget up 400,000 per year direct costs associated the proposed new work, addition the funds allowed purchasing DARPA Arms.  Applicants should budget 250,000 either DEKA arm the APL arm  Device specifications interface details the DARPA Arms be obtained directly contacting DEKA APL, by contacting the NIH Program Director listed below.  DARPA currently negotiating prices these arms.  lower prices achieved, awards be reduced commensurately.  maximum duration each award be limited two years.  Facilities Administrative F&A) costs be paid the full, negotiated rate. Applicants should provide detailed budget justification personnel costs, supplies, other expenses.  revision award period cannot extend beyond original project end date the parent grant. Any no-cost extension must in place before submission the revision application. Although budget plans the NINDS provide support this program, awards pursuant this solicitation contingent upon availability funds the receipt a sufficient number meritorious applications. Application Review Process mission the NIH to support science pursuit knowledge the biology behavior living systems to apply knowledge extend healthy life reduce burdens illness disability. part this mission, applications submitted the NIH grants cooperative agreements support biomedical behavioral research evaluated scientific technical merit through NIH peer review system. funding considerations, revision applications be assigned the IC through the parent” grant funded.  Applications are complete be evaluated scientific technical merit appropriate scientific review group(s) convened the Center Scientific Review accordance NIH peer review procedures using review criteria stated below. Applicants be notified regarding review outcome. part the scientific peer review, applications will: Undergo selection process which only those applications deemed have highest scientific technical merit, generally top half applications under review, be discussed assigned overall impact/priority score; Receive written critique; Receive second level review the appropriate national advisory council board. Overall Impact. Reviewers provide overall impact/priority score reflect assessment the likelihood the project exert sustained, powerful influence the research field(s) involved, consideration the standard review criteria, additional review criteria applicable the project proposed). review committee consider overall scientific merit the new work proposed, appropriateness the match between parent project the proposed work, the likelihood the project achieve goal the Grand Challenge.  reviewing revision application, committee consider scientific merit the new work proposed the appropriateness the proposed expansion the scope the project. the revision application relates a specific line investigation presented the original application was recommended approval the committee, the committee consider whether responses comments the previous scientific review group adequate whether substantial changes clearly evident. Additionally, committee consider feasibility accomplishing specific aims the revision application within requested project period. Scored Review Criteria. standard review criteria research grant applications cooperative agreements be used reviewers evaluating scientific technical merit all applications outlined this Notice: NOT-OD-09-025. Additional Review Criteria. applicable the project proposed, reviewers consider following additional items the determination scientific technical merit, will give separate scores these items: Protections Human Subjects; Inclusion Women, Children, Minorities; Vertebrate Animals; Biohazards. Additional Review Considerations. applicable the project proposed, reviewers address of following items, will give scores these items should consider in providing overall impact/priority score: Budget Period Support; Select Agent Research; Resource Sharing Plans. After peer review the application completed, PD/PI be able access or Summary Statement written critique) via NIH eRA Commons. Selection Process Applications submitted response this funding opportunity compete available funds all recommended applications. following be considered making funding decisions: Scientific technical merit the proposed project determined scientific peer review. Availability funds. Translational impact relevance the proposed project program priorities. Award Notices the application considered funding, NIH request just-in-time" information the applicant. details, applicants refer the NIH Grants Policy Statement Part II: Terms Conditions NIH Grant Awards, Subpart A: General. formal notification the form a Notice Award NoA) be provided the applicant organization. NoA signed the grants management officer the authorizing document. Once administrative programmatic issues been resolved, NoA be generated via email notification the awarding component the grantee business official. Terms Award awards be subject the standard NIH terms award. Selection an application award not authorization begin performance. Any costs incurred before receipt the NoA at recipient's risk. costs be reimbursed only the extent considered allowable pre-award costs. Section IV.5., Funding Restrictions.” resource sharing plan become part the terms conditions the award. Program Official one more the participating NIH Institutes Centers be assigned each funded application will assume responsibility normal stewardship the awards. NIH grant cooperative agreement awards include NIH Grants Policy Statement part the NoA. these terms award, the NIH Grants Policy Statement Part II: Terms Conditions NIH Grant Awards, Subpart A: General Part II: Terms Conditions NIH Grant Awards, Subpart B: Terms Conditions Specific Types Grants, Grantees, Activities. to Apply receipt date revision applications May 12, 2010. Applicants interested applying revision support must submit application through, using Funding Opportunity Announcement FOA) was used the parent grant. Or, this FOA no longer active, the Parent FOA matches program activity code) the award. activity code the prior submission referenced the Federal Identifier the SF 424 RR Cover page) must match activity code the FOA used the revision e.g., R01s will PA-10-067). Notice should mentioned the cover letter. Competitive revisions applications grants using activity code R37 Method Extend Research Time MERIT) Awards) should the Parent R01 FOA PA-10-067). NOTE: Applicants submitting R37 revision response the R01 Parent FOA receive following warning eSubmission: mechanism the prior submission referenced the Federal Identifier the SF 424 RR Cover page) does match mechanism the Funding Opportunity Announcement FOA).  Please check Federal Identifier provided your application ensure are including correct prior information the FOA ensure are submitting the correct opportunity.  application be processed there be delay referral.” Please ignore warning. ALL applications: Follow instructions noted below. Note: Font size restrictions apply designated within applicable SF424 R&R) Application the PHS398 application instructions. current NIH guideline page limitations should followed. Include Cover Letter cite Notice Number NOT-NS-10-013) title NINDS Announces Availability Funds Competitive Revision Applications Grand Challenge Optimal Cortical Control DARPA Revolutionizing Upper-Limb Prosthetics R01 R37)] the first sentence.   Provide one-page Introduction describes nature the revision how relates the scope the specific aims, research design, methods the current grant. Item 2.1, Introduction application, the PHS 398 Research Plan component provide information. body the application should contain sufficient information the original grant application allow evaluation the proposed revision relation the expertise approach the original application. Applicants must submit budget using same budget format was used the parent” award. Any budgetary changes the remainder the project period the current grant must discussed the Budget Justification. Any significant budgetary changes the remainder the project period the current grant must discussed the Budget Justification. Include following additional information the revision application: a) Specific Aims.  Summarize activities were included the parent” grant encompass those proposed the revision request. section should include description the revision’s specific aims, including research design methods data analysis. Describe relationship the revision request the parent” grant the impact the proposed work have the research field(s) involved. b) Research Strategy. research strategy section, limited 12 pages, should discuss the cortical neurophysiology expertise the existing research resource the current parent grant be leveraged synergized the expertise the collaborating neurosurgical team, address scientific technical issues the Grand Challenge. c) Budget.  budget format must the same that the parent grant. Budget the revision a justification details items requested, including Facilities Administrative costs a justification all personnel their role this project. budget provided the revision application must match budget provided the parent” application. instance, the parent” application submitted using Modular budget component, the revision application must also the Modular budget component. d) Biographical Sketch PD/PI all new Senior/Key Personnel those are additions the revision project). will need include updated biographical Sketch the PD/PI new Senior/Key Personnel, using forms, are available MS PDF is need repeat information previously provided other Senior/Key Personnel. e) Human Subjects/Vertebrate Animal documentation applicable). Include current Human Subjects/IRB Vertebrate Animals/IACUC approval letter, available. Otherwise, will required the time funding. appropriate IRB IACUC approvals must in place prior a revision award being made. Any differences the involvement use human subjects specimens, use vertebrate animals, between administrative revision activity the parent grant should noted. appropriate, details should provided the protection human subjects inclusion women, children, minorities. Additional guidance Human Subjects Research Vertebrate Animals provided under Part II the PHS 398 instructions electronic applications R01, R37): the SF424 R&R) Application Guide available at: ttp://  (MS 3.5 MB])…  PDF 4.5 MB]). Inquiries Applicants are  encouraged discuss plans responding this Notice phone e-mail NINDS Program Directors listed below. Scientific inquiries also directed the NIH Program Directors oversee parent grant associated the competitive revision request.  Dr. Daofen Chen Dr. James Gnadt Program Directors Systems Cognitive Neuroscience National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke Neuroscience Center 6001 Executive Blvd Rockville, MD 20892 301) 496-9964 Email:;
Research Category: CounterACT Expiration Date: Friday, January 1, 2027 NOFO Number: NOT-NS-10-011 Release Date: Friday, March 5, 2010 Notice Type: NOT

Notice Intent Publish Funding Opportunity Announcements Countermeasures Against Chemical Threats CounterACT) Cooperative Research Projects U01) Research Centers Excellence U54) Notice Number: NOT-NS-10-011 Key Dates Release Date: March 5, 2010 Issued National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke NINDS) Purpose nbsp; National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke NINDS) intends issue Funding Opportunity Announcements FOAs) the spring 2010: ldquo;Countermeasures Against Chemical Threats CounterACT) Research Centers Excellence U54)” ldquo;Countermeasures Against Chemical Threats CounterACT) Cooperative Research Projects U01)”.  goal both initiatives to provide support translational research develop therapeutics reducing mortality morbidity caused acute exposures chemical threat agents. Chemical threats toxic chemicals could used a terrorist attack accidentally released industrial production, storage shipping.  scope the research supported within milestone-driven translational program includes target candidate identification characterization, through candidate optimization demonstration in vivo efficacy, through Investigational New Drug IND) submission clinical trials appropriate. a description the CounterACT program.  CounterACT research program utilize Research Centers Excellence U54) Cooperative Research Projects U01) support to 5 years translational research.  Chemical threats be covered include pulmonary agents e.g. chlorine, phosgene), toxic industrial chemicals e.g. cyanide, pesticides), chemical nerve agents e.g. sarin, VX), others.  NIH intends commit approximately 12 million per year Fiscal Years 2011, 2012, 2013 fund new and/or competing renewal U01 U54 awards.  Because nature scope the proposed research vary application application, is anticipated the size duration each award also vary. total amount awarded the number awards depend the number, quality, duration, costs the applications received.  is anticipated several NIH Institutes, including National Eye Institute NEI), National Institute Allergy Infectious Diseases NIAID), National Institute Arthritis Musculoskeletal Skin Diseases NIAMS), Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute Child Health Human Development NICHD), National Institute Environmental Health Sciences NIEHS), the National Institute General Medical Sciences NIGMS), also participate this funding opportunity announcement.  notice being provided allow potential applicants sufficient time develop responsive projects.  APPLICATIONS NOT BEING REQUESTED THIS TIME. Inquiries Direct inquiries regarding Notice to: David A. Jett, Ph.D. Program Director, NIH CounterACT Research National Institutes Health, NINDS 6001 Executive Blvd. NSC, Room 2177, MSC 9527 Bethesda, MD 20892-9527 Telephone: 301-496-6035 Fax: 301-402-1501

Expiration Date: Friday, January 1, 2027 NOFO Number: NOT-NS-10-010 Release Date: Thursday, March 4, 2010 Notice Type: NOT
NINDS Support M.D./Ph.D. Students Now the F31 Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award Mechanism Notice Number: NOT-NS-10-010 Key Dates Release Date:  March 4, 2010 Issued National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke NINDS), Background National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke NINDS) considers training outstanding predoctoral M.D./Ph.D. students neuroscience research be critical the mission reducing burden neurological diseases. nbsp;For last 9 years, NINDS supported M.D./Ph.D. students the F30 Ruth Kirschstein National Research Service Award NRSA).  enhance support time devoted research training during M.D./Ph.D., NINDS now an F31 NRSA mechanism, PAR-10-091 specifically designed M.D./Ph.D. students, place the F30 mechanism. F31 mechanism M.D./Ph.D students being implemented NINDS support students starting early the research portion their training, eliminating requirement graduate research publications and/or preliminary data the grant review process. F31 applications M.D./Ph.D. students be reviewed an NINDS study section. Purpose NINDS remains firmly committed the support M.D./Ph.D. students. F31 NRSA fellowship provide individuals integrated M.D./Ph.D. programs up 5 years predoctoral NRSA support. nbsp;It differs the F30 mechanism that will provide support research leading the Ph.D. degree, not training is associated obtaining M.D. degree.  the change mechanism, NINDS instituting changes the review requirements will enhance ability students submit successful applications much earlier their M.D./Ph.D. training.  is suggested students submit F31 applications soon they chosen dissertation laboratory, could as early the end the medical school year prior the start full time dissertation research.  Taken together, changes preclude need preliminary data, increase support students during research years, potentially provide support immediately upon entering research laboratory. intent the NINDS to foster development independent M.D./Ph.D. investigators neuroscience advance Institute’s mission decrease burden neurological disorders.  High quality, creative research an essential element training a successful research career.  NINDS also regards development a comprehensive training plan outstanding mentoring critical a successful outcome.  Therefore, F31 FOA used NINDS support M.D./Ph.D. students places heavy emphasis only the opportunity doing high quality neuroscience research also the quality the overall training mentoring plan. nbsp;As described the funding opportunity announcement PAR-10-091), applicants should at least closely involved mentor an excellent track record training M.D./Ph.D. students should contact NINDS staff before preparing application ensure their research fits within NINDS mission. Applicants should sure reference correct program announcement applying fellowship support ensure proposals reviewed the appropriate NINDS study section. Inquiries Direct questions this Notice to: Stephen J. Korn, Ph.D. Director Training Career Development NIH/NINDS Neuroscience Center, Room 2186 6001 Executive Blvd MSC 9531 Bethesda, MD 20892-9531 E-mail:
Expiration Date: Friday, January 1, 2027 NOFO Number: NOT-NS-10-012 Release Date: Wednesday, March 3, 2010 Notice Type: NOT
Notice Availability Administrative Supplements Roadmap Assay Development HTS Awards National Institute Neurological Disorders & Stroke) Notice Number: NOT-NS-10-012 Key Dates Release Date: nbsp;March 3, 2010 Issued National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke NINDS) Background NIH Molecular Libraries Imaging Roadmap Initiative a major NIH effort broaden access rapid assay technologies.  overall goal the Initiative to facilitate creation a public database biological information small molecule chemical structures, then seeds further development small molecule pharmacological tools biological research.  Assay Development HTS Program one component this Initiative, funds development adaptation biological assays use automated high throughput molecular screening HTS).  is intended this Program promote development automated screening projects can submitted the Molecular Libraries Probe Production Centers Network MLPCN:, employs library chemical compounds are part the Molecular Libraries Small Molecule Repository.  Purpose 2010, administrative supplements be provided NINDS-relevant projects funded the Roadmap Molecular Libraries Assay Development HTS Program.  Investigators successfully submitting new, HTS-ready projects this Program the MLPCN, via ldquo;Fast Track direct entry” process described the RM-08-024 announcement, request supplement up 50,000 total cost) NINDS.  Submitting Administrative Supplement Request Investigator required clarify a letter the funds be used support collaboration the assigned MLSCN Center.  is expected the funds enable Investigator participate probe development activities are related their project.  activities include, are limited to, direct secondary screening support, the provision specialty reagents required the HTS.  activities complement, not directly overlap, those proposed funded other sources. Qualifying Investigators must an active grant award, are encouraged file no-cost extension this award needed permit administrative supplementation during HTS collaboration.  IMPORTANT:  research proposed the NIH grantee the supplement application must within original scope the NIH-supported grant project.  funding mechanism being used support program, administrative supplements, be used cover cost increases are associated achieving certain new research objectives long they within original scope the project.  Any cost increases need result making modifications the project order take advantage opportunities would increase value the project consistent its originally approved objectives purposes. Requests be accepted until end August, 2010, will reviewed a monthly basis. Inquiries further information, contact: Mark Scheideler, Ph.D. Senior Scientific Officer Program Director, Molecular Libraries Assay Diversity Office Translational Research, NINDS National Institutes Health 6001 Executive Blvd., Room nbsp;2107 Bethesda, Maryland 20892-9527, U.S.A.  Phone: 301-496.1779 Fax: 301-402.1501 Email:
Expiration Date: Friday, January 1, 2027 NOFO Number: NOT-NS-10-008 Release Date: Tuesday, February 23, 2010 Notice Type: NOT
NINDS Administrative Supplements Collaborative Activities Promote Translational Research CAPTR) Notice Number: NOT-NS-10-008 Key Dates Release Date:  February 23, 2010          Receipt Date:  April 26, 2010 Earliest Anticipated Start Date:  August 1, 2010   Issued National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke NINDS), Purpose National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke NINDS) announces availability one-year administrative supplements NINDS-funded grantees stimulate new interdisciplinary collaborations translational research.  proposed studies must within scope the peer-reviewed activities specified within NINDS parent award collaborators not a significant history joint interactions. Background Collaborative activities are, nature, difficult coordinate oversee activities led a single investigator.  fiscal constraints the current climate it increasingly difficult individual investigators advance their careers remain productive without outside collaborations.  2007, NIH implemented new policy recognize multiple principal investigators grant submissions support team-led science.  wealth basic research discoveries numerous neurological disorders makes an opportune time stimulate translation these discoveries clinical applications.  success this type collaboration often dependent upon pairing investigators different backgrounds expertise.  program seeks support new interactions this type will move basic research activities towards translational outcomes.  is anticipated these administrative supplements be successful generating pilot data translational R21s, U01s, U54s, such those overseen NINDS’ Office Translational Research, for new R01 P01 grant submissions the NIH. the end the activity, supported investigators be required submit brief 1-2 page) summary the findings, relevant publications, future plans the collaboration.  Sharing any resource developed these funds should also described within summary. CAPTR program initiated 2007 continued 2008 2009.  is fourth solicitation the program.  Eligibility Before submitting application a collaborative administrative supplement, grantees should communicate their Program Director(s) discuss planned application.  proposed collaboration must new.  Investigators a significant history collaboration including co-authored publications, excepting review articles) not eligible apply jointly this supplement.  Likewise, collaboration should already apparent supported through funded NIH activity.  new, collaborating investigator must an independent appointment his her own laboratory space not a postdoctoral fellow other research personnel within laboratory the NINDS funded Program Director/Principal Investigator PD/PI).  pairing a basic an applied clinical, epidemiologic) investigator encouraged, not required.  pairing a senior a junior investigator also required; investigators all stages their careers encouraged participate.  application should propose either functional, mechanistic, pre-clinical activities designed move basic discovery towards translational endpoint the near future.  Proposals focused understanding biological mechanism underlying clinical observation also responsive.  Importantly, clinical relevance should well-defined movement towards goal should supported within proposal.  uniqueness interdisciplinary nature the research activity should also highlighted, well its relationship the parent grant.  proposed studies must within scope the peer-reviewed activities specified the parent award.  Proposals should be designed recover funds review-recommended administrative cuts the parent award provide cost extensions activities failed re-compete the peer review process, change parent grant a single PD/PI Multiple PD/PI award.  addition, should be used support incremental basic advances a field e.g., refinement a signaling pathway), technology development, generation a standard transgenic animal model without immediate translational impact.  supplements also intended support clinical interventions.  Imaging studies involving human subjects allowed long the clinical protocol Institutional Review Board IRB)-approved under IRB review the time submission. program support administrative supplements Research Project R00 R01), conditional seven-year Javits award highly meritorious applications R37), Program Project P01) awards NINDS grantees.  Parent awards must actively funded through July 31, 2011 order be eligible.  Grants are a no-cost extension period beginning or before August 1, 2011) not considered support under supplement program.  Only CAPTR supplement request be submitted per PD/PI per year.  both collaborating investigators PD/PIs independent NINDS R00, R01, R37 P01 grants, can submit joint supplement application requests support both awards ldquo;How Apply”, ldquo;Submitting Application”, ldquo;Budget Information” sections below). Resubmitted CAPTR applications encouraged long the applicant discussed the weaknesses the original submission be addressed their NINDS Program Director.  should noted the cover letter the application a resubmission. IMPORTANT:  research proposed the NIH grantee the supplement application must within original scope the NIH-supported grant project.  funding mechanism being used support program, administrative supplements, be used cover cost increases are associated achieving certain new research objectives long they within original scope the project.  Any cost increases need result making modifications the project order take advantage opportunities would increase value the project consistent its originally approved objectives purposes. to Apply is one-time announcement.  Applications must received or before April 26, 2010.  not send applications the Center Scientific Review.  Applicants strongly encouraged submit applications electronically an e-mail attachment PDF format clearly visible signatures the PD/PI Authorized Organizational Representative AOR)] the individual address below.  Applications be submitted paper format electronic submission not available.  Collaborative activities involve than administrative supplement request associated different NINDS grants and, potentially, different institutions) should note clearly the submission.  these cases, only complete application should submitted along a separate cover letter, budget page justification, face page, any biosketches/letters/resource pages pertinent the additional site.  role each site should clearly delineated within body the application.   nbsp;   Dr. Timothy Lavaute National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke Neuroscience Center, Room 2141 6001 Executive Blvd Rockville, MD 20892 Email: Submitting Application Applications an administrative supplement under program should the PHS 398 form rev. 6/2009; available, must include following: 1. Cover letter requesting supplement, identifying notice, number title the parent grant, providing full contact information the PD/PI.  separate title the collaborative activity should also provided this letter.  the activity involves submission two independent administrative supplement requests, name, institution, NINDS grant number the collaborating PD/PI should also provided, well the additional documents listed under ldquo;How Apply” above.) 2. Face page Form Page 1). title the project Box 1) should the title the parent award. Notice number title) should cited Box 2, the ldquo;yes” box should checked. Program Director/Principal Investigator PD/PI) must the same the PD/PI the parent award.  grants awarded Multiple PD/PI, current contact PD/PI must listed the administrative supplement application.  Subproject PIs P01 awards not eligible apply these supplements. remaining items the face page should filled according the PHS 398 application instructions. 3. Form Page 2 Summary, Relevance, Project/Performance Sites, Senior/Key Personnel, Significant Contributors, Human Embryonic Stem Cells) PHS 398. project description that the administrative supplement, the parent grant.  new co-investigator(s) collaborator(s) should noted within Additional Project/Performance Site Location applicable) Scientific/Key Personnel sections.  4. Biosketch(es) any new key co-investigator(s) collaborator(s) should provided are listed within parent grant(s).  NIH encourages applicants limit list selected peer-reviewed publications manuscripts press no than 15.  letter commitment the new participant(s) should also included indicated below.  5. Resources page(s) new key personnel named the parent grant(s). 6. Proposed budget the supplement a budget justification details items requested.  ldquo;Budget Information” section below. 7. Proposed research activities performed under supplement should consist items 2-3 Specific aims Research Strategy) delineated under PHS 398 Research Plan should exceed five pages.  Font size restrictions apply designated the PHS 398 rev. 6/2009) instructions. research plan the supplement should include Specific Aims Section 2 the PHS 398 Research Plan), Research Strategy Section 3, includes Significance, Innovation, Approach).  relationship the collaborative activity the parent grant should included under research strategy.  the collaboration involves than administrative supplement request, contribution each laboratory should clearly delineated within section. Bibliography References Cited Section 5 the PHS 398 Research Plan) should included.  of human subjects the proposed research should discussed detail, adhering instructions under Sections 6-9 the PHS 398 Research Plan.  Any differences the of human subjects specimens between administrative supplement activity the parent grant should noted.  appropriate, details should provided the protection human subjects inclusion women, children, minorities.  Additional guidance Human Subjects Research provided under Part II the PHS 398 instructions  non-exempt human subject analyses proposed, clinical study protocol associated consent forms should provided along the status IRB approval. Vertebrate Animals: follow Section 10 the PHS 398 Research Plan instructions. Select Agent Research, Consortium/Contractual Arrangements, Letters Support, Resource Sharing Plan sections should completed described the PHS 398 instructions.  letter the new, collaborating investigator should provided include discussion his/her involvement the activity. Multiple Program Directors/Principal Investigators PDs/PIs) Leadership Plan not required.  Appendices supplemental material excluding clinical protocols consent forms) not accepted.  nbsp;Review Criteria Applications be reviewed administratively a committee NIH staff.  Awards be determined the basis scientific merit, translational impact, potential promote new interdisciplinary interactions, innovation, programmatic relevance, availability funds.  added value the underlying activity the parent grant(s) its realistic scope given one year commitment also taken consideration.  funding decisions final not subject appeal.  anticipated awards be no later September 30, 2010. appropriate IRB IACUC approvals must in place prior a supplement award being made.  Budget Funding Information Applicants request to 50,000 direct costs excluding consortium Facilities Administrative F&A) costs] the one-year duration an administrative supplement under program.  least investigator within collaboration must the Program Director/Principal Investigator an NINDS supported grant.  PD/PI either the funds support or part the collaborative activity, participation a collaborator/co-investigator their home institution, subcontract an outside investigator(s) support his/her involvement.  maximum direct cost request an individual NINDS grantee 50,000.  two NINDS grantees submitting joint CAPTR application, can request to 50,000 direct costs an administrative supplement each two independent grants.  maximum direct cost request a joint CAPTR application cannot exceed 100,000; each individual PD/PI only participate one CAPTR submission per year.  duration each award limited one year.  Facilities Administrative F&A) costs be paid the full, negotiated rate.  Applicants should provide detailed budget justification personnel costs, supplies, other expenses.  Salary support the PD/PI, co-investigators, collaborators not permitted can requested technicians, graduate students, postdoctoral associates, and/or research personnel.  purchase equipment not allowed.  fiscal year 2010, NINDS plans commit to 1,000,000 total costs towards administrative supplement program, a maximum 13 awards anticipated.    Inquiries Applicants encouraged discuss plans responding this Notice phone e-mail.  Scientific inquiries should directed the NINDS Program Director oversees parent grant associated the administrative supplement request.  General inquiries the CAPTR supplement program be directed to: Dr. Jane W. Fountain Program Director National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke Neuroscience Center, Room 2110 6001 Executive Blvd Rockville, MD 20892 301) 496-1431 Email:
Expiration Date: Friday, January 1, 2027 NOFO Number: NOT-NS-10-006 Release Date: Friday, January 29, 2010 Notice Type: NOT
Notice Intent Publish Program Announcement Research Grant Applications Supporting Validation Novel Therapeutic Targets Huntington’s Disease R01) Notice Number: NOT-NS-10-006 Key Dates Release Date: January 29, 2010 Issued National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke NINDS) Purpose nbsp; National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke NINDS) intends issue Program Announcement set-aside funds February/March 2010 provide support R01 research project grant applications directed the validation novel molecular targets disease-modifying therapeutic intervention Huntington’s disease. program announcement Validation Novel Therapeutic Targets Huntington’s Disease HD), represents collaborative effort between NINDS CHDI Foundation, Inc. CHDI) directed further characterizing novel molecular targets HD therapeutic development.  CHDI provide funds NINDS extend NINDS’ ability support awards under PAS.  anticipate will sufficient funds make 8-9 R01 awards fiscal year 2011 assuming average direct costs 250,000 per year an average length four years). nbsp; Research proposals responsive the FOA have following characteristics: target(s) a demonstrated direct causal relationship HD manipulated genetically pharmacologically an vitro orinvertebrate model HD. Application a minimum set best-practice guidelines genetic and/or pharmacological manipulation the target rodent other vivo mammalian models HD. notice being provided allow potential applicants sufficient time develop responsive projects.  APPLICATIONS NOT BEING SOLICITED THIS TIME. Inquiries Direct inquiries regarding Notice to: Margaret Sutherland, Ph.D. Program Director, Neurodegeneration National Institutes Health, NINDS 6001 Executive Blvd. NSC, Room 2222, MSC 9527 Bethesda, MD 20892-9527 Telephone: 301-496-5680 Fax: 301-480-1080 E-mail:
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