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Expiration Date: Friday, January 1, 2027 NOFO Number: NOT-NS-10-023 Release Date: Thursday, July 22, 2010 Notice Type: NOT
Request Information RFI): Tools Resources Neuroscience Research Notice Number: NOT-NS-10-023 Key Dates Release Date:  July 22, 2010 Response Due By: September 23, 2010 Issued National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke NINDS), Purpose is time-sensitive Request Information RFI), purpose which to assess scientific needs opportunities tool resource development neuroscience neurology. Background NINDS-funded research resources support development dissemination tools, collections, service facilities advance basic, translational clinical neuroscience research… selected examples).  planning future investments research resources, NINDS soliciting input the neuroscience neurological disease research advocacy communities identify areas greatest need. Information Requested Identify areas research could accelerated the development specific research resources. Describe 2-3 highest priority tools resources needed capitalize scientific opportunities overcome obstacles progress research. Describe NINDS might best facilitate development these tools/resources. Name Institutional Affiliation Email address Responses Responses must submitted electronically using web-based form, will accepted through 09/23/2010.  Responses individual questions voluntary may anonymous.  Proprietary, classified, confidential, sensitive information should be included your response.  Government reserves right use any non-proprietary technical information any resultant solicitation(s).  Request Information RFI) for information planning purposes only should be construed a solicitation as obligation the part the Federal Government, National Institutes Health NIH), and/or National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke NINDS). NIH does intend award grant contract pay the preparation any information submitted for NIH’s of such information.  Respondents not notified the NIH evaluation the information received.  basis claims against NIH shall arise a result a response this request information the NIH’s of such information either part our evaluation process in developing specifications any subsequent announcement.  Responses be held confidential. nbsp;Proprietary information should be sent. Inquiries Specific questions this RFI should directed the contact listed below: Anna Taylor, PhD 6001 Executive Boulevard, Room 3303 Bethesda, MD 20892 Phone: 301) 496-9248 Email:
Expiration Date: Friday, January 1, 2027 NOFO Number: NOT-AI-10-035 Release Date: Monday, June 28, 2010 Notice Type: NOT
Extension Expiration Date Additional Receipt Dates RFA AI-10-014: Ancillary Studies Immunomodulation Clinical Trials R01) Notice Number: NOT-AI-10-035 Key Dates Release Date:  June 28, 2010 Opening Date:   Thirty days prior Letter intent Date. Letters Intent Receipt Date(s): Thirty days prior application receipt date Application Due Date(s): September 9, 2010; December 9, 2010, March 9, 2011 Peer Review Date(s): approximately twelve weeks after receipt date Council Review Date(s): Special Electronic Council Earliest Anticipated Start Date(s): approximately 17 weeks after receipt Expiration Date: March 10, 2011 Issued National Institute Allergy Infectious Diseases NIAID) National Institute Arthritis Musculoskeletal Skin Diseases NIAMS) National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke NINDS) National Institute Diabetes Digestive Kidney Diseases NIDDK) Purpose purpose this notice to extend expiration date RFA-AI-10-014 Ancillary Studies Immunomodulation Clinical Trials R01) March 10, 2011, to add following additional receipt dates: September 9, 2010; December 9, 2010; March 9, 2011. participating NIH Institutes intend commit approximately 2M FY2011 fund 4-5 new grants support ancillary immune mechanistic studies conjunction independently supported clinical trials immunomodulatory interventions immune system mediated diseases vaccine clinical trials non-HIV/AIDS infectious diseases. than changes noted above, aspects RFA-AI-10-014 remain unchanged. Inquiries encourage inquiries concerning funding opportunity welcome opportunity answer questions potential applicants. Inquiries fall three areas: scientific/research program), peer review, financial grants management issues. Interested parties contact: 1. Scientific/Research Contact(s): Annette L. Rothermel, Ph.D. Division Allergy, Immunology Transplantation National Institute Allergy Infectious Diseases Room 3020, MSC-6601 6610 Rockledge Drive Bethesda, MD 20892- 6601 Telephone: 301-496-7104 Fax: 301-480-1450 Email:   Yan Wang, M.D., Ph.D. Division Skin Rheumatic Diseases, Extramural Program National Institute Arthritis Musculoskeletal Skin Diseases Democracy Plaza, Suite 800, MSC-4872 6701 Democracy Boulevard Bethesda, MD 20892-4872 Phone: 301-594-5032 Fax: 301-480-1284 Email:  Ursula Utz, Ph.D. Neural Environment Program National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke Room 213, MSC-9521 6001 Executive Boulevard Bethesda, MD 20892-9521 Phone: 301-496-1431 FAX: 301-402-1501Email:  Beena Akolkar, Ph.D. Division Diabetes, Endocrinology, Metabolic Diseases National Institute Diabetes Digestive Kidney Diseases Room 681, MSC-5460 6707 Democracy Boulevard Bethesda, MD 20892-5460 Phone: 301-594-8812 FAX: 301-480-3503 Email: 2. Peer Review Contact(s): Paul Amstad, Ph.D. Division Extramural Activities National Institute Allergy Infectious Diseases Room 3121, MSC-7616 6700B Rockledge Drive Bethesda, MD 20892-7616 Bethesda, MD 20817 express mail) Telephone: 301-402-7098 Fax: 301-480-2408 Email: 3. Financial/Grants Management Contact(s): Victoria P. Connors Division Extramural Activities National Institute Allergy Infectious Diseases Room 2122, MSC-7614 6700 B Rockledge Drive Bethesda, MD 20892-7614 Phone: 301) 402-5065 Fax: 301) 493-0597 Email:  
Expiration Date: Friday, January 1, 2027 NOFO Number: NOT-NS-10-022 Release Date: Friday, June 25, 2010 Notice Type: NOT
Notice Intent Publish Series Request Applications the NINDS Epilepsy Centers without Walls Program U54) Notice Number: NOT-NS-10-022 Key Dates Release Date:  June 25, 2010 Issued National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke NINDS) Purpose NINDS announcing plans the Epilepsy Centers without Walls Program Promote Collaborative Research the Epilepsies.  program support multicenter, multidisciplinary consortia solve specific research challenges will lead advances prevention, diagnosis, treatment the epilepsies related comorbidities. program bring together best investigators, regardless geographic location, is novel innovative approach harnessing best research address difficult needs a particular field.  fall 2010, NINDS expects issue first a series Request Applications RFA) targeting specified challenges will support to five Centers without Walls, beginning FY2011 adding new center year.  Because nature scope the proposed research vary application application, is anticipated the size duration each award also vary.  Although actual support depend the scope a Center’s proposed goals, NINDS anticipates supporting Center up 3 million direct costs per year five years.  Progress toward measurable goals determine eligibility a single competitive renewal. NINDS currently working develop challenge topics be addressed the first Centers without Walls RFAs.  Toward end, NINDS hold workshops summer 2010 assess readiness broad collaboration research human epilepsy genetics, on model therapy development pharmacoresistant epilepsy the prevention epileptogenesis. addition, NINDS held workshop fall 2008 research needs opportunities sudden unexpected death epilepsy SUDEP).   three workshops provide important information the current state the science potential opportunities accelerate progress through collaborative approaches.         parallel this Notice Intent Publish, NINDS issuing Request Information: Scientific Collaborative Considerations Associated the NINDS Epilepsy Centers without Walls Program NOT-NS-10-020).  NINDS seeking information will useful developing upcoming workshops the Epilepsy Center without Walls solicitations. APPLICATIONS NOT BEING SOLICITED THIS TIME. Inquiries Direct inquiries regarding Notice to: Brandy Fureman, PhD Program Director, Epilepsies National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke National Institutes Health Phone: 301-496-1917
Expiration Date: Friday, January 1, 2027 NOFO Number: NOT-NS-10-020 Release Date: Friday, June 25, 2010 Notice Type: NOT
Request Information: Scientific Collaborative Considerations Associated the NINDS Epilepsy Centers without Walls Program Notice Number: NOT-NS-10-020 Key Dates Release Date:  June 25, 2010 Response Due By:  August 6, 2010 Issued National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke NINDS) Purpose National Institute Neurological Disorders amp; Stroke NINDS) considering issuing series Funding Opportunity Announcements FOAs) the NINDS Epilepsy Centers without Walls Program Promote Collaborative Research the Epilepsies, newly envisioned cooperative agreement program will engage epilepsy research community collaborations solve challenges related the Epilepsy Research Benchmarks purpose this Request Information RFI) to solicit input will help guide development this new program.  Background epilepsies a diverse group chronic neurological disorders characterized spontaneous, recurring seizures. Collectively, disorders estimated affect approximately 3 million Americans all ages ethnic groups, a lifetime risk age 80 3%. highest incidence epilepsy in early childhood, the population the fastest growing incidence the elderly. a majority people epilepsy, medicines and/or surgical interventions control seizures, yet seizures continue about one-third cases even the best available treatment, sometimes leading devastating consequences.  Moreover, anti-epileptic treatments adverse side effects, no effective interventions exist prevent development epilepsy those risk.  Beyond seizures, sudden unexplained death epilepsy SUDEP) comorbid conditions, such depression cognitive behavioral impairments, increasingly recognized part a broader spectrum problems associated epilepsy. NINDS the lead NIH Institute research the epilepsies has supported important contributions past recent advances.  However, challenges remain epilepsy research.  further accelerate progress toward goals no seizures, side effects, the prevention epilepsy those risk, NINDS implementing new initiatives epilepsy research, including NINDS Epilepsy Centers without Walls Program Promote Collaborative Research the Epilepsies. program support multicenter, multidisciplinary consortia solve specific research challenges will lead advances prevention, diagnosis, treatment the epilepsies related comorbidities. program bring together best investigators, regardless geographic location, is novel innovative approach harnessing best research address difficult needs a particular field. NINDS expects issue first a series Request Applications RFA) this program fall 2010.  first RFAs likely focus human epilepsy genetics animal models epileptogenesis pharmacoresistance translational drug development. RFA soliciting planning grant applications a Center without Walls Sudden Unexpected Death Epilepsy SUDEP) also anticipated fall 2010. Recent planned NINDS workshops these topics be source input the key challenges Centers without Walls program should address.  NINDS hold workshops the areas human epilepsy genetics animal models epileptogenesis pharmacoresistance late summer, 2010.  NINDS previously held workshop SUDEP November 2008.  summary the meeting, includes research priorities identified during proceedings, in preparation. first workshop focus the state the science current large scale epilepsy genetic efforts. workshop assess readiness broad collaboration a US-based consortium how remove barriers collaboration this area. is hoped consensus begin be reached topics such as: priorities, phenotyping standards, retroactive of samples data, informatics data systems issues, informed consent future studies, functional validation studies, data sharing publication policies.  second workshop expected focus animal models epileptogenesis pharmacoresistance suitable translational research studies. purpose this workshop to assess utility available models developing testing new therapies prevent epileptogenesis, modify course epilepsy, to control seizures conditions remain resistant currently available treatment options.  workshop explore relevance these models specific clinical populations i.e., people develop epilepsy after traumatic brain injury, stroke, prolonged status epilepticus, etc.), regulatory barriers trial design, validation requirements candidate criteria preclinical intervention studies.  Information Requested NINDS seeking information will useful developing upcoming workshops the Epilepsy Center without Walls solicitations. Specifically, NINDS requests input the following areas please note it not required address areas order respond; feel free focus those items which are most interested addressing): Challenges exist investigators institutions establishing effective, large-scale, geographically dispersed collaborations.  Unique challenges collaboration the areas human genetics, animal models epileptogenesis pharmacoresistance, and/or Sudden Unexpected Death Epilepsy SUDEP). Lessons learned collaborative experiences other disorders are applicable the epilepsies. your experience, approaches models fostering collaborative research find be most effective, why. Approaches models have worked well. Key questions are currently obstacles further progress human genetics, translation therapies epileptogenesis pharmacoresistant epilepsy, and/or SUDEP. questions that  should asked the upcoming workshops human epilepsy genetics animal models epileptogenesis pharmacoresistance.  Recent advances emerging research should included. topic areas should considered an Epilepsy Center without Walls solicitation future years. Responses Responses should submitted electronically via web-based form available Replies individual questions optional, the site permit anonymous responses.  Responses be accepted through August 6, 2010.  Confidentiality Responses this RFI voluntary may anonymous.  Any identifiers e.g., names, institutions, e-mail addresses, etc) be removed responses compiled.  Only processed, anonymized results be shared internally scientific working groups convened the NIH, appropriate. Proprietary, classified, confidential, sensitive information should be included your response.  Government reserves right use any non-proprietary technical information any resultant solicitation(s).  RFI for information planning purposes only should be construed a solicitation as obligation the part the Federal Government, National Institutes Health NIH), and/or National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke NINDS). NIH does intend award grant contract pay the preparation any information submitted for NIH’s of such information.  Respondents be notified the NIH evaluation the information received.  basis claims against NIH shall arise a result a response this request information the NIH’s of such information either part our evaluation process in developing specifications any subsequent announcement.  Responses be held confidential. Proprietary information should be sent. Inquiries Specific questions this RFI should directed the contact listed below: Brandy Fureman, PhD Program Director, Epilepsies National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke National Institutes Health Phone: 301-496-1917
Expiration Date: Friday, January 1, 2027 NOFO Number: NOT-NS-10-021 Release Date: Friday, June 11, 2010 Notice Type: NOT
Notice Availability NINDS Administrative Supplements Promoting Optogenetics Applications Basic Translational Neuroscience Research Notice Number: NOT-NS-10-021 Key Dates Release Date:   June 11, 2010 Receipt Date:  July 16, 2010 Earliest Anticipated Start Date:  September 1, 2010 Issued National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke NINDS), Purpose National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke NINDS) announces availability one-time administrative supplements NINDS-funded grantees promote facilitate applications optogenetic techniques basic translational neuroscience research.  proposed studies must within scope the peer-reviewed activities specified the NINDS parent award.  Background Scope Interests ability simultaneously activate silence specific groups neurons real time, to record activities, a powerful approach cellular circuit level analysis nervous system function.  Optogenetics, rapidly developing technique uses hybrid genetics, virology fluorescence optics, allows neuroscientists manipulate activity selected cell populations living animals spatial temporal precision.  provides sophisticated approaches exploring neural underpinnings behavior.  technique begun yield important data, it widely believed broader utilization have major impacts cellular systems neuroscience, both basic science translational research applications.  research groups interested acquiring technology have undertaken first steps this process e.g., obtaining reagents required biosafety approvals), need additional hands-on experience order establish method within own labs. is also critical this stage engage systems neurophysiologists further development this new approach, because rigorous vivo studies needed validate data-generating tool under variety experimental conditions.  supplement program intended allow currently active NINDS PIs intend use optogentics short term supplemental funding will enable to add new technology their arsenals. supplement be specifically targeted parent projects focus basic translational neuroscience research using vivo experimental approaches mammalian animal models.  proposed studies must within scope the peer-reviewed activities specified the NINDS-supported parent award.  is expected the application demonstrates scientific technical readiness employing optogenetics work under current NINDS-funded projects. Specific research activities include, are limited to: Efforts develop refine techniques tools can enhance effectiveness optogenetic application, including targeting delivering approaches specific circuitry neuronal populations interest; Efforts address issues related safety efficiency the optogentics non-human primates; Developing conducting workshops courses disseminate technique to provide training the neuroscience community the most up-to-date optogenetic techniques; Acquisition equipment e.g. optics such blue/yellow lasers) supplies e.g. viral vectors, DNA, cell-specific promoters) employing optogentic techniques on-going funded projects; Research development further expanding optogenetic toolbox its applications. Eligibility program support administrative supplements Research Project R00 R01), conditional seven-year Javits award highly meritorious applications R37), Program Project P01 P50) awards NINDS grantees.  supplement be specifically targeted parent projects focus basic translational neuroscience research using in vivo experimental approach mammalian animal models.  Parent awards must actively funded through July 31, 2010 order be eligible.  Any no-cost extension must in place before submission the revision application. While grants will in no-cost extension period NCE beginning or after July 31, 2010) be considered support under supplement program, priority be given parent grants are active through September 30, 2011.  Only supplement request response this Notice be submitted per PI.  Parent grants have received NINDS administrative supplements FY2010 through programs than this Notice still considered. Before submitting application a collaborative administrative supplement, grantees should communicate their Program Director(s) discuss planned application.  IMPORTANT:  research proposed the NIH grantee the supplement application must within original scope the NIH-supported grant project.  funding mechanism being used support program, administrative supplements, be used cover cost increases are associated achieving certain new research objectives long they within original scope the project.  Any cost increases need result making modifications the project order take advantage opportunities would increase value the project consistent its originally approved objectives purposes. Submitting Administrative Supplement Request be considered an administrative supplement, submit request writing the Institute/Center, to Division Receipt Referral, Center Scientific Review. request must signed the authorized Business Official describe need additional funding the categorical costs. Requests under notice should the PHS 398 forms rev. 6/2009; available include following elements the request packet. Font size restrictions apply designated within PHS398 rev. 6/2009) instructions.) 1) Cover Letter - Citing Notice NOT-NS-10-021), request an Administrative Supplement, the following information: Project Director/Principal Investigator PD/PI) name Parent grant number title Amount the requested supplement Name title the institutional official, Phone, email, address information both PD/PI institutional official Separate title the collaborative activity should also provided this letter.  (If activity involves submission two independent administrative supplement requests, name, institution, NINDS grant number the collaborating PI should also provided, well the additional documents listed under to Apply”) cover letter must signed the authorized organizational representative/institutional official. 2) PHS 398 Form Page 1 Face page) MS Word  PDF title the project Box 1) should the title the parent award. Notice number title) should cited Box 2, the yes” box should checked. Principal Investigator PI) must the same the PI the parent award.  Multiple PI parent awards, Contact PI must the PI listed the supplement request, the supplement cannot change Multiple PI team.  remaining items the face page should filled in accordance the PHS 398 application instructions. 3) PHS 398 Form page 2 MS Word  PDF Note: project summary” that the administrative supplement, the parent grant. new co-investigator(s) collaborator(s) should noted under performance sites, along their institution(s). 4) brief proposal describing project, including: a) one page introduction. b) Scope the overall project the anticipated contribution the requested supplement to exceed five pages). Provide brief description the scope the overall project which supplemental request based. section should include description the supplement's specific aims, including research design methods data analysis.  Describe relationship the supplement request the parent grant. The applicant should note selection factors below), pay particular attention the degree readiness implementation the proposed work. c) Budget the supplement a justification details items requested, including Facilities Administrative costs.  Budget Funding Information below. d) Biographical Sketch all new key personnel those are additions the supplemental project) MS Word  PDF e) Resources page(s) new key personnel named the parent grant(s). f) Human Subjects/ Vertebrate Animal documentation applicable). Include current Human Subjects/IRB Vertebrate Animals/IACUC approval letter, available. Otherwise, will required the time funding. appropriate IRB IACUC approvals must in place prior a supplement award being made.  Any differences the involvement use human subjects specimens, use vertebrate animals, between administrative supplement activity the parent grant should noted.  appropriate, details should provided the protection human subjects inclusion women, children, minorities.  Additional guidance Human Subjects Research Vertebrate Animals provided under Part II the PHS 398 instructions   g) PHS 398 Checklist Form MS Word  PDF Selection Factors Administrative supplement requests be reviewed administratively NINDS Program Grants Management Staff.  Selection factors include following: Relevance the proposed activities the parent grant Adequate progress the parent grant appropriate the current stage the project Appropriate well-described plan accomplish goals within timeframe proposed Expertise the research team proposed conduct achieve goals supplemental study Potential enhance research capability to generate new results and/or interdisciplinary research opportunities Demonstration the lab’s readiness implementing proposed technology, such having required biosafety measures place, reagent procurement/production lined up, collaborations/consultations explicitly indicated, supporting letters provided where appropriate. Budget Funding Information Applicants request to 50,000 direct costs the one-year duration an administrative supplement under program. two NINDS grantees submitting joint application, can request to 50,000 direct costs an administrative supplement each the independent grants.  maximum direct cost request a joint application cannot exceed 100,000; each individual PD/PI only participate one submission.  duration each award limited one year.  Applicants must submit budget using same budget format was used the parent award.  Facilities Administrative F&A) costs be paid the full, negotiated rate. Applicants should provide detailed budget justification personnel costs, supplies, other expenses.  Salary support the PI co-investigators not permitted can requested technicians, graduate students, postdoctoral associates, and/or research personnel.  Funds be used support collaborators optogentics expertise, including provision reagents such viral constructs transgenic mice.     Reporting the end the activity, supported investigators be required submit brief 1-2 pages) summary the progress research and/or research training, relevant publications, plans future collaborations.  Sharing any data, resource, tools training materials developed these funds should also described within summary. to Apply is one-time announcement.  Applications must received or before July 16, 2010.   not send applications the NIH Center Scientific Review.  Submit original, hard copy the request packet original signatures the authorized business official) the address listed below.  Applications also submitted electronically an e-mail attachment PDF format clearly visible signatures the PD/PI Authorized Organizational Representative AOR). Collaborative activities involve than administrative supplement request associated different NINDS grants and, potentially, different institutions) should note clearly the e-mail communication.  these cases, only complete application should submitted along a separate cover letter, budget page justification, face page, any biosketches/letters/resource pages pertinent the additional site.  role each site should clearly delineated within body the application. Dr. Janet National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke Neuroscience Center, Room 2119 6001 Executive Blvd. Rockville, MD 20892 Email: Inquiries Applicants encouraged discuss plans responding this Notice phone e-mail.  Scientific inquiries should directed the NINDS Program Director oversees parent grant associated the administrative supplement request.  General inquiries this supplement program be directed to: Dr. Daofen Chen Program Director National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke Neuroscience Center, Room 2176 6001 Executive Blvd Rockville, MD 20892 301) 496-9964 Email:
Expiration Date: Friday, January 1, 2027 NOFO Number: NOT-HL-11-107 Release Date: Wednesday, June 9, 2010 Notice Type: NOT
Request Information RFI): Sleep Disorders Research Plan Notice Number: NOT-HL-11-107 Key Dates Release Date: June 9, 2010 Response Date: July 2, 2010 Issued National Heart, Lung, Blood Institute NHLBI) National Institute Alcohol Abuse Alcoholism NIAAA) National Institute Aging NIA) National Cancer Institute Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute Child Health amp; Human Development NICHD) National Center Complementary Alternative Medicine NCCAM) National Center Research Resources NCRR) National Institute Diabetes, Digestive Kidney Diseases NIDDK) National Institute Drug Abuse NIDA) National Institute Mental Health NIMH) National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke NINDS) National Institute Nursing Research NINR) Office Behavioral Social Sciences Research OBSSR) Office Research Women’s Health ORWH) Purpose NIH Revitalization Act 1993 42 USC Sec. 285b-7) calls the development a comprehensive plan identifies priorities respect sleep disorders research provides the coordination this research, the revision the plan appropriate.  last plan published 2003 now undergoing revision.  Background Planning Process Overview Comments submitted response this RFI inform National Centers Sleep Disorders Research NCSDR) participating NIH Institutes Centers the public perspective need biomedical sleep disorders research.  summary public comments a preliminary NIH planning document be presented discussion the next meeting the Sleep Disorders Research Advisory Board SDRAB) August 27, 2010, NIH, Bethesda, MD, disseminated public comment the NCSDR website  plan be finalized a second public SDRAB meeting approximately 10 months later.  NCSDR coordinates revision process a Trans-NIH Sleep Research Coordinating Committee. strategic planning process aims achieve following objectives: identify potential scientific programmatic goals priorities participating NIH sleep circadian research programs during next five years. enhance research translation, community engagement, commitments toward improving sleep health. identify implementable strategies support specific scientific goals. Definition Sleep disorders research, the purposes this Request Information, defined the basic science sleep circadian biology it applies all tissues organs; function(s) sleep circadian biology development, across levels biological organization across lifespan;  basic behavioral pathophysiological implications sleep loss untreated sleep disorders; societal social science relationships between sleep health including socioeconomic, racial/ethnic, gender disparities; safety performance; role sleep psychiatric, alcohol, substance abuse disorders; sleep chronic disease conditions; need training researchers health care providers; the need training researchers health care providers; the need educate patients, communities, the general public sleep sleep disorders.  Information Requested Members the health scientific community large, state local government officials, patient advocates, public interest organizations, community-based organizations, industry stakeholders, the general public invited respond any all the items listed below.  Comments linking sleep disorder research public health challenges the mission individual NIH Institutes Centers participating this RFI also welcomed.  Research Challenges mdash; describe key gaps barriers the science sleep circadian biology. nbsp;Gaps related research opportunities be any level scientific inquiry including knowledge acquisition basic, discovery, applied research), knowledge validation clinical trials comparative effective research), knowledge transfer education dissemination research), new technology development.  possible, please elaborate the specific scientific opportunity, clinical public health importance, technical feasibility suitability NIH investment.   Potential Solutions mdash; describe you believe be most innovative research approaches address key research challenges stimulate sleep circadian biomedical research. Trans-disciplinary Research mdash; recent advances sleep circadian research potentially inform scientific endeavors policies intended achieve national health goals priorities.  Describe scientific advances opportunities could accomplished the transfer sleep circadian knowledge other domains be optimized.  Describe key translational opportunities be facilitated trans-disciplinary collaborations among basic scientists, behavioral social scientists, epidemiologists, clinicians, public heal programs community groups. would also appreciate insights the following areas: are key unresolved scientific issues must addressed order translate advances understanding molecular physiological basis sleep circadian biology research a better understanding clinical mechanism disease risk, improved approaches diagnosis, treatment, prevention disease? research needed inform state local governments, health care institutions, public interest organizations, communities, other stakeholders the needs children adults appropriate amounts sleep to address public health concerns? research questions of highest priority relation improving sleep health special populations?  might include minorities, elderly, children, pregnant women, individual low socioeconomic status. national local organizations should included the discussion future sleep circadian research activities supported the NIH?   issues sleep circadian biology research be integrated existing future global health initiatives? Responses is necessary respond all the questions listed above. Responses be accepted until July 2, 2010, via email to: Please mark responses this RFI identifier NOT-HL-11-107.  each suggested high priority area adherence research, please provide brief background information, define challenge outline potential solution. nbsp;Reponses expected be longer approximately 1,000 words. Respondents receive automated email confirmation acknowledging receipt their response, will receive individualized feedback. Significance Public Health Sleep, nutrition physical activity, a critical determinant health well-being.  Adequate sleep necessary maintain resistance infection, support metabolism sugar prevent diabetes, perform our best the job in school, sustain vigilance necessary workplace driving safety.  Sleep disorders sleep restriction due lifestyle choices associated fatigue, psychological disturbances, decrements performance vigilance, compromising safety oneself others.  Sleep also basic requirement infant, child, adolescent health development recent evidence points toward long-term trends decreased sleep during first decades.  Further, sleep loss untreated sleep disorders influence basic patterns behavior stress family health interpersonal relationships.  Sleep timing duration coupled an array endocrine, metabolic neurological functions are critical the maintenance individual health well-being.  than 20% US adults report insufficient sleep rest least 15 of every 30 days. nbsp;Sleep disorders including insomnia, circadian phase disorder, restless legs syndrome relatively common present challenges detection, prevention, therapy, management.  Sleep disordered breathing sleep apnea) affects than 20 million US adults, if left untreated associated a 2-3 fold increased risk stroke mortality all causes.  Sleep health also pervasive challenge individuals chronic disabilities disorders cause pain fatigue such arthritis, kidney disease, HIV, depression.  elderly populations, medical mental health consequences untreated sleep disorders include sharply increase rates diminished health-related quality life, physical functional limitations, ability remain independent, an increased risk death any cause.  Confidentiality Responses this RFI voluntary may anonymous.  Any identifiers e.g., names, institutions, e-mail addresses, etc) be removed responses compiled.  Only processed, anonymized results be shared internally scientific working groups convened the NIH, appropriate. Proprietary, classified, confidential, sensitive information should be included your response.  Government reserves right use any non-proprietary technical information any resultant solicitation(s).  Request Information RFI) for information planning purposes only should be construed a solicitation as obligation the part the Federal Government, the National Institutes Health NIH). NIH does intend award grant contract pay the preparation any information submitted for NIH’s of such information.  Respondents be notified the NIH evaluation the information received.  basis claims against NIH shall arise a result a response this request information the NIH’s of such information either part our evaluation process in developing specifications any subsequent announcement.  Responses be held confidential. Proprietary information should be sent. Inquiries Interested parties contact: Michael Twery, Ph.D. Director, National Center Sleep Disorders Research Division Lung Diseases, NHLBI Rockledge Centre, Suite 10170 6701 Rockledge Drive Bethesda, Maryland 20895-7952 Phone: 301-435-0199 FAX: 301-480-3451 Email:
Expiration Date: Friday, January 1, 2027 NOFO Number: NOT-NS-10-018 Release Date: Friday, May 14, 2010 Notice Type: NOT
Notice Availability Administrative Supplements Prepare Projects the Blueprint Neurotherapeutics Network Notice Number: NOT-NS-10-018 Key Dates Release Date:  14, 2010 Receipt Date: June 18, 2010 Earliest Anticipated Start Date: August 2, 2010 Issued National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke NINDS), National Institute Deafness Other Communication Disorders NIDCD),   Purpose NINDS NIDCD established administrative supplement program enable NINDS NIDCD grantees prepare projects entry the Blueprint Neurotherapeutics Network NINDS plans award to 10 administrative supplements this purpose Fiscal Year 2010, the NIDCD plans award to 5. administrative supplement award be capped 50,000 direct costs. Background NIH Blueprint Neuroscience Research released Request Applications solicit projects the Blueprint Neurotherapeutics Network RFA-NS-11-002 expects release second RFA the same purpose April 2011. goal the Blueprint Neurotherapeutics Network to develop new small molecule drugs will transform treatment nervous system diseases conditions. Successful applicants the network receive 1) funding support biological testing compounds during development 2) access technical, infrastructure, advisory resources. network support stages drug development beginning medicinal chemistry ending phase clinical testing. nbsp;To competitive the network, investigators should have: least small molecule compound strong evidence biological activity relevant the intended indication a starting point medicinal chemistry optimization. robust, moderate throughput assay biological activity suitable testing compounds generated an iterative medicinal chemistry effort. assay should capable providing robust dose-response data 20-40 compounds a 1-2 week cycle. Secondary bioassays models sufficient evaluate potential a drug candidate the intended indication. administrative supplement program intended help NINDS grantees meet above entry criteria the Blueprint Neurotherapeutics Network. APPLICATIONS ENTRY THE BLUEPRINT NEUROTHERAPEUTICS NETWORK NOT BEING ACCEPTED THIS TIME. Eligibility administrative supplement program targeted NINDS NIDCD grantees are interested participating the Blueprint Neurotherapeutics Network who not yet sufficient data prepare competitive application entry the network. Administrative supplements be used any the following activities: Development optimization primary secondary biological assays suitable testing compounds generated an iterative medicinal chemistry effort Prioritization chemical scaffolds being considered starting points medicinal chemistry Preliminary assessment structure-activity relationships SAR) Validation studies hits identified through high-throughput screening PK/toxicology studies identify liabilities address through medicinal chemistry activities may help prepare project the Blueprint Neurotherapeutics Network should discussed the relevant program contact below, prior submitting supplement application. NINDS NIDCD grantees plan submit application response the April 2010 Blueprint Neurotherapeutics Network RFA-NS-11-002 eligible apply administrative supplements. Receipt an administrative supplement not affect peer review an application submitted under RFA-NS-11-002. NINDS NIDCD grantees receive supplement are accepted the network 2010 must still the supplement funds originally intended; will enable project make best of network resources.  Principal Investigators Research Project R01), Javits Award R37), Exploratory/Developmental R21), phase II SBIR R44), Phase II STTR R42), Program Project P01), Specialized Center P50 U54), Cooperative Agreement U01) grants funded NINDS NIDCD eligible apply administrative supplements. be eligible, parent grant must active, the research proposed the supplement must accomplished within competitive segment. proposed supplement MUST within general scope the peer-reviewed activities aims approved within parent grant. IMPORTANT:  research proposed the NIH grantee the supplement application must within original scope the NIH-supported grant project.  funding mechanism being used support program, administrative supplements, be used cover cost increases are associated achieving certain new research objectives long they within original scope the project.  Any cost increases need result making modifications the project order take advantage opportunities would increase value the project consistent its originally approved objectives purposes. Submitting Administrative Supplement Request be considered an administrative supplement, please submit request writing the NINDS contacts listed How Apply, to Division Receipt Referral, Center Scientific Review. request must signed the authorized Business Official describe need additional funding the categorical costs. Applicants submit only supplement request per grant. Requests under notice should the PHS 398 forms rev. 11/2007; available include following elements the request packet. Font size restrictions apply designated within PHS398 rev. 4/2006) instructions.) 1) Cover Letter - Citing Notice NOT-NS-10-018), request an Administrative Supplement, the following information: Project Director/Principal Investigator PD/PI) name Parent grant number title Amount the requested supplement Name title the institutional official, Phone, email, address information both PD/PI institutional official.  cover letter must signed the authorized organizational representative/institutional official. 2) PHS 398 Form Page 1 Face page) MS Word  PDF title the project Box 1) should the title the parent award. Notice NOT-NS-10-018, ldquo;Notice Availability Administrative Supplements Prepare Projects the Blueprint Neurotherapeutics Network) should cited Box 2, the ldquo;yes” box should checked. Principal Investigator PI) must the same the PI the parent award.  Multiple PI parent awards, Contact PI must the PI listed the supplement request, the supplement cannot change Multiple PI team.  remaining items the face page should filled in accordance the PHS 398 application instructions. 3) PHS 398 Form page 2 MS Word  PDF Note: project ldquo;summary” that the administrative supplement, the parent grant. 4) brief proposal describing project, including: a)  1-page introduction. b) Scope the overall project the anticipated contribution the requested supplement to exceed five pages). Provide brief description the scope the overall project which supplemental request based. Describe relationship the supplement request the parent grant.  Provide brief description the drug development project would submitted the Network, including disease interest, intended molecular cellular target, compound(s) proposed development, assays disease models be used. Describe current status the drug development project how supplement enable to meet entry criteria the Network. section should include description the supplement's specific aims, including research design methods data analysis. This section should also indicate any additional drug development expertise required the supplement studies e.g., expertise assay optimization SAR analysis) be obtained. c) Budget the supplement a justification details items requested, including Facilities Administrative costs.  Budget Funding Information below. d) Biographical Sketch all new key personnel those are additions the supplemental project) MS Word  PDF nbsp; e) Human Subjects/ Vertebrate Animal documentation applicable). Include current Human Subjects/IRB Vertebrate Animals/IACUC approval letter, available. Otherwise, will required the time funding. appropriate IRB IACUC approvals must in place prior a supplement award being made.  Any differences the involvement use human subjects specimens, use vertebrate animals, between administrative supplement activity the parent grant should noted.  appropriate, details should provided the protection human subjects inclusion women, children, minorities.  Additional guidance Human Subjects Research Vertebrate Animals provided under Part II the PHS 398 instructions   f) PHS 398 Checklist Form MS Word  PDF Selection Factors Administrative supplement requests be reviewed administratively a committee NIH staff. Selection factors include following: Relevance the proposed activities the parent grant Adequate progress the parent grant appropriate the current stage the project Appropriate well-described plan accomplish goals within timeframe proposed Expertise the research team proposed conduct achieve goals the supplemental study potential the proposed work result a project suitable entry the Blueprint Neurotherapeutics Network.  Budget Funding Information FY 2010, 750,000 be available administrative supplements existing NINDS research projects, 375,000 be available NIDCD projects. Applicants request to 50,000 direct costs.  Supplements be requested one year may extend longer the parent grant.  Applicants must submit budget using same budget format was used the parent award. nbsp;Any no-cost extension must in place before submission the revision application.  Supplement funds be used reagents and/or personnel costs, including costs hiring drug development consultants. requests equipment be considered. to Apply is one-time announcement.  Applications must received or before June 18, 2010.  not send applications the NIH Center Scientific Review.  Applicants should submit electronic copy an e-mail attachment PDF format one original, hard copy the request packet original signatures the authorized business official)  the following address : Tijuanna E. Decoster, MPA National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke National Institutes Health 6001 Executive Boulevard, Room 3258 Bethesda, MD 20892-9525 EXPRESS/COURIER:  Rockville, MD 20852 Inquiries Inquiries discussion plans responding this Notice strongly encouraged. NINDS Program Contact: Rebecca Farkas, Ph.D. National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke National Institutes Health 6001 Executive Boulevard, Room 2229 Bethesda, MD 20892-9525 EXPRESS/COURIER:  Rockville, MD 20852 301) 496-1779 Email: NIDCD Program Contact: Nancy L. Freeman, Ph.D. Division Scientific Programs National Institute Deafness Other Communication Disorders National Institutes Health 6120 Executive Boulevard, Room 400C Bethesda, MD 20892 301) 402-3458 NINDS Grants Management Contact: Tijuanna E. Decoster, MPA National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke National Institutes Health 6001 Executive Boulevard, Room 3258 Bethesda, MD 20892-9525 EXPRESS/COURIER:  Rockville, MD 20852 301) 496-9231 NIDCD Grants Management Contact: Christopher Myers Division Extramural Activities National Institute Deafness Other Communication Disorders National Institutes Health 6120 Executive Boulevard, EPS 400B Bethesda, MD 20892 301) 435-0713
Expiration Date: Friday, January 1, 2027 NOFO Number: NOT-NS-10-019 Release Date: Friday, May 14, 2010 Notice Type: NOT
Notice Availability NINDS Administrative Supplements Promote Global Health Research Notice Number: NOT-NS-10-019 Key Dates Release Date: 14, 2010 Receipt Date: July 16, 2010 Earliest Anticipated Start Date: September 17, 2010 Issued National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke NINDS), Purpose National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke NINDS) announces administrative supplement program promote global health research involving training capacity building low-to middle-income countries.  NINDS set aside 2 Million dollars Fiscal Year 2010 award approximately 25 administrative supplements.  Background mission the NINDS to reduce burden neurological disease ndash; burden borne every age group, every segment society, people over world.  achieve mission, NINDS supports basic, translational clinical research, research training the causes, prevention, diagnosis, treatment illness the nervous system.  Neurological disorders such epilepsy, neurodevelopmental delay, nervous system infections, traumatic brain injury constitute major sources disability the developing world.  recent years, prevalence stroke neurodegenerative disorders rising rapidly is becoming significant health burden low- middle-income countries.  However, global health research, training capacity building activities the developing world particularly low-income countries) inadequate meet region’s growing needs. advance global health research research capacity building neurological disorders stroke, NINDS encourages collaborations between NINDS-funded investigators investigators low- middle-income countries.  goal this supplement program to strengthen existing research research training to support capacity building the sustainability activities aimed lessening global impact neurological diseases stroke.  proposed studies must within scope the peer-reviewed activities specified within NINDS-supported parent award. Areas interests Proposed work should enhance research research training scope the parent project.  Potential topics include, are limited to: Enhance Global Health Research Collaboration Research Training Add new partners recruit local personnel will enhance parent research project Enhance training health research methodology Enhance training clinical research skills the adaptation skills tools local conditions Enhance training research ethics, engage discussions research ethics issues, particularly those contribute multi-cultural perspectives global health research Support travel foreign investigators low- middle-income countries the U.S. collaborators’ institution attend site-visits investigators meetings, and/or receive short-term research training Support travel foreign investigators low- middle-income countries attend international meetings present research results Support travel U.S. investigators the foreign collaborators’ site low- middle-income countries conduct collaborative research, to provide onsite research training Recruit local collaborators provide ldquo;training-the-trainers” research education Global Health Research Tool Development Develop locally relevant information, research, communication technologies designed support ongoing research Improve local research data collection infrastructure Develop improved translation cross-cultural validation research assessment tools Develop educational materials in-country physicians, clinicians health care workers Accelerate Pace Ongoing Global Health Research Increase sample size accelerate participant enrollment clinical trials other clinical research Coordinate and contribute NIH NINDS supported sample collection programs, e.g., NINDS Human Genetics DNA Cell Line Repository enhance sample collection diversity Improve data collection analysis, e.g., secondary tertiary analysis global health research data generate new hypotheses models Eligibility program provide administrative supplements NINDS-funded Research Projects R01, R37, R21), Cooperative Agreement Awards U01) either directly via least component address global health related research research training.  Parent awards must actively funded least through July 31, 2010 order be eligible.  Parent awards are under no-cost extension before July 31, 2010 not eligible. World Bank main criterion classifying gross national income GNI) be employed this program determine low- middle-income country eligibility. World Bank country income classification tables  Before submitting application an administrative supplement, grantees should communicate their Program Director(s) discuss planned application.  IMPORTANT:  research proposed the NIH grantee the supplement application must within original scope the NIH-supported grant project.  funding mechanism being used support program, administrative supplements, be used cover cost increases are associated achieving certain new research objectives long they within original scope the project.  Any cost increases need result making modifications the project order take advantage opportunities would increase value the project consistent its originally approved objectives purposes. Submitting Administrative Supplement Request be considered an administrative supplement, submit request writing the NINDS, to Division Receipt Referral, Center Scientific Review. request must signed the authorized Business Official describe need additional funding the categorical costs. Requests under notice should the PHS 398 forms rev. 6/2009; available include following elements the request packet. Font size restrictions apply designated within PHS398 rev. 6/2009) instructions.) 1) Cover Letter - Citing Notice NOT-NS-10-019), request an Administrative Supplement, the following information: Project Director/Principal Investigator PD/PI) name Parent grant number title Amount the requested supplement Name title the institutional official, Phone, email, address information both PD/PI institutional official Separate title the collaborative activity should also provided this letter. nbsp;(If activity involves submission two independent administrative supplement requests, name, institution, NINDS grant number the collaborating PI should also provided, well the additional documents listed under ldquo;How Apply”) cover letter must signed the authorized organizational representative/institutional official. 2) PHS 398 Form Page 1 Face page) MS Word  PDF title the project Box 1) should the title the parent award. Notice number title) should cited Box 2, the ldquo;yes” box should checked. Principal Investigator PI) must the same the PI the parent award.  Multiple PI parent awards, Contact PI must the PI listed the supplement request, the supplement cannot change Multiple PI team.  remaining items the face page should filled in accordance the PHS 398 application instructions. 3) PHS 398 Form page 2 MS Word  PDF Note: project ldquo;summary” that the administrative supplement, the parent grant. 4) brief proposal describing project, including: a) one page introduction. b) Scope the overall project the anticipated contribution the requested supplement to exceed five pages). Provide brief description the scope the overall project which supplemental request based. section should include description the supplement's specific aims, including research design methods data analysis.  Describe relationship the supplement request the parent grant.  c) Budget the supplement a justification details items requested, including Facilities Administrative costs, personnel costs, supplies, travel other expenses.  Budget Funding Information below. d) Biographical Sketch all new key personnel those are additions the supplemental project) MS Word  PDF e) Resources page(s) new key personnel named the parent grant(s). f) Human Subjects/ Vertebrate Animal documentation applicable). Include current Human Subjects/IRB Vertebrate Animals/IACUC approval letter, available. Otherwise, will required the time funding. appropriate IRB IACUC approvals must in place prior a supplement award being made.  Any differences the involvement use human subjects specimens, use vertebrate animals, between administrative supplement activity the parent grant should noted.  appropriate, details should provided the protection human subjects inclusion women, children, minorities.  Additional guidance Human Subjects Research Vertebrate Animals provided under Part II the PHS 398 instructions   g) PHS 398 Checklist Form MS Word  PDF Selection Factors Administrative supplement requests be reviewed administratively NINDS Program Grants management Staff.  Awards be determined the selection factors listed below the availability funds. nbsp;All funding decisions final not subject appeal. Selection factors include following: Relevance the proposed activities the parent grant Adequate progress the parent grant appropriate the current stage the project Appropriate well-described plan accomplish goals within timeframe proposed Expertise the research team proposed conduct achieve goals supplemental study. Global health impact Innovation Potential enhance international research education low- middle income countries Added value the underlying activity the parent grant(s) its realistic scope, given one year commitment  Budget Funding Information FY 2010, 2 million dollars be available administrative supplements existing research projects, up 25 awards anticipated. Applicants request to 50,000 direct costs the one-year duration an administrative supplement under program.  least collaborating investigator must the Principal Investigator the NINDS supported parent grant.  PI use funds support: or collaborative activity including research research education the partner low- middle-income country, participation a collaborator/co-investigator their home institution, subcontract an outside investigator(s) support involvement the low- middle-income country. nbsp;The maximum direct cost request an individual NINDS grantee 50,000.  duration each award limited one year. Applicants must submit budget using same budget format was used the parent award. nbsp;Any no-cost extension must in place before submission the revision application. Facilities Administrative F&A) costs be paid the full, negotiated rate. Salary support the PI, co-investigators, collaborators not permitted.  Reporting the end the activity, supported investigators be required submit brief 1-2 pages) summary the progress research and/or research training, relevant publications, plans future collaborations.  Sharing any data, resource, tools training materials developed these funds should also described within summary. to Apply is one-time announcement.  Applications must received or before July 16, 2010.  not send applications the NIH Center Scientific Review.  Submit original, hard copy the request packet original signatures the authorized business official) the address listed below.  Applications also submitted electronically an e-mail attachment PDF format clearly visible signatures the PD/PI Authorized Organizational Representative AOR). nbsp;Collaborative activities involve than administrative supplement request associated different NINDS grants and, potentially, different institutions) should note clearly the e-mail communication.  these cases, only complete application should submitted along a separate cover letter, budget page justification, face page, any biosketches/letters/resource pages pertinent the additional site.  role each site should clearly delineated within body the application. Stacey D. Chambers, M.S. Office International Activities National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke Neuroscience Center, Room 2179 6001 Executive Boulevard Rockville, MD 20852-9523 nbsp; Phone: 301-496-0690 FAX: 301-480-1080 Email: Inquiries Applicants encouraged discuss plans responding this Notice phone e-mail.  Scientific inquiries should directed the NINDS Program Director oversees parent grant associated the administrative supplement request.  General inquiries this supplement program be directed to: Dr. Yuan Liu Chief, Office International Activities National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke Neuroscience Center, Room 2187 6001 Executive Blvd Rockville, MD 20892 301- 496-0012 Email:
Expiration Date: Friday, January 1, 2027 NOFO Number: NOT-NS-10-014 Release Date: Friday, May 14, 2010 Notice Type: NOT
Notice Availability Administrative Supplements the U.S.-JAPAN Brain Research Cooperative Program – U.S. Component Notice Number: NOT-NS-10-014 Update: following update relating this announcement been issued: June 5, 2014 - Issuance PA-14-249. Key Dates Release Date: 14, 2010 Receipt Date: September 15, 2010, 2011, 2012 Earliest Anticipated Start Date: February 1, 2011 Issued National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke NINDS) National Cancer Institute NCI) National Eye Institute NEI) National Institute Aging NIA) National Institute Biomedical Imaging Bioengineering NIBIB) Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute Child Health & Human Development NICHD) National Institute Drug Abuse NIDA) National Institute Deafness Other Communication Disorders NIDCD) National Institute Dental Craniofacial Research NIDCR) National Institute Environmental Health Sciences NIEHS), National Institute Mental Health NIMH) Purpose National Institutes Health NIH) announces continuation the United States U.S.) component the U.S.-Japan Brain Research Cooperative Program BRCP).  administrative supplement program provide funds research projects supported the participating NIH Institutes. purpose the BRCP to promote scientist exchange, training, research collaborations between neuroscientists the U.S. Japan. U.S. component the BRCP supports following activities: 1) Visit U.S. scientists conduct collaborative research and/or acquire advanced research skills Japanese institutions, 2) Joint workshops exchange scientific information to foster collaborations. Background agreement Cooperation Research Development Science Technology” signed the President the United States the Prime Minister Japan May 1, 1980 has subsequently renewed extended.  Under umbrella this Agreement, NINDS the National Institute Physiological Sciences, Okazaki National Research Institutes, Japan, signed Memorandum Understanding a Brain Research Cooperative Program November 29, 2000.  Since inception 2002, U.S. component the BRCP successfully supported U.S. neuroscientists’ collaborative activities Japanese institutions international workshops the neurosciences.  Japanese component the BRCP been active since 2001.  Details the Japanese component the program available Within funding guidelines the BRCP program, country supports own scientists participate the aforementioned activities.  Areas research interests the participating NIH Institutes NINDS supports basic, translational clinical research understand structure function the nervous system mechanisms underlying neurological disorders stroke. NCI leads national effort improve treatment primary metastatic brain tumors. active program both early translational research later phase clinical trials via specialized trial networks currently on-going. institute also supports basic science correlative science efforts CNS tumors. NEI supports basic, translational clinical research respect blinding eye diseases, visual disorders, preservation sight, mechanisms normal visual function, the special health problems requirements individuals impaired vision.  NEI also supports development new technologies, strategies, research tools can applied basic translational research will benefit vision health. NIA supports broad spectrum research training aimed a better understanding age-related normal pathological changes the structure function the nervous system how such changes affect behavior.  mission includes basic clinical studies the nervous system, clinical trials interventions therapeutic modalities, epidemiological research identify risk factors to establish prevalence incidence estimates pathologic conditions. mission NIBIB to improve human health leading development accelerating application biomedical technologies. NIBIB encourages submission proposals support development bioengineering biomedical imaging technologies. NICHD supports basic, clinical behavioral research the neurosciences, particularly the research relates normal abnormal nervous system development, reproduction,  promotion healthy development prevention disability, improving through rehabilitation health, function, quality life persons chronic physical and/or cognitive disabilities. NIDA supports basic, clinical, applied research the causes, consequences, prevention treatment drug abuse addiction. NIDCD encourages collaborative basic clinical biomedical bio-behavioral research the communication sciences hearing, balance, smell, taste, voice, speech language. NIDCR supports research molecular mechanisms regulating normal craniofacial development; genetic environmental influences abnormal craniofacial disorders; the etiology pathophysiology chronic pain orofacial tissues a focus the temporomandibular joint. NIEHS supports basic mechanistic human based studies the interplay environmental neurotoxicant exposure neuronal dysfunction across life span.  includes influence prenatal exposure both childhood adult dysfunction/disease well adult exposures the aging brain. NIMH supports integrated program basic clinical research biology, neuroscience, epidemiology, behavioral sciences well services research aimed developing assessing new approaches diagnose, prevent treat mental illness. Eligibility current announcement for supplements Research Project R01, R37, R21), Program Project P01), Center P50), Cooperative Agreement U01, U54) grants funded the participating NIH Institutes. IMPORTANT:  research proposed the NIH grantee the supplement application must within original scope the NIH-supported grant project.  funding mechanism being used support program, administrative supplements, be used cover cost increases are associated achieving certain new research objectives long they within original scope the project.  Any cost increases need result making modifications the project order take advantage opportunities would increase value the project consistent its originally approved objectives purposes. Activities Supported Travel Fund Travel Fund provides support the travel lodging expenses the U.S. scientist’s visit Japan.  total direct cost each Travel Fund request not exceed 15,000.  to 2,500 be used research supplies.  Funds the BRCP not used salary support the principal investigator PI), co-investigators, collaborators. visit the Japanese institution be performed the PI, co-investigator, postdoctoral fellow students work the collaborative project.  Support the Travel Fund be used one multiple trips.  Travel costs should exceed U.S. Government Foreign Per Diem Rate Japan duration the supplement one year.  supplement be carried over the next fiscal year, prior approval NIH program staff. Workshop Fund Workshop Fund provides partial support joint workshops.  total direct cost each Workshop Fund request not exceed 35,000.  support travel lodging expenses should exceed U.S. Government Per Diem Rates.  honorarium allowed.  Applicants encouraged obtain additional support other sources. component U.S. Japan) the BRCP support travel lodging expenses the joint-workshop participants their own country.  Applicants encouraged use Workshop Fund compensate travel lodging women underrepresented minority investigators, junior investigators, postdoctoral fellows, graduate students. the joint workshop to held Japan, Japanese component the BRCP support logistical meeting expenses.  the joint workshop to held the U.S., U.S. component the BRCP support logistical meeting expenses. Submitting Administrative Supplement Request be considered an administrative supplement, submit request the NINDS How Apply” section below), to Division Receipt Referral, Center Scientific Review. request must signed the authorized Business Official describe need additional funding the categorical costs. Requests under notice should the PHS 398 forms rev. 6/2009; available include following elements the request packet. Font size restrictions apply designated within PHS398 rev. 6/2009) instructions. 1) Cover Letter - Citing Notice NOT-NS-10-014), the following information: Project Director/Principal Investigator PD/PI) name Parent grant number title Amount the requested supplement Name title the institutional official, Phone, email, address information both PD/PI institutional official Name the program official the NIH Institute has agreed accept application cover letter must signed the authorized organizational representative/institutional official. 2) PHS 398 Form Page 1 Face page) MS Word  PDF title the project Box 1) should the title the parent award. Notice number title) should cited Box 2, the yes” box should checked. Principal Investigator PI) must the same the PI the parent award.  Multiple PI parent awards, Contact PI must the PI listed the supplement request, the supplement cannot change Multiple PI team.  remaining items the face page should filled in accordance the PHS 398 application instructions. 3) PHS 398 Form Page 2 MS Word  PDF Note: project summary” that the administrative supplement, the parent grant. Japanese collaborator(s) should noted under Performance Sites, along their institution(s). 4) brief proposal describing project, including: a)  1-page introduction. b) Scope the overall project the anticipated contribution the requested supplement to exceed five pages). Provide brief description the scope the overall project which supplemental request based. section should include description the supplement's specific aims, including research design,  methods data analysis.  Describe relationship the supplement request the parent grant.  c) Budget the supplement a justification details items requested, including Facilities Administrative costs, personnel costs, supplies, travel other expenses.  Applicants must submit budget using same budget format was used the parent award. Any no-cost extension must in place before submission the revision application.  d) Biographical Sketch all new key personnel those are additions the supplemental project) MS Word  PDF . Letters commitment all participants should included section L Consultants) the Research Plan. e) Resources page(s) all key personnel f) Current grant support citing participating NIH Institute) g) Human Subjects/ Vertebrate Animal documentation applicable). Include current Human Subjects/IRB Vertebrate Animals/IACUC approval letter, available. Otherwise, will required the time funding. appropriate IRB IACUC approvals must in place prior a supplement award being made.  Any differences the involvement use human subjects specimens, use vertebrate animals, between administrative supplement activity the parent grant should noted.  appropriate, details should provided the protection human subjects inclusion women, children, minorities.  Additional guidance Human Subjects Research Vertebrate Animals provided under Part II the PHS 398 instructions   h) Bibliography References Cited Section 5 the PHS 398 Research Plan) should included. i) PHS 398 Checklist Form MS Word  PDF Research Collaborations addition the items outlined the Submitting Administrative Supplement Request” section above, applications research collaboration/training must also include Research/Training Plan the project to exceed five pages).  Font size restrictions apply designated within PHS398 rev. 6/2009) instructions. Research Plans must include: Description the goals the collaborative research/training how research/training enhance research the NIH-supported parent grant Background significance the proposed research/training relevance the goals the BRCP the mission the participating NIH Institutes unique opportunities offered this collaboration/training, the reciprocal U.S. Japan) component the project should clearly delineated Research design methods Description the qualifications the Japanese host the research environment the host institution letter invitation the Japanese host Joint Workshops  Joint workshop applications should developed collaboratively both U.S. Japanese organizers.  addition the items outlined the Submitting Administrative Supplement Request” section above, U.S. applications Joint Workshops must also include workshop plan.  Font size restrictions apply designated within PHS398 rev. 6/2009) instructions. Workshop Plans must include: Importance the proposed workshop investigators the field the larger neuroscience community Relevance the workshop the goals the BRCP the mission the participating NIH Institutes Background anticipated outcomes Content: topics, sessions, list invited participants a tentative agenda Plans foster potential collaborations between U.S. Japanese participants Plans include participation junior investigators, women underrepresented minorities not within scope the meeting, explain why) proposed workshop location duration Organizing committee applicable) Plans disseminate information generated the proposed workshop the larger neuroscience community Reporting Within month the completion all collaborative research/training efforts workshops, U.S. supported investigators required submit final report the NIH, detailing following information: Project objectives Significance Results/findings including list publications, presentations, dissemination material research grant applications resulting the collaboration/training workshop Outcome collaboration/training workshop how benefits NIH supported research Plans continued collaboration the Japanese investigator(s) Selection Factors Administrative supplement requests be reviewed administratively the joint U.S.-Japan BRCP Review Committee Grants Management Staff. Awards be determined the selection factors listed below the availability funds. funding decisions final not subject appeal. Selection factors include following: Relevance the proposed activities the parent grant Adequate progress the parent grant appropriate the current stage the project Appropriate well-described plan accomplish goals within timeframe proposed Expertise the research team proposed conduct achieve goals supplemental study. Significance the collaboration/training workshop Qualifications the U.S. applicant Japanese host Environment the Japanese host institution Relevance the proposed work the goals the BRCP to mission the participating NIH Institutes to Apply Applicants strongly encouraged contact respective Program Official listed this Notice prior the submission an administrative supplement application.  is reoccurring announcement.  Applications must received or before September 15th each participating year. not send applications the NIH Center Scientific Review.  Submit original, hard copy the request packet original signatures the authorized business official) the address listed below.  Applications also submitted electronically an e-mail attachment PDF format clearly visible signatures the PD/PI Authorized Organizational Representative AOR). Stacey D. Chambers, M.S. Office International Activities National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke Neuroscience Center, Room 2179 6001 Executive Boulevard Rockville, MD 20852-9523   Phone: 301-496-0690 FAX: 301-480-1080 Email: Inquiries Inquiries discussion plans responding this Notice strongly encouraged. contacting Program Staff, applicants should prepared discuss purpose, significance necessity their visit Japan how collaborative arrangement benefit NIH-supported research.  names contact information the Program Staff representing participating NIH Institutes listed below: Yuan Liu, Ph.D. Chief, Office International Activities National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke 6001 Executive Blvd. NSC Room 2187 Bethesda, MD 20892-9523 USPS) Rockville, MD 20852 Courier) Phone: 301-496-0012 FAX: 301-480-2060 Email: William C. Timmer, Ph.D. Program Director Cancer Therapy Evaluation Program Division Cancer Therapy Diagnosis National Cancer Institute 6130 Executive Boulevard, EPN Room 7009, MSC 7432 Bethesda, MD 20892-7432 Phone: 301-496-8866 FAX: 301-480-4663 Email: Jerome R. Wujek, Ph.D. Research Resources Officer Division Extramural Research National Eye Institute National Institutes Health Suite 1300 5635 Fishers Lane, MSC 9300 Bethesda, MD  20892-9300 Phone:  301-451-2020 FAX:  301-402-0528 Email: Wen G. Chen, Ph.D.  Program Director Sensory Motor Disorders Aging Behavioral & Systems Neuroscience Branch Division Neuroscience National Institute Aging/NIH/DHHS 7201 Wisconsin Avenue Bethesda, MD  20892-9205 Phone:  301-496-9350 FAX:  301-496-1494 Email: John W. Haller, PhD Liaison International Activities National Institute Biomedical Imaging Bioengineering 6707 Democracy Blvd. Suite 200 Bethesda, MD 20892-5649 Phone: 301-451-4780 FAX: 301-480-1614 Email: Nancy L. Shinowara, PhD Program Director, Spinal Cord Musculoskeletal Disorders Assistive Devices National Center Medical Rehabilitation Research National Institute Child Health Human Development 6100 Executive Blvd. Room 2A03 MSC7510 Bethesda, MD 20892-7510 courier delivery use: Rockville, MD 20852) Phone: 301-402-2242 FAX: 301-402-0832 Email: Christine Colvis, Ph.D. Genetics & Molecular Neurobiology Research National Institute Drug Abuse 6001 Executive Blvd, Room 4282 Bethesda, MD 20892 Phone: 301-435-1323 FAX: 301-594-6043 Email: Barry Davis, Ph.D. Division Scientific Programs National Institute Deafness Other Communication Disorders 6120 Executive Boulevard, EPS Room 400C, MSC-7180 Bethesda, MD  20892-7180 Phone: 301-402-3464 FAX: 301-402-6251 Email: Annette Kirshner, PhD Program Administrator Cells Organ Systems Pathobiology Branch Division Extramural Research Training National Institute Environmental Health Sciences Box 12233  KE 3020 MD K3-15 Research Triangle Park, NC 27713 Phone: 919-541-0488 FAX: 919-541-0462 Email: Margaret Grabb, Ph.D. National Institute Mental Health 6001 Executive Blvd., Room 7201 Mail Stop Code 9645 Bethesda, MD 20892 Phone: 301- 443-3563 FAX: 301-443-1731 Email:
Expiration Date: Friday, January 1, 2027 NOFO Number: NOT-NS-10-009 Release Date: Friday, May 14, 2010 Notice Type: NOT
NINDS Policy the Award Continuation Investigator-Initiated Phase III Clinical Trials Notice Number: NOT-NS-10-009 Key Dates Release Date:  14, 2010 Issued National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke NINDS), Purpose establish NINDS Policy a phase award process Investigator-Initiated cooperative agreement phase III Clinical Trial applications submitted under PAR-10-198. Background Because their comparatively large size long duration, Phase III clinical trials the most complex challenging trials design implement.  require extensive planning proactive oversight successful completion.  Despite careful planning, numerous factors often extend time needed complete Phase III trial, including delays start-up, regulatory approval, in enrollment trial participants.  Such delays result the large carry-over research dollars the need additional years complete trial.  Therefore, NINDS developed policy providing initial funding commitment 2-3 years the trial order establish feasibility before administrative decision made allow award the remaining budget years within scope the original council approved application.  Policy NINDS multi-center phase III clinical trials awarded under NINDS program announcement the submission Phase III multi-center clinical trials PAR-10-198) be given initial award 2 3 years order start-up trial establish performance feasibility.  Continuation the award past feasibility period be contingent upon demonstrated ability meet milestones indicating the trial be implemented planned.  Feasibility milestones be defined the start each trial will monitored closely the Institute-appointed Data Safety Monitoring Board DSMB) NINDS program officer. decision either continue the completion the trial to discontinue enrollment subjects the trial be based some all the following factors: 1) implementation feasibility i.e., ability start trial planned; 2) enrollment feasibility i.e., establishing acceptable enrollment rate at least 80% projected rate), 3) safety concerns i.e., recommendation the Data Safety Monitoring Committee continue trial), 4) applicable, interim analysis evaluating probability the trial be futile inconclusive; 5) criteria appropriate the individual trial. the end the feasibility period, administrative decision input the DSMB be by NINDS continue terminate trial. the trial approved continue, investigators be permitted complete non-competitive Type 4) extension application obtain remainder the funding project years specified budget the initial application below) order complete trial.  During extension period, NINDS, input the DSMB, regularly evaluate progress toward enrollment goals, work investigators improve enrollment, will terminate trials adequate progress not demonstrated example, falling below 50% the expected enrollment goal).  During both feasibility extension phase, funding be carefully monitored adjusted appropriately proportionately the rate performance the trial.  Should performance accelerate faster planned, NINDS adjust funding award keep pace the rate activities. after feasibility assessment at any point during initial competitive application is determined both additional project years additional money i.e., addition what approved funded the original competitive application) going be needed complete trial, NINDS determine whether completion the trial remains priority if so, investigators be permitted submit competitive renewal Type 2) application request additional funding project years needed complete trial.  Submission this type 2 application be planned prior the end the type 1 grant ensure continuity funding trial during peer review process.   Application following section describes process either Type 4 non-competitive) extension Type 2 competitive) renewal applications. Non-competitive Extension Type 4) Before end the pre-defined feasibility phase the award, Principal Investigator discuss the NINDS program officer status the trial the conditions the feasibility agreement.  it determined the trial an appropriate candidate extension, investigator be permitted submit extension application. nbsp;The application include following: 1. letter co-signed the Principal Investigator his/her Institution’s Business Official requesting additional years support; 2. PHS 398Application Face Page; 3. progress report summary the current budget period; 4. one-page research plan the additional years; 5. budget justification using Page EE the PHS 398 budget entire proposed remaining period support; including accounting funds awarded remaining unspent date). Competitive Renewal Type 2) it determined the trial an appropriate candidate continuation it determined additional money project years needed complete trial, investigator be permitted submit type 2 competitve renewal application. Standard submission dates be used. submission dates,   Inquiries Inquiries concerning policy should sent to: Scott Janis, Ph.D. Office Clinical Research National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke Room 2170, MSC 9525 6001 Executive Blvd. Bethesda, MD 20892-9525 Telephone: 301) 496-9135 Fax: 301) 410-1080 Email: inquiries review issues contact: Chief, Scientific Review Branch National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke Room 3201, MSC 9529 6001 Executive Blvd. Bethesda, MD 20892-9529 Telephone: 301) 496-9223 Fax: 301) 402-0182 Email: inquiries grants management issues contact: Ms. Tijuanna DeCoster, MPA Grants Management Officer National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke 6001 Executive Boulevard, Room 3258 Bethesda, MD 20892-9529 Telephone: 301) 496-9531 Fax:  301) 402-0219 Email:
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