Diversity Policies & Resources

On this page
Office of Programs to Enhance the Neuroscience Workforce

The goal of the Office of Programs to Enhance the Neuroscience Workforce (OPEN) is to open opportunities and access for diverse neuroscience researchers to enhance the neuroscience workforce.

Meet the NINDS OPEN team

On this page, find information on policies, resources, events, mentoring, and professional societies related to diversity.


Subscribe to the OPEN Newsletter

Follow us on X/Twitter and LinkedIn

Contact OPEN staff: NINDSDiversityTraining@mail.nih.gov 

Resources from NINDS OPEN

Training and Career Development Programs
Summary of NINDS training programs.
Diversity Awards
List of training programs and funding opportunities to enhance diversity.
OPEN Stage Webinars
Meet the people behind NINDS and learn about our programs!
OPEN House Events
Meet NIH staff virtually and learn how to prepare your NIH applications.
Building Up the Nerve Podcast
Listen for tips on navigating your career!
OPEN Spotlight Series: From Potential to Action
Read profiles of successful NINDS-funded neuroscientists.

Resources to Prepare Your Application

Learn about NINDS and how to prepare your application.

  • OPEN Youtube Playlist: Watch recorded Technical Assistance Webinars to learn more about how to apply to NINDS funding opportunities.
  • Building Up the Nerve: Listen to our podcast for help navigating your career in neuroscience! 
    • Season 1: The Life Cycle of an NINDS Grant
      • We discuss the NIH grant process from application to award with NINDS staff.
    • Season 2: Building a Grant Application
      • We discuss the components of fellowship and career award applications with awardees.
    • Season 3: Mentoring
      • We discuss strengthening your mentoring relationships with trainees and faculty.
    • Season 4: Demystifying the Hidden Curriculum
      • We discuss the unwritten rules of scientific training and careers with scientists.
  • Suggestions for a Good Career Development Plan: Training grants require a career development plan. Review our suggestions to create a strong career development plan. 
  • Introductory Webinar to NIH and NINDS: New to learning about NIH? Watch this webinar or listen to Season 1 of our Building Up the Nerve podcast.
  • Diversity Awards: Check out the Resources section at the bottom of any of the diversity awards for specific resources for each program.
  • Research Capacity Building for Resource Limited Institutions: Are you at a Resource-Limited Institution (RLI)? Find specific resources and funding opportunities on our Research Capacity Building for RLI page.


Information on NIH and NINDS policies around diversity and representation.

Selected Past Workshops

Information on selected past workshops related to diversity at NINDS.

Professional Development Opportunities

Venues for professional development activities, scientific presentations and networking opportunities with peers, faculty and academic biomedical research institutions.



Michelle Jones-London, PhD | Associate Director, Office of Programs to Enhance the Neuroscience Workforce (OPEN)

Marguerite Matthews, Ph.D. | Section Chief, Career Preparation, OPEN

Lauren Ullrich, Ph.D. | Section Chief, Career Advancement, OPEN

Related Topics

Diversity Resources
Resources across NIH and the federal government around diversity

National Science Foundation Statistics
Current data on representation of different groups in the U.S. scientific workforce.

Information on the trans-NIH “Enhancing the Diversity of the NIH-Funded Workforce” program.

Access the 2012 “Diversity in the Biomedical Research Workforce Working Group Report.”

Information about how NIH promotes a diverse scientific research workforce.

The Chief Officer for Scientific Workforce Diversity (COSWD) leads NIH’s effort to diversify the national scientific workforce and expand recruitment and retention.

Mentoring Resources
"Mentor: Someone whose hindsight can become your foresight”

CIMER - Center for the Improvement of Mentored Experiences in Research

NRMNet – Mentoring to Diversify the Biomedical Workforce

AAMC: Minorities in Medicine

Biomedical Faces of Science

Introduction to Mentoring: A Guide for Mentors and Mentees

Keystone Diversity in Life Science Program

The Leadership Alliance

Mentoring: Key to Building the Pipeline of Addiction Researchers

Minority Serving Institutions

Resources to Minority Serving Institution lists. Note these lists are not maintained or affiliated with NIH/NINDS.