Natalie Trzcinski, Ph.D.

Job Title
Program Director
Division of Neuroscience
Cluster, Section, or Program
Neurotechnology & Integrated Systems (NIS)
Areas of Interest

Portfolio: BRAIN Initiative Research Resource Grants for Technology Integration and Dissemination (U24)

Additional Keywords: n/a

Contact Number

Dr. Natalie Trzcinski oversees the cooperative agreement BRAIN Technology Integration and Dissemination (U24) program within the NINDS Division of Neuroscience and the BRAIN Initiative. She joined NINDS in 2017 and during her time at NINDS also served the Division of Translational Research in various capacities including holding a portfolio of small business awards in neurodegeneration and stroke. Prior to joining NINDS, she was a postdoctoral fellow at University of Maryland College Park and obtained her PhD in neuroscience from Johns Hopkins University, studying neural mechanisms of selective attention and experience dependent plasticity. She received her B.S. in Biological Sciences from Cornell University.