Mengge Shan, Ph.D

Job Title
Health Scientist (Data Scientist)
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Office of Research Operations and Analysis
Division of Extramural Activities
Data Modeling and Analysis
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Mengge is currently a Health Scientist (Data Scientist) within NIND’s Division of Extramural Activity, Data Modeling and Analytics Branch. Prior to joining NINDS, she worked at Remix Therapeutics, where she contributed to data analysis pipelines and analyzed datasets of various sizes to develop small molecule therapies. 

She earned both a Bachelors of Arts and a Bachelor of Science from the University of Maryland, College Park. During her undergraduate, she spent summers at the National Cancer Institute (NCI) studying the effect of TGF-beta on breast cancer, followed by a year-long post baccalaureate fellowship at the same institute, which sparked her interest in genomics and data science. She continued to pursue her passion for both by earning a Ph.D in Genomics and Computational Biology from the University of Pennsylvania, where she studied the dynamics of RNA binding proteins in various model organisms.

At NINDS, Mengge will be applying her expertise to a variety of administrative and scientific projects, such as increasing automation in scientific coding and streamlining access to current workload through dashboards.