Janet He, Ph.D.

Job Title
Program Director
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Division of Neuroscience
Cluster, Section, or Program
Systems & Cognitive Neuroscience
Areas of Interest

Portfolio: CNS and homeostatic regulation of sleep and circadian rhythms; sleep in neurological disorders; neuroendocrine systems    

Additional Keywords: Entrainment, arousal, and thermoregulation; neuroendocrine systems; sleep disorders (REM, non-REM, hypersomnia, narcolepsy); Restless Legs Syndrome; Suprachiasmatic Nucleus

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Dr. Janet (Yejun) He has been with the NINDS since 2003 and is currently a Program Director in the Systems and Cognitive Neuroscience cluster. Her portfolio includes basic and clinical research on circadian rhythms and sleep disorders, addressing such topics as regulation of the biological clock, genetic influences in sleep disorders, and energy balance, as well as sleep disturbances in neurological diseases. Dr. He received a medical degree from Shanghai Second Medical University in China, and later a Ph.D. in Physiology from the University of Colorado Medical School. Her thesis was on the structure function relationship of rod cyclic nucleotide-gated channels. Prior to joining the NINDS as a Health Program Specialist, she did post-doctoral work at Washington University in St. Louis on synaptic transmission in mammalian central nervous system.