Crystal Lantz, Ph.D.

Job Title
Science Adviser - Programs
Photo of Crystal Lantz
Office of the BRAIN Director
Cluster, Section, or Program
NIH BRAIN Initiative
Contact Email

Dr. Crystal Lantz is a Science Adviser – Programs in the Office of the BRAIN Director, where she uses data driven analytics to shape BRAIN Initiative programs. She joined NINDS in 2021 as a Health Programs Specialist in the Division of Neuroscience where she worked on a grant portfolio that included basic neuroscience, epilepsy and myalgic encephalomyelitis/ chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS). Crystal has over 15 years of experience in neuroscience research, focusing on the basic mechanisms of visual system development and plasticity. Passionate about the brain in her early education, Crystal majored in Neuroscience as an undergraduate at The College of William and Mary, then received her Ph.D. in Neuroscience at Virginia Commonwealth University. As a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Maryland, Crystal utilized in vivo electrophysiology and targeted neuropharmacology, to examine how experience shapes development and function of sensory systems. In her spare time Crystal is interested in the interface of science and art using 3D printing and textiles.