K22 Career Transition Award for NINDS Intramural Clinician-Scientists

To provide support to outstanding clinician-scientists to develop their independent research skills through a two phase program; an initial mentored research experience in the NINDS intramural program, followed by a period of independent research.

Program Announcements
NINDS Intramural K22 - No Independent Clinical Trials - PAR-21-238
NINDS Intramural K22 - Clinical Trial Required - PAR-21-237

Due Dates for New Applications
February 12,  June 12,  October 12

Due Dates for Resubmission Applications
March 12,  July 12,  November 12

PD/PI Eligibility
Clinical doctorate holder

Additional Information

The objective of the NIH Career Transition Award (K22) is to provide support to outstanding basic or clinical investigators to develop their independent research skills through a two phase program: an initial period involving an intramural appointment at the NIH and a final period of support at an extramural institution. This NINDS K22 is specifically designed to facilitate the transition of NINDS intramural neurologist- and neurosurgeon-scientists to independent, academic faculty positions that support clinician-scientists to engage in independently funded scientific research as well as clinical activities.

Salary and Research Costs 
During the intramural support years, salary will be consistent with that provided by the intramural program for other investigators in the same position. The NINDS intramural program will provide $25,000 per year toward research career development costs of the award recipient. During the extramural support years, NINDS will contribute up to $100,000 per year toward salary and $50,000 per year toward research development costs of the award recipient, which must be justified and consistent with the stage of development of the candidate and the proportion of time to be spent in research or career development activities.


Stephen Korn, Ph.D. | Director, Office of Training & Workforce Development 