James Gnadt, Ph.D.

Job Title
Program Director
Photo of Jim Gnadt
Division of Neuroscience
Cluster, Section, or Program
Neurotechnology & Integrated Systems (NIS)
Areas of Interest

Portfolio: Systems and computational neuroscience; BRAIN Initiative (integrative systems neuroscience; team-research brain circuits programs)    

Additional Keywords: Systems neurobiology; computational neuroscience; team science

Contact Email
Contact Number

In the Systems and Cognitive Neuroscience cluster, Dr. Gnadt oversees NINDS funding related to sensorimotor systems in the brain and quantitative experimental approaches.  In the NIH BRAIN Initiative, Dr. Gnadt is a Co-Lead of the Integrative and Quantitative Neuroscience Team, and oversees BRAIN programs in understanding circuits of the central nervous system, team-science research programs, and invasive intracranial research opportunities in human neuroscience.  Dr. Gnadt came to NINDS in 2008 from a career as a NIH-funded investigator in systems and quantitative neurophysiology since 1986 that spanned appointments at The Salk Institute, University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB), Stony Brook, Howard and Georgetown Universities. Dr. Gnadt received his PhD in Physiology & Biophysics from UAB in 1985 and was an Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellow in 1993-95. He studied the neurological basis of cognitive, motor and sensory behavior by combining behavioral studies with in vivo & in vitro neurophysiology and systems control analyses. He was also co-inventor of an electrophysiological technique for using adaptive, spectral noise cancellation to allow real-time removal of microstimulation artifacts in neural recordings.