R25 NIH Neuroscience Development for Advancing the Careers of a Diverse Research Workforce

Supports NINDS, NIMH, NIAAA, & NIDA mission-relevant programs to enhance the pool of PhD-level neuroscience researchers from diverse backgrounds, including those underrepresented in biomedical research.

Program Announcement

Related Notice
NOT-NS-23-111 - Interest in receiving grant applications focused on translational science within the NINDS mission that will advance the careers of a diverse translational research workforce

Due Dates for Applications
September 26, 2023, September 26, 2024, and September 26, 2025

List of Funded Awards
Learn more about funded programs

PD/PI Eligibility
Established investigators

Intended Appointees 
postbaccalaureate, graduate/clinical doctorate; postdoctorate/residency; early career investigators; U.S. citizens or permanent residents; individuals from diverse backgrounds

Institution Eligibility
U.S. domestic institutions

Additional Information

This NIH Neuroscience Development for Advancing the Careers of a Diverse Research Workforce (R25) is a flexible and specialized program designed to foster the development of neuroscience researchers from diverse backgrounds, including from underrepresented groups across career stages. Thus, it encourages applications from applicant organizations that propose innovative mentoring and professional development activities in the mission area(s) of the NINDS, NIMH, NIAAA, and/or NIDA. This Neuroscience Diversity R25 initiative will focus on factors that have been shown to affect retention of underrepresented postbaccalaureate, graduate students, postdoctoral trainees, and junior faculty in neuroscience research such as mentoring, scientific networks, professional development, and attention to the structural and institutional environment regarding inclusion (Structure and Belonging: Pathways to Success for Underrepresented Minority and Women Ph.D. Students in STEM FieldsThe Science of Effective Mentorship in STEMM).

NINDS is interested in receiving applications that provide participants with the necessary skills, education, and training required to successfully contribute to translational science (including research, entrepreneurship, or business development) within the NINDS mission. Translation of basic discoveries to clinical application (“bench to bedside”) requires a close collaboration between basic scientists and clinical investigators. Equally important, however, is an understanding of the overall process and specific practices required for designing projects with the potential for advancement through the translational pathway from basic discovery to clinical application. Learn more: NOT-NS-23-111.

Frequently Asked Questions about Diversity R25 Awards



Michelle Jones-London, Ph.D. | Associate Director, Office of Programs to Enhance the Neuroscience Workforce (OPEN)

Lauren Ullrich, Ph.D. | Section Chief, Career Advancement, OPEN



July 19, 2023, NINDS & NIMH Advancing Diversity R25 Technical Assistance Webinar

Frequently Asked Questions about Diversity R25 Awards

R25 Award Information from NIH

Notice of NIH's Interest in Diversity

How to Apply