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Expiration Date: Friday, January 1, 2027 NOFO Number: NOT-NS-15-035 Release Date: Thursday, August 6, 2015 Notice Type: NOT
Notice NINDS Programmatic Priority PAR-13-208 Countermeasures Against Chemical Threats CounterACT) Cooperative Research Projects U01)" Notice Number: NOT-NS-15-035 Key Dates Release Date:   August 6, 2015 Related Announcements PAR-13-208     Issued National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke NINDS) Purpose Notice to inform potential applicants PAR-13-208 quot;Countermeasures Against Chemical Threats CounterACT) Cooperative Research Projects (U01)" priority be given research applications clearly describe goal developing or therapeutic candidates is ready advanced development the end the proposed project periods to 5 years).  Projects proposed will given priority should culminate the submission a Pre-Investigational New Drug Pre-IND) Application Package the FDA, should very close securing the data planning needed submission the Pre-IND package.  such, applicants encouraged address regulatory strategy necessary achieve goal. Research supported under FOA to prepare advanced development after filing Pre-IND package.  Most the advanced development activities required regulatory approval include GMP GLP level efforts) not usually covered under FOA, could potentially supported other federal agencies industry once NIH-supported research completed.  HHS advanced development agency relevant this FOA the Biomedical Advanced Research Development Authority BARDA). Once research funded under FOA completed, should the following before exploring possibility additional funding through BARDA advanced development. least lead compound. Lead compounds biologically active compounds hits where affinity, potency, selectivity been established. Efficacy an appropriate animal model Initial pharmacology toxicology studies Stable scalable synthesis the lead compound Preliminary regulatory strategy including Target Product Profile regulatory expertise Commercialization plan other indications applicable Intellectual Property Rights Applications focus specifically the above goal be deemed high programmatic priority. applicants strongly encouraged discuss applications the Scientific/Research contact listed the FOA early the application development process. Inquiries Please direct inquiries to: David A. Jett, Ph.D. National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke NINDS) Telephone: 301-443-8189 Email:
Expiration Date: Friday, January 1, 2027 NOFO Number: NOT-MH-15-020 Release Date: Thursday, August 6, 2015 Notice Type: NOT
Participation Canadian Researchers the NIH BRAIN Initiative Notice Number: NOT-MH-15-020 Key Dates Release Date:   August 6, 2015 Related Announcements None     Issued National Institute Mental Health NIMH) National Eye Institute NEI)National Institute Aging NIA) National Inistitute Alcohol Alcoholism NIAAA) National Institute Biomedical Imaging Bioengineering NIBIB) Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute Child Health Human Development NICHD) National Institute Deafness Other Communication Disorders NIDCD) National Institute Drug Abuse NIDA) National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke NINDS) National Center Complementary Integrative Health NCCIH) Brain Canada Foundation Brain Canada) Purpose 10 NIH Institutes are part the NIH BRAIN Initiative announce new partnership, formalized a letter agreement, the Brain Canada Foundation Brain Canada) support involvement Canadian researchers the NIH BRAIN Initiative.  Both NIH the Brain Canada Foundation believe the ambitious goals the BRAIN Initiative best attained collaboration across disciplinary boundaries well geographic boundaries.  Brain Canada seek partners provide grant support Canadian researchers through Canada Brain Research Fund provides 1:1 match funds raised other sources. Supplemental Funding NIH a number BRAIN Initiative awards FY14 many are expected be in FY15.  Canadian researchers are interested participating funded awards advised contact Program Director/Principal Investigator the NIH award inquire there mutual interest collaboration.  there interest, Canadian researcher apply directly the Brain Canada Foundation funding the work be performed Canada. each approved project an added Canadian collaboration, funding administration the work performed Canada shall managed Brain Canada. Matching Funding most the NIH BRAIN Initiative Funding Opportunity Announcements, foreign institutions been permitted participate either submitting applications directly as subcontractors an application a domestic institution.  Canadian researchers submit applications either role BRAIN Initiative awards should contact Brain Canada will seek partners provide grant support through Canada Brain Research Fund. addition providing funds, representatives the Brain Canada Foundation join those the National Science Foundation, Food Drug Administration, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, Australian National Health Medical Research Council, the Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Agency meetings the BRAIN Multi-Council Working Group Inquiries Please direct inquiries to: Gregory K. Farber, Ph.D. National Institute Mental Health NIMH) Telephone:  301-435-0778 Email: Ned Talley, Ph.D. National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke NINDS) Telephone:  301-496-1917 Email: Inez Jabalpurwala Brain Canada Foundation Telephone: 514-989-2989 Email:
Expiration Date: Friday, January 1, 2027 NOFO Number: NOT-NS-15-034 Release Date: Tuesday, July 28, 2015 Notice Type: NOT
Notice Correction the Renegotiation Multiple PD/PI Grants Awards Policy NINDS RFA-NS-16-001 Research Program Award R35)" Notice Number: NOT-NS-15-034 Key Dates Release Date: July 28, 2015   Related Announcements RFA-NS-16-001 Issued National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke NINDS) Purpose purpose this Notice to correct description the anticipated terms award Section VI. Award Administration Information, Subsection 1. Award Notices, related the renegotiation current NINDS awards. Investigators receive Research Program Award RPA) be required relinquish other NINDS funding. the case multiple-PD/PI awards, will relinquish formal involvement the award will able continue collaboration support the RPA. transition be at end the current budget period. similar process be followed subprojects P01s P50s. Investigators supported an RPA expected continue associated investigators the continuing P01 P50 thus expected interact the subproject investigators to access the P01 P50 cores. Section VI. Award Administration Information 1. Award Notices Currently reads: is expected the RPA replace current NINDS funding other grants. Renegotiation current NINDS funds be expected.  Multiple PD/PI grants be excluded. Modified read: is expected the RPA replace current NINDS funding other grants. Renegotiation current NINDS funds be expected. other aspects the FOA remain unchanged. additional information the RPA program, please review Frequently Asked Questions Inquiries Please direct inquiries to: Dr. David Owens National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke NINDS) Telephone: 301-496-9248 Email:
Expiration Date: Friday, January 1, 2027 NOFO Number: NOT-MH-15-022 Release Date: Tuesday, July 21, 2015 Notice Type: NOT
Notice Intent Publish Funding Opportunity Announcement BRAIN Initiative: Foundations Non-Invasive Human Brain Imaging Neuro-Recording Techniques R01) Participation the Australian National Health Medical Research Council Notice Number: NOT-MH-15-022 Key Dates Release Date:   July 21, 2015 Estimated Publication Date Announcement: October 2015   First Estimated Application Due Date: December 2015  Earliest Estimated Award Date: June 2016  Earliest Estimated Start Date: June 2016 Related Announcements RFA-MH-16-750     Issued National Institutes Health NIH) National Institute Mental Health NIMH) National Eye Institute NEI) National Institute Aging NIA) National Institute Biomedical Imaging Bioengineering NIBIB) Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute Child Health Human Development NICHD) National Institute Deafness Other Communication Disorders NIDCD) National Institute Drug Abuse NIDA) National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke NINDS) National Center Complementary Integrative Health NCCIH) Australian National Health Medical Research Council NHMRC) Purpose NIMH, other NIH Institutes Centers ICs) are part the BRAIN Initiative, intends promote new initiative publishing Funding Opportunity Announcement FOA) solicit applications research the foundations non-invasive human brain imaging neuro-recording techniques.  goal this FOA be support integrative, multidisciplinary efforts will revolutionize our understanding the meaning the data collected non-invasive human brain imaging functional evaluation techniques.   Notice being provided allow potential applicants sufficient time develop meaningful collaborations responsive projects.  FOA expected be published fall 2015 an expected application due date winter 2015. FOA utilize R01 activity code. Research Initiative Details Notice encourages investigators expertise insights this area non-invasive human brain imaging neuro-recording begin consider applying this new FOA.  Studies supported this new FOA move beyond simply observing signal collected using non-invasive imaging recording techniques a level more directly informs our understanding the cellular- circuit-bases these signals. Such studies greatly improve our knowledge dynamic brain function both normal pathological conditions. addition, collaborative investigations combining expertise physics, computational information science, engineering, biology, neuroscience, clinical science, behavioral science be encouraged investigators such expertise should also begin considering applying this application. NIH Institutes Centers are part the NIH BRAIN Initiative announce new partnership, formalized a letter agreement, the Australian National Health Medical Research Council NHMRC) support involvement Australian researchers specific NIH BRAIN Initiative programs.  Both NIH the NHMRC believe the ambitious goals the BRAIN Initiative best attained collaborating across disciplinary boundaries well geographic boundaries.  Details NHMRC application procedures, funding rules, eligibility requirements be available the NHMRC website. Foreign institutions be permitted submit applications the FOA described this Notice either submitting applications directly as subcontractors an application a domestic institution.  addition providing funds, representatives the NHMRC join those the National Science Foundation, Food Drug Administration, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, the Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Agency meetings the BRAIN Multi-Council Working Group APPLICATIONS NOT BEING SOLICITED THIS TIME. Inquiries Please direct inquiries to: Gregory K. Farber, Ph.D. National Institute Mental Health NIMH) Telephone: 301-435-0778 Email: Ned Talley, Ph.D. National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke NINDS) Telephone:  301-496-1917 Email: National Health Medical Research Council NHMRC) Telephone: 61 2 6217 9450 Email:
Expiration Date: Friday, January 1, 2027 NOFO Number: NOT-NS-15-033 Release Date: Friday, July 17, 2015 Notice Type: NOT
Notice Intent Publish Funding Opportunity a National Training Program Child Neurologists K12) Notice Number: NOT-NS-15-033 Key Dates Release Date:   July 17, 2015 Estimated Publication Date Announcement: Fall 2015  First Estimated Application Due Date: Winter 2015 Earliest Estimated Award Date: July 2016 Earliest Estimated Start Date: July 2016  Related Announcements None     Issued National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke NINDS) Purpose National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke NINDS) intends publish Funding Opportunity Announcement FOA) solicit applications a National Training Program support development Child Neurologists research scientists. Currently, 10 small institutional awards comprise Neurological Sciences Academic Development Award NSADA K12) used provide child neurologists the awardee institutions 3 years support order facilitate success obtaining individual NIH mentored career development award K08 K23), independent scientist award K02) research grant R01 equivalent). NINDS intends phase the NSADA K12 program terminate current FOA PAR-13-362), replace with single national program, funded a K12 mechanism will support 30 child neurologists over 5 year period, throughout nation. Notice being provided allow potential applicants sufficient time have constructive conversations colleagues, develop ideas, consider plans responsive applications.  FOA expected be published early Fall 2015 an expected application due date early Winter 2015. FOA utilize K12 activity code. Preliminary details the planned FOA provided below. Research Initiative Details Notice encourages investigators a strong history scientific research, strong track record training child neurologists, the administrative experience organize implement large, national training program, begin consider applying this new FOA. national program be run a PD/PI multiple PDs/PIs). PD(s)/PI(s) recruit, prior application submission, national advisory committee composed a diverse group individuals (~12-15) strong research training records. advisory committee include neurologists including child neurologists) have proven record successful training mentoring, the appropriate expertise review applications a wide variety research areas, expertise select appropriate scholars support a pool applicants, the expertise experience implement, together the PD(s)/PI(s), national training program child neurologists. combination, PD(s)/PI(s) national advisory committee should contain appropriate gender-balance, include scientific leaders the field child neurology, contain diverse representation regard racial/ethnic background, geographic location their home institutions, residency/fellowship training institutions area research expertise. Committee members should have stature the community necessary perform effective site visits the scholars' institutions. Members the advisory committee should committed participating the program, accomplishing goals the program, multiple years. FOA also support annual meeting will include gathering scholar-applicants, previous K12 scholars, similarly situated child neurologists, advisory committee members, the purpose both selecting scholars be supported providing instruction guidance will facilitate scholar success clinician-scientists. PD(s)/PI(s) be responsible organizing implementing annual meeting. program be similar structure the NINDS Neurosurgeon Research Career Development Program NRCDP; funded RFA-NS-12-008) the NICHD Pediatric Critical Care Trauma Scientist Development Program PCCTSDP; funded RFA-HD-14-019). Individuals may interested submitting applications response this FOA encouraged contact Director, NINDS Office Training, Career Development Workforce Diversity questions. APPLICATIONS NOT BEING SOLICITED THIS TIME. Inquiries Please direct inquiries to: Stephen Korn, Ph.D. National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke NINDS) Telephone: 301-496-4188 Email:
Expiration Date: Friday, January 1, 2027 NOFO Number: NOT-NS-15-032 Release Date: Thursday, July 9, 2015 Notice Type: NOT
Request Information RFI): BRAIN Initiative Industry Partnerships Early Access Neuromodulation Recording Devices Human Clinical Studies Notice Number: NOT-NS-15-032 Key Dates Release Date: July 9, 2015 Response Date: August 7, 2015    Related Announcements None     Issued National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke NINDS) National Eye Institute NEI) National Institute Aging NIA) National Institute Alcohol Abuse Alcoholism NIAAA) National Institute Biomedical Imaging Bioengineering NIBIB) Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute Child Health Human Development NICHD) National Institute Deafness Other Communication Disorders NIDCD) National Institute Drug Abuse NIDA) National Institute Mental Health NIMH) National Center Complementary Integrative Health NCCIH) Purpose Background BRAIN InitiativeSM Brain Research through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies BRAIN) InitiativeSM a multi-agency federal effort aimed revolutionizing understanding the human brain.  NIH guided its contributions this effort scientific strategic recommendations laid in landmark report, quot;BRAIN 2025: Scientific Vision," by input the NIH BRAIN Multi-Council Working Group MCWG, Roster).  Information meetings the MCWG available  central focus the BRAIN Initiative development technologies recording modulating neural circuits.  bring technologies bear human brain disorders, BRAIN 2025 report recommended new quot;streamlined path developing, implementing integrating new technologies human neuroscience research, through cooperation clinical academic research teams private companies a pre-competitive space." Towards end, NIH initiated efforts facilitate public-private partnerships manufacturers devices stimulating and/or recording neural activity humans, make devices available NIH-funded research studies.  NIH BRAIN Public-Private Partnership Program NIH intends release Funding Opportunity Announcement FOA) Fiscal Year 2016 fund research partnerships between clinical investigators manufacturers latest-generation stimulating and/or recording devices are FDA-designated Class III invasive, posing significant risk harm), conduct clinical research the CNS.  goal to spur human research mitigate cost effort required translate pre-clinical research these devices therapeutic outcomes.  types research NIH plans support IRB-approved Non Significant-Risk NSR) clinical research studies, new Significant Risk SR) clinical studies requiring amendments existing Investigational Devices Exemptions IDEs) the FDA, or SR clinical studies which new IDE require or minimal additional non-clinical testing. nbsp;Envisioned studies include exploratory research obtain proof concept new therapeutic indications, identification neural signals relevant closed loop control device therapies, research fundamental human neuroscience questions.  the RFA Fiscal Year 2016, NIH specifically interested devices existing pre-clinical safety technical data can readily leveraged enable new NSR IDE clinical research studies without need significant additional pre-clinical testing.  preparation this FOA, NIH released previous Request Information the overall goals the planned effort NOT-NS-14-054), held Workshop featuring representatives industry, clinical researchers, government regulatory funding agencies, academic technology-transfer contracting offices.  nbsp;The agenda a summary this workshop, plus links the videocast workshop proceedings, available the NIH BRAIN website  Template Agreements Research Partnerships facilitate research partnerships between academic institutions commercial device manufacturers, NIH drafted following template documents, were focus specific discussions the aforementioned workshop.  1.  Template Memorandum Understanding agreements between NIH specific device manufacturers.  purpose this document to describe nature the Public-Private Partnership program the signatory company's agreement participate the program.  document goes over process under Collaborative Research Agreements be reached academic researchers wishing use company's device(s) prior their submission NIH grant applications.  company signing agreement NIH expected provide description the materials devices, software, surgical tools, etc.) support company willing make available this purpose, will included exhibits the agreement will posted publicly serve a guide investigators wishing pursue agreements manufacturers specific research projects.  companies already provisional draft descriptions available, links these drafts included the webpage linked below.  Note draft descriptions tentative subject revision, have only provided the purpose giving context responses this RFI.  2.  Template Collaborative Research Agreement, be used a starting point negotiating agreements between device manufacturers academic research institutions clinical research studies. goal this document to provide standardized terms covering essential components such agreements e.g., intellectual property, data publications, reporting requirements, etc.) using language has deemed acceptable many the commercial academic parties expect negotiate agreements.  3.  Template Confidential Disclosure Agreement, be signed academic researchers discuss specific details companies regarding device capabilities their research.  Draft versions each these template documents available review  NIH Goals the Template Agreement Documents drafting template documents seeking feedback major stakeholders their formulation, NIH hopes accomplish following: Reduce barriers time required successful negotiation research partnerships between academic research institutions corporate manufacturers.  anticipate the template Collaborative Research Agreement speed negotiations providing common language terms serve an acceptable baseline multiple parties.  NIH recognizes different devices projects need specific terms determined a case-by-case basis, these templates not intended endorsement specific terms any particular project.  goal for terms the template be useable quot;as is" some cases, while expediting process arrive final terms other cases providing community-vetted transparent starting point negotiations.        Provide transparent access latest-generation devices their associated capabilities new clinical studies.  Such devices be available exploratory research under controlled conditions ensure safety, are market approved therapeutic indications therefore might otherwise known the research community.  addition, devices available market often expanded capabilities can quot;unlocked" use controlled research settings, subject appropriate regulatory approval.  Leverage manufacturers’ existing data demonstrating safety utility these devices, are very costly obtain, the purpose regulatory approval new clinical studies.  expect framework allow academic researchers test innovative ideas new therapies, to address scientific unknowns regarding mechanisms disease consequences device action, will advance goals the BRAIN Initiative understanding human brain circuits progressing towards therapies brain disorders.  addition, expect resulting research have benefits device manufacturers insofar it serves facilitate creation solid business cases larger clinical trials required take specific therapies market.  Information Requested time-sensitive RFI, issued the Institutes Centers the NIH BRAIN Initiative listed above, for feedback the general goals the specific terms the template documents described above, will serve a basis collaborative partnerships the intended RFA Fiscal Year 2016.  NIH invites input stakeholders including not limited researchers academia industry, healthcare professionals, patient advocates advocacy organizations, scientific professional organizations, federal agencies other interested members the public.  Small businesses appropriate technologies especially encouraged provide input.  feedback include is limited perspectives the following topics: Intellectual property Confidentiality Data ownership, sharing, access, privacy considerations Publications other presentations arising data generated under collaboration Liability Reporting requirements necessary patient protection regulatory oversight Potential future opportunities capitalizing this Pilot Public-Private Partnership Program   to Submit Response ensure consideration, responses must received August 7, 2015 must submitted electronically using web-based format web format provide confirmation response submission, respondents not receive individualized feedback. Responses this RFI voluntary may submitted anonymously. Please not include any personally identifiable other information you not wish make public. Proprietary, classified, confidential sensitive information should be included your response. Comments be compiled discussion may appear related reports. Any personal identifiers names, e-mail addresses, etc.) be removed responses compiled. RFI for informational planning purposes only should be construed a solicitation as obligation the part the United States US) Government, NIH the NINDS provide support any ideas submitted response it. Please note the US Government, NIH NINDS not pay the preparation any information submitted, for use that information. Inquiries Kip Ludwig, PhD National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke NINDS) Telephone: 301-496-1447 Email:
Expiration Date: Friday, January 1, 2027 NOFO Number: NOT-NS-15-031 Release Date: Thursday, July 2, 2015 Notice Type: NOT
Notice Addition High Throughput Screening the Scope PAR-15-070 Innovation Grants Nurture Initial Translational Efforts IGNITE): Assay Development Therapeutic Agent Identification Characterization Support Therapeutic Discovery R21/R33)" Notice Number: NOT-NS-15-031 Key Dates Release Date:   July 2, 2015 Related Announcements PAR-15-070 Issued National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke NINDS)    Purpose purpose this Notice to a change scope PAR-15-070 quot;Innovation Grants Nurture Initial Translational Efforts IGNITE): Assay Development Therapeutic Agent Identification Characterization Support Therapeutic Discovery R21/R33)" allow high throughput screening HTS). Part 2. Full Text Announcement Section I. Funding Opportunity Description current language reads: Examples activities R21 phase include, are limited to: Development assay(s) support succinct testing funnel, including example, assays measure specificity, potency, stability protease and/or metabolic enzymes, cellular uptake. combination assays be developed demonstrate relevant biological activity a single assay not provide adequate measurement overall potency due a complex mechanism action multiple activities a biologic. Development in vitro ex vivo potency/efficacy assay designed indicate specific ability an agent achieve desired biological effect, example: structural changes may impact product quality, stability, efficacy. Development assays evaluate cellular uptake, engagement, infection, aggregation, downstream functional measures vitro ex vivo, purity, specificity. Assays measure DNA, RNA, protein levels either endogenous genes delivered products, downstream vitro ex vivo functional read-outs, viral titer, viral particle load stability specificity. Development assays evaluate purity identity the therapeutic surface markers specific proteins, morphological measures, differentiation, purity, functional measures vitro ex vivo, stability, immunogenicity. Examples activities the R33 phase include, are limited to: Preparation screening select series therapeutic agents using example medicinal chemistry biological processes. Preparation therapeutic agent(s) confirmation structure, sequence biological characteristics Development selection cell lines/vectors produce bioactive agents acceptable potency stability, production, cellular uptake/engagement, secondary vitro functional assays. Assessment therapeutic agent’s properties using computational analysis early physicochemical measurements, polar surface area, solubility, cell permeability efflux. Assessment initial pharmacokinetic parameters such absorption, distribution, metabolism, excretion ADME). Assessment potential off target activities. Optimization therapeutic agent(s). Examples activities are appropriate this FOA include, are limited to: Studies designed establish proof concept a biological target covered PA-13-302). Development assays probes support basic understanding disease other basic research. Basic research supported PA-13-302, Research Project Grant Parent R01). High-throughput screening HTS), comprising screening large random chemical libraries activity against biological targets via use automation, miniaturized assays large-scale data analysis. HTS defined the number compounds tested the range 10,000–100,000 per day. covered PAR-14-284 ). Assay development HTS covered PAR-13-364 ). Pharmacodynamics in vivo efficacy studies covered through companion PAR-15-071 ). Development devices, surgical procedures, diagnostics, rehabilitation strategies. Development risk, detection, diagnostic, prognostic, predictive, prevention biomarkers. Studies disease mechanism. Studies use therapeutic agents identify targets relevant a disease. Investigational New Drug IND) enabling studies. Manufacture therapeutic agents clinical use. Clinical research clinical trials. language been modified now reads: Examples activities R21 phase include, are limited to: Development assay(s) support succinct testing funnel, including example, assays measure specificity, potency, stability protease and/or metabolic enzymes, cellular uptake. combination assays be developed demonstrate relevant biological activity a single assay not provide adequate measurement overall potency due a complex mechanism action multiple activities a biologic. Development in vitro ex vivo potency/efficacy assay designed indicate specific ability an agent achieve desired biological effect, example: structural changes may impact product quality, stability, efficacy. Development assays evaluate cellular uptake, engagement, infection, aggregation, downstream functional measures vitro ex vivo, purity, specificity. Assays measure DNA, RNA, protein levels either endogenous genes delivered products, downstream vitro ex vivo functional read-outs, viral titer, viral particle load stability specificity. Development assays evaluate purity identity the therapeutic surface markers specific proteins, morphological measures, differentiation, purity, functional measures vitro ex vivo, stability, immunogenicity. Assay development High-Throughput Screening HTS). Examples activities the R33 phase include, are limited to: Preparation screening select series therapeutic agents using example medicinal chemistry biological processes. Preparation therapeutic agent(s) confirmation structure, sequence biological characteristics Development selection cell lines/vectors produce bioactive agents acceptable potency stability, production, cellular uptake/engagement, secondary vitro functional assays. Assessment therapeutic agent’s properties using computational analysis early physicochemical measurements, polar surface area, solubility, cell permeability efflux. Assessment initial pharmacokinetic parameters such absorption, distribution, metabolism, excretion ADME). Assessment potential off target activities. Optimization therapeutic agent(s). HTS, comprising screening large random chemical libraries activity against biological targets via use automation, miniaturized assays large-scale data analysis. HTS defined the number compounds tested the range 10,000–100,000 per day. Examples activities are appropriate this FOA include, are limited to: Studies designed establish proof concept a biological target covered PA-13-302 ). Development assays probes support basic understanding disease other basic research. Basic research supported PA-13-302, Research Project Grant Parent R01). Pharmacodynamics in vivo efficacy studies covered through companion PAR-15-071 ). Development devices, surgical procedures, diagnostics, rehabilitation strategies. Development risk, detection, diagnostic, prognostic, predictive, prevention biomarkers. Studies disease mechanism. Studies use therapeutic agents identify targets relevant a disease. Investigational New Drug IND) enabling studies. Manufacture therapeutic agents clinical use. Clinical research clinical trials. other aspects this FOA remain unchanged. Inquiries Please direct inquiries to: Dr. Amir Tamiz National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke NINDS) Telephone: 301-496-1779 Email:
Research Category: CounterACT Expiration Date: Friday, January 1, 2027 NOFO Number: NOT-NS-15-030 Release Date: Friday, June 12, 2015 Notice Type: NOT

Notice Pre-application Informational Webinar PAR-15-146 Countermeasures Against Chemical Threats CounterACT) Research Centers Excellence U54)" Notice Number: NOT-NS-15-030 Key Dates Release Date:   June 12, 2015 Related Announcements PAR-15-146 Issued National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke NINDS) Purpose Notice to inform potential applicants PAR-15-146 quot;Countermeasures Against Chemical Threats CounterACT) Research Centers Excellence U54)" a pre-application webinar provide submission information this FOA. NIH CounterACT program supports research the development new improved medical countermeasures designed prevent treat conditions caused acute exposure chemical agents www.ninds.nih/counteract). NIH CounterACT research network includes Research Centers Excellence, individual research projects, contracts, other programs. Currently NIH soliciting proposals new renewal U54 Research Centers Excellence. webinar provide information preparing research proposals will include information eligibility, scientific scope, Center structure, application instructions, grants management, well time questions the audience answers the NIH staff. intent the webinar to provide overview the initiative to address questions pertinent preparing applications. webinar optional not required application submission. Webinar Information Date:                            Friday, July 17, 2015 Time:                           1:00 pm ET Meeting URL:               CounterACT Center Webinar Questions be submitted email before webinar; Please include quot;U54 Webinar Question" the subject line. While every effort be to answer questions during webinar itself, due time constraints responses be sent afterwards. applicants strongly encouraged discuss applications the Scientific/Research contact early the application development process. complete text the FOA available Inquiries Please direct inquiries to: Sarah A. Norring, Ph.D. National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke NINDS) Telephone: 301-443-8189 Email:

Expiration Date: Friday, January 1, 2027 NOFO Number: NOT-NS-15-029 Release Date: Thursday, June 4, 2015 Notice Type: NOT
Notice Change the First Application Due Date PAR-15-257 NINDS Faculty Development Award Promote Diversity Neuroscience Research K01)” Notice Number: NOT-NS-15-029 Key Dates Release Date:   June 4, 2015 Related Announcements PAR-15-257   Issued National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke NINDS)   Purpose purpose this Notice to inform scientific community a change the first application due date PAR-15-257 quot;NINDS Faculty Development Award Promote Diversity Neuroscience Research K01)". first application due date this FOA be August 4, 2015. All types non-AIDS applications (New Resubmission applications) allowed this FOA due this date. After first application due date, standard due dates apply. Part 1. Key Dates Currently reads: Posted Date 14, 2015 Open Date Earliest Submission Date) September 12, 2015 Letter Intent Due Date(s) Applicable Application Due Date(s) Standard dates apply, 5:00 PM local time applicant organization. All types non-AIDS applications allowed this funding opportunity announcement due these dates. Applicants encouraged apply early allow adequate time make any corrections errors found the application during submission process the due date. AIDS Application Due Date(s) Standard AIDS dates apply, 5:00 PM local time applicant organization. All types AIDS AIDS-related applications allowed this funding opportunity announcement due these dates. Applicants encouraged apply early allow adequate time make any corrections errors found the application during submission process the due date. Scientific Merit Review Standard dates apply Advisory Council Review Standard dates apply Earliest Start Date Standard dates apply Expiration Date September 8, 2018 Due Dates E.O. 12372 Applicable modified read: Posted Date 14, 2015 Open Date Earliest Submission Date) July 4, 2015 Letter Intent Due Date(s) Applicable Application Due Date(s) August 4, 2015 the first due date. All types non-AIDS applications (New Resubmissions) allowed this funding opportunity announcement due this date. Standard dates apply, 5:00 PM local time applicant organization. All types non-AIDS applications allowed this funding opportunity announcement due these dates. Applicants encouraged apply early allow adequate time make any corrections errors found the application during submission process the due date. AIDS Application Due Date(s) Standard AIDS dates apply, 5:00 PM local time applicant organization. All types AIDS AIDS-related applications allowed this funding opportunity announcement due these dates. Applicants encouraged apply early allow adequate time make any corrections errors found the application during submission process the due date. Scientific Merit Review Standard dates apply Advisory Council Review Standard dates apply Earliest Start Date Standard dates apply Expiration Date 8, 2018 Due Dates E.O. 12372 Applicable nbsp; other aspects this FOA remain unchanged. Inquiries Please direct inquiries to: Michelle Jones-London, Ph.D. National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke NINDS) Telephone: 301-451-7966 Email:
Expiration Date: Friday, January 1, 2027 NOFO Number: NOT-AI-15-037 Release Date: Monday, June 1, 2015 Notice Type: NOT
Notice Corrections RFA-AI-15-029 Martin Delaney Collaboratories HIV Cure Research UM1)" Notice Number: NOT-AI-15-037 Key Dates Release Date:   June 1, 2015 Related Announcements RFA-AI-15-029    Issued National Institute Allergy Infectious Diseases NIAID) National Institute Drug Abuse NIDA) National Institute Mental Health NIMH) National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke NINDS) Purpose purpose this Notice to the following corrections RFA-AI-15-029 Martin Delaney Collaboratories HIV Cure Research UM1)". Part 2. Section III. 1. Eligible Applicants Eligible Organizations Current Language: Independent School Districts Public Housing Authorities/Indian Housing Authorities Native American Tribal Organizations than Federally recognized tribal governments) Faith-based Community-based Organizations Regional Organizations Non-domestic non-U.S.) Entities Foreign Institutions) Foreign Institutions Non-domestic non-U.S.) Entities Foreign Institutions) eligible apply. Non-domestic non-U.S.) components U.S. Organizations eligible apply. Foreign components, defined the NIH Grants Policy Statement, not allowed. Revised Language: Independent School Districts Public Housing Authorities/Indian Housing Authorities Native American Tribal Organizations than Federally recognized tribal governments) Faith-based Community-based Organizations Regional Organizations    Foreign Institutions Non-domestic non-U.S.) Entities Foreign Institutions) not eligible apply. Non-domestic non-U.S.) components U.S. Organizations not eligible apply. Foreign components, defined the NIH Grants Policy Statement, allowed. Part 2. Section III. 3. Additional Information Eligibility Number Applications Current Language: Applicant organizations submit than application, provided each application scientifically distinct. NIH not accept duplicate highly overlapping applications under review the same time.  means the NIH not accept: new A0) application is submitted before issuance the summary statement the review an overlapping new A0) resubmission A1) application. resubmission A1) application is submitted before issuance the summary statement the review the previous new A0) application. application has substantial overlap another application pending appeal initial peer review NOT-OD-11-101). Revised Language: Only application per institution normally identified having unique DUNS number NIH IPF number) allowed. However, given institution receive funds through subawards more one application. NIH not accept duplicate highly overlapping applications under review the same time.  means the NIH not accept: new A0) application is submitted before issuance the summary statement the review an overlapping new A0) resubmission A1) application. resubmission A1) application is submitted before issuance the summary statement the review the previous new A0) application. application has substantial overlap another application pending appeal initial peer review NOT-OD-11-101). Part 2. Section V.1. Criteria Additional Review Considerations Current Language: Applications Foreign Organizations Reviewers assess whether project presents special opportunities furthering research programs through use unusual talent, resources, populations, environmental conditions exist other countries either not readily available the United States augment existing U.S. resources. Revised Language: Applications Foreign Organizations Applicable other aspects this FOA remain same. Inquiries Please direct inquiries to: Diane Lawrence, Ph.D. National Institute Allergy Infectious Diseases NIAID) Telephone: 240-627-3202  Email: Jeymohan Joseph, Ph.D. National Institute Mental Health NIMH) Telephone: 240-627-3869 Email: Vishnudutt Purohit, DVM, Ph.D.  National Institute Drug Abuse NIDA) Telephone: 301-594-5753  Email: Wong, Ph.D. National Institute National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke NINDS) Telephone: 301-496-1431 Email:
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