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Expiration Date: Friday, January 1, 2027 NOFO Number: NOT-NS-19-008 Release Date: Monday, October 15, 2018 Notice Type: NOT
Notice Clarification: Research Strategy page limit PAR-18-549, Analytical Validation a Candidate Biomarker Neurological Disease U44 Clinical Trial Optional) Notice Number: NOT-NS-19-008 Key Dates Release Date:October 15, 2018 Related Announcements PAR-18-550 PAR-18-664 PAR-18-548 PAR-18-549 RFA-NS-18-046 Issued National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke NINDS) Purpose Notice to clarify Research Strategy page limit PAR-18-549, Analytical Validation a Candidate Biomarker Neurological Disease U44 Clinical Trial Optional). Research Strategy section page limit been increased 12 20 pages allow additional space materials are disallowed the Appendix. Figures, tables, graphs, diagrams, data, charts are necessary support proposal should included the Research Strategy section, these not appropriate the Appendix. not the Appendix circumvent page limits. Allowable Appendix Materials, follow instructions the Appendix described the SF424 R&R) Application Guide. Allowable Appendix Materials restricted. Please the NIH Guide Notice on Allowable Appendix Materials and the FAQs the NIH Appendix Policy for information. If application submitted disallowed materials the Appendix will withdrawn noncompliance. other aspects this FOA remain unchanged. Inquiries Please direct inquiries to: Mary Ann Pelleymounter, PhD  National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke NINDS) Telephone: 301-496-1779  Email:
Expiration Date: Friday, January 1, 2027 NOFO Number: NOT-NS-19-006 Release Date: Monday, October 15, 2018 Notice Type: NOT
Notice Clarification: Research Strategy page limit PAR-18-664, Clinical Validation a Candidate Biomarker Neurological Disease U01 Clinical Trial Optional) Notice Number: NOT-NS-19-006 Key Dates Release Date:October 15, 2018 Related Announcements PAR-18-550 PAR-18-664 PAR-18-548 PAR-18-549 RFA-NS-18-046 Issued National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke NINDS) Purpose Notice to clarify Research Strategy page limit PAR-18-664, Clinical Validation a Candidate Biomarker Neurological Disease U01 Clinical Trial Optional). Research Strategy section page limit been increased 12 20 pages allow additional space materials are disallowed the Appendix. Figures, tables, graphs, diagrams, data, charts are necessary support proposal should included the Research Strategy section, these not appropriate the Appendix. not the Appendix circumvent page limits. Allowable Appendix Materials, follow instructions the Appendix described the SF424 R&R) Application Guide. Allowable Appendix Materials restricted. Please the NIH Guide Notice on Allowable Appendix Materials and the FAQs the NIH Appendix Policy for information.  an application submitted disallowed materials the Appendix will withdrawn noncompliance. other aspects this FOA remain unchanged. Inquiries Please direct inquiries to: Mary Ann Pelleymounter, PhD  National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke NINDS) Telephone: 301-496-1779  Email:
Expiration Date: Friday, January 1, 2027 NOFO Number: NOT-MH-18-054 Release Date: Tuesday, October 9, 2018 Notice Type: NOT
Collaborative Research Computational Neuroscience CRCNS) Innovative Approaches Science Engineering Research Brain Function Notice Number: NOT-MH-18-054 Key Dates Release Date:October 9, 2018 Related Announcements None Issued National Institute Mental Health NIMH) National Eye Institute NEI) National Institute Aging NIA) National Institute Alcohol Abuse Alcoholism NIAAA) National Institute Biomedical Imaging Bioengineering NIBIB) National Institute Deafness Other Communication Disorders NIDCD) National Institute Drug Abuse NIDA) National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke NINDS) National Center Complementary Integrative Health NCCIH) Purpose Full Proposal Deadline(s) due 5 p.m. submitter's local time): November 27, 2018 Deadline FY 2019 competition November 25, 2019 Deadline FY 2020 competition Notice announces reissue a joint initiative, Collaborative Research Computational Neuroscience CRCNS), among six National Science Foundation NSF) Directorates Offices DOs), nine participating National Institutes Health NIH) Institutes Centers ICs). CRCNS announcement released underNSF 18-591. announcement supersedes NSF 18-501 NSF: Collaborative Research Computational Neuroscience CRCNS) Innovative Approaches Science Engineering Research Brain Function. NIH, CRCNS affiliated the NIH Blueprint Neuroscience Research ( Computational neuroscience provides theoretical foundation a rich set technical approaches understanding complex neurobiological systems, building the theory, methods, findings computer science, neuroscience, numerous disciplines. Through CRCNS program, National Science Foundation NSF), National Institutes Health NIH), German Federal Ministry Education Research Bundesministerium fr Bildung und Forschung, BMBF), French National Research Agency Agence Nationale de la Recherche, ANR), United States-Israel Binational Science Foundation BSF), Japans National Institute Information Communications Technology NICT), the State Research Agency Agencia Estatal de Investigacin, AEI) National Institute Health Carlos III Instituto de Salud Carlos III, ISCIII), both Spain, support collaborative activities will advance understanding nervous system structure function, mechanisms underlying nervous system disorders, computational strategies used the nervous system. classes proposals be considered response this solicitation: Research Proposalsdescribing collaborative research projects, Data Sharing Proposalsto enable sharing data other resources. Domestic international projects be considered. detailed the solicitation, international components collaborative projects be funded parallel the participating agencies. Specific CRCNS opportunities parallel funding available bilateral US-German Research Proposals, US-German Data Sharing Proposals, US-French Research Proposals, US-French Data Sharing Proposals, US-Israeli Research Proposals, US-Israeli Data Sharing Proposals, US-Japanese Research Proposals, US-Japanese Data Sharing Proposals, US-Spanish Research Proposals, US-Spanish Data Sharing Proposals, multilateral proposals involving United States two more CRCNS partner countries please Section VIII the solicitation country-specific instructions limitations). Appropriate scientific areas investigations be related the interests any the participating funding organizations. Questions concerning particular project's focus, direction, relevance a participating funding organization should addressed the appropriate person the list agency contacts found Section VIII the solicitation. NSF coordinate manage review proposals jointly participating domestic foreign funding organizations, through joint panel review process used all participating funders.Additional information available Section VI the solicitation. Applications submitted response this solicitation not duplicate be substantially similar other applications concurrently under consideration other programs study sections across agencies, including those response NIH investigator-initiated lsquo;parent FOAs NIH BRAIN Initiative FOAs. Duplicate substantially similar applications be returned without review. AwardInformation in previous years, is anticipated a minimum 5 million be available year this competition, potentially 15 20 million annually, depending the quality proposals availability funds. Award sizes Research Projects both domestic international) expected range approximately 100,000 250,000 per year direct costs, durations three five years. awards be the smaller end this range. Proposers strongly discouraged requesting larger budgets are necessary the activities being proposed. Investigators contemplating four- five-year projects advised discuss project requirements the appropriate agency contact(s) before submitting. expected range award sizes applies the combined direct costs, expressed US Dollars, all components a collaborative project which funding being sought participating funders, including components inside outside the United States. expected range award sizes does include costs foreign travel international partnering institutions. International travel costs be expected vary depending the countries specific proposed activities could result combined direct costs exceed expected range. Awards Data Sharing Projects be scaled according the needs the project; typically, will smaller size research awards. Investigators encouraged discuss project requirements the CRCNS Program Coordinator - NSF before submitting. Estimated program budget, number awards, average award size duration subject the availability funds. Upon conclusion the review process, meritorious research proposals be recommended funding one more the participating funding organizations, the option the funders, the proposer. Subsequent grant administration procedures be accordance the individual policies the awarding agency. Further information agency processes agency-specific award information provided Section VI.B. Section VIII this solicitation. Eligibility Information May Submit Proposals: categories proposers eligible submit proposals the National Science Foundation identified theNSF Proposal amp; Award Policies amp; Procedures Guide(PAPPG), Chapter I.E. May Serve PI: are restrictions limits. Limit Number Proposals per Organization: are restrictions limits. Limit Number Proposals per PI Co-PI:2 response this solicitation, investigator participate PI co-PI inno than proposalsper review cycle. the event a PI co-PI does appear either these roles more two proposals, proposals include person a PI co-PI be returned without review. limit applies all PIs co-PIs, based inside outside the United States. Additional Eligibility Info: Proposal Limit:Proposals submitted response this solicitation not duplicate be substantially similar other proposals concurrently under consideration other programs study sections the participating agencies. Duplicate substantially similar proposals be returned without review. Budgetary Information Cost Sharing: Inclusion voluntary committed cost sharing prohibited. Indirect Cost F&A) Limitations: Foreign organizations do have current U.S. federally negotiated indirect cost rate(s) limited a de minimis indirect cost rate recovery 10% modified total direct costs. Foreign grantees have U.S. federally negotiated indirect cost rate(s) recover indirect costs the current negotiated rate. Budgetary Limitations: Budgets should include travel funds the PI attend annual CRCNS Principal Investigators' meeting NIH Process those proposals are selected potential funding participating NIH Institutes Centers, PI be required resubmit proposal an NIH-approved format directly the Center Scientific Review ( the NIH. PIs invited resubmit NIH receive further information resubmission procedures NIH. applicant not allowed increase proposed budget change scientific content the application the resubmission the NIH. NIH budgets not exceed 250,000 direct costs, the total direct costs requested the years not exceed total requested the NSF application. However, some cases, NIH Institutes request the budget request reallocated across years the grant conform NIH modular budget practices. Indirect costs any foreign subawards/subcontracts be limited eight 8) percent. Applicants be expected utilize Multiple Principal Investigator option the NIH ( appropriate. NIH applications be entered the NIH IMPAC II system. results the review be presented the involved Institutes' Centers' National Advisory Councils the second level review. Subsequent the Council reviews, NIH Institutes Centers make funding determinations selected awards be made. Subsequent grant administration procedures NIH awardees, including those related New Early Stage Investigators (, be accordance the policies NIH. Applications selected NIH funding use NIH R01 funding mechanism. the end the project period, renewal applications projects funded the NIH expected be submitted directly the NIH Renewal Applications, rather as proposals the CRCNS program. Principal Investigators should contact NIH Program Officer additional information. Inquiries Please direct inquiries to: Written telephone inquiries encouraged. Please the NSF program announcement names contact information each the participating NSF DOs and/or NIH ICs at
Expiration Date: Friday, January 1, 2027 NOFO Number: NOT-DA-18-046 Release Date: Tuesday, October 9, 2018 Notice Type: NOT
BRAIN Initiative: Notice Support Research the Fundamental Neurobiology Endogenous Opioid Systems Notice Number: NOT-DA-18-046 Key Dates Release Date:October 9, 2018 Related Announcements None Issued National Institute Mental Health NIMH) National Eye Institute NEI) National Institute Aging NIA) National Institute Alcohol Abuse Alcoholism NIAAA) National Institute Biomedical Imaging Bioengineering NIBIB) Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute Child Health Human Development NICHD) National Institute Deafness Other Communication Disorders NIDCD) National Institute Drug Abuse NIDA) National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke NINDS) National Center Complementary Integrative Health NCCIH) Purpose Brain Research through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies BRAIN) Initiative aimed revolutionizing neuroscience through development application innovative technologies map neural circuits, monitor modulate activity, understand they contribute thoughts, sensations, emotions behavior.  NIH issued variety Funding Opportunity Announcements FOAs) will support projects apply technologies understand neural circuit function the context specific circuits, resulting a diverse portfolio research the fundamental biology nervous system function.   announcement to inform research community NIH welcomes applications leverage tools technology emerging the BRAIN Initiative towards elucidating mechanisms which endogenous opioid systems regulate sensory processing, affect cognition appropriate the goals requirements specific BRAIN Initiative FOAs.  overuse opioids created public health crisis, the NIH responding this crisis through conventional Institute Center appropriations special programs such the HEAL Initiative .  However, because BRAIN Initiative specifically aims understand neural circuit activity translates sensory, emotional cognitive functions opioids produce effects engaging endogenous opioid circuits normally regulate same functions, BRAIN uniquely positioned advance knowledge this area. Examples research could supported include use the innovative tools technology profile transcriptome methylome opioid-related neurons , live imaging intracellular signaling cascades identify spatiotemporal aspects cellular signaling engaged opioid receptor activation, brain-wide optical imaging cellular activity cell-types engaged opioids under different conditions, changes connectivity network activity across trajectory opioid assessed optical imaging multiplexed high density electrophysiological recording. Because chronic opioid disrupts cognitive functions emotional regulation the extent being risk survival, study the opioid-dependent brain presents unique opportunity discover how  reprogramming neural substrates circuits translates reprogramming motivation, mood decision-making processes. Interested parties should check information goals requirements specific BRAIN FOAs may appropriate, contact Scientific/Program staff listed the text the respective announcements.  For list active upcoming FOAs, see .  Inquiries Please direct inquiries to: Olivier Berton, PhD National Institute Drug Abuse Telephone: 301) 827-7771 Email:
Expiration Date: Friday, January 1, 2027 NOFO Number: NOT-NS-19-003 Release Date: Monday, October 1, 2018 Notice Type: NOT
Notice Encourage Eligible NINDS Alzheimer?s Disease Alzheimer?s Disease-Related Dementias AD/ADRD) Initiative Awardees Apply PA-18-906 Research Supplements Promote Diversity Health-Related Research" Notice Number: NOT-NS-19-003 Key Dates Release Date:October 1, 2018 Related Announcements PA-18-906 Issued National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke NINDS) Purpose Notice encourages eligible NINDS awardees the Alzheimers Disease Alzheimers Disease-Related Dementias AD/ADRD) research community apply administrative supplements response toPA-18-906, Research Supplements Promote Diversity Health-Related Research." NIH a strong interest the diversity the NIH-funded workforce seeNOT-OD-18-210for details) encourages institutions diversify student populations enhancing participation individuals groups are underrepresented the biomedical, clinical, behavioral, social sciences. Goal 1 TheNational Plan Address AlzheimersDiseaseis prevent effectively treat AD/ADRD 2015. initiative addresses critical need increase number health professionals are trained meet expanding demand cognitive impairment dementia diagnosis, care, clinical research meet Goal 1. Program Directors/Principal Investigators PD/PI) active AD/ADRD research grants thus encouraged identify eligible individuals, including those underrepresented groups, support mentorship under auspices this supplement opportunity. Individuals the identified groups eligible throughout training continuum high school the faculty level. activities proposed the supplement application must fall within scope advance objectives the parent grant, also support research training professional development the supplement candidate. PIs must reference Notice the cover letter application. further guidance submitting responsive NINDS diversity supplement please visit link:…. Diversity supplement awardees, appropriate the duration their support career stage, request funds, addition the research costs specified inPA-18-906, enable supplement candidate attend AD/ADRD research summits the Washington, DC area. request additional funds should reasonable well justified the application. Applicants strongly encouraged consult the Program Official the parent grant the contact listed below before submitting application confirm eligibility to obtain technical assistance. Supplement requests under Notice submitted toPA-18-906)will undergo administrative evaluation NINDS staff, not full peer review. Eligible AD/ADRD research awardscan identified using NIH RePORTER by contacting Dr. Jordan Gladman via email. tracking, a diversity supplement application responsive this Notice submitted please email Dr. Jordan Gladman include PD/PI name grant number the subject line the email. Applications be considered according the following schedule: Application Due DateEarliest Funding Decision November 16, 2018 February 15, 2019 March 2019 February 16, 2019 15, 2019 June 2019 August 1, 2019 November 15, 2019 December 2019 November 16, 2019 February 15, 2020 March 2020 February 16, 2020 15, 2020 June 2020 Inquiries Please direct inquiries to: Jordan Gladman, Ph.D. National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke NINDS) Telephone: 301-496-5680
Expiration Date: Friday, January 1, 2027 NOFO Number: NOT-HL-18-654 Release Date: Friday, September 21, 2018 Notice Type: NOT
Request Information: Optimizing Design Implementation Emergency Medical Care Research Conducted Under Exception Informed Consent Requirements Emergency Research EFIC) Requirements Guidelines Notice Number: NOT-HL-18-654 Key Dates Release Date: September 21, 2018 Response Date: December 17, 2018 Related Announcements None Issued National Heart, Lung, Blood Institute NHLBI) National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke NINDS) National Institutes Health Office Emergency Care Research NIH OECR) Purpose part its ongoing stewardship, NIH considering ways enhance NIH-supported emergency medical care research conducted under ldquo;Exception Informed Consent Requirements Emergency Research” EFIC; 21 CFR 50.24) requirements and guidelines.  Through Request Information RFI), NIH asking input will help inform: 1) development good emergency medical care research practices under EFIC 2) policies procedures the design, implementation, oversight NIH-supported emergency medical care research conducted under EFIC.  NIH invites comments researchers, prehospital providers/emergency medical services personnel, patients their family members, patient advocacy groups, healthcare providers, others an interest emergency medical care research conducted under EFIC. Background NIH a longstanding commitment supporting emergency medical care research, including studies conducted under EFIC requirements guidelines.  research helps provide much-needed scientific evidence base shaping clinical practice the emergency point-of-care setting has led improvements patient outcomes after life-threatening medical events such cardiac arrest severe neurotrauma.   EFIC requirements set forth in 21 CFR 50.24 and apply limited types research activities involving patients are critical need emergency medical intervention, who cannot give informed consent because their life-threatening medical condition, to circumstances which is feasible obtain consent the patient’s legally authorized representative within limited time necessary administer research intervention that has potential therapeutic benefit. Clinical trials conducted under EFIC considered justified there no known available treatments when available treatments unproven unsatisfactory. Although primary goal these clinical investigations research, critical requirement this type research that must sufficient evidence support potential the intervention provide direct benefit the critically ill patients may otherwise be available outside research setting. Clinical investigations conducted under exception a high regulatory ethical threshold being approved. Additionally, must public disclosure community consultation inform affected communities the planned research to engage in dialogue the research order demonstrate respect to address concerns may raised the community. Prospective informed consent the potential participant their legally authorized representative must obtained feasible. not feasible, research participant and/or legally authorized representative be informed the research the earliest time feasible will provided opportunity discontinue participation the research any time without penalty loss benefits. independent safety monitoring board also exercises additional oversight the clinical investigation beyond provided the NIH, FDA, the Institutional Review Board.  more information, the regulation and FDA guidance on EFIC. Information Requested part its ongoing stewardship, NIH considering ways enhance NIH-supported emergency medical care research conducted under EFIC requirements guidelines.  Toward end, NIH seeking input the public their experiences implementing participating emergency medical care research conducted under EFIC, including any challenges have encountered during such research, well suggestions improving design conduct such research. NIH seeks comments any all the following topics: most challenging aspects implementing emergency medical care research conducted under EFIC across range local settings e.g., urban, suburban, rural), including suggestions tools training might useful addressing challenges Ways enhance training better equip prehospital providers/emergency medical services personnel participate emergency medical care research conducted under EFIC guidelines e.g., research protocol implementation, including patient enrollment, family notification data collection), strategies evaluating such approaches across range local settings e.g., urban, suburban, rural) Approaches obtaining family member permission the patient’s participation emergency medical care research conducted under EFIC, strategies evaluating such approaches Approaches family presence during emergency medical care research conducted under EFIC strategies evaluating such approaches, including impact family presence needs/experiences family members this setting Practices effectively communicating the participant’s legally authorized representative LAR) regarding research being conducted under EFIC, including strategies informing LAR impending enrollment the patient EFIC research the LAR immediately/readily available that consent be obtained Practices community consultation public disclosure regarding emergency care research conducted under EFIC across range local settings e.g., urban, suburban, rural) strategies assessing effectiveness such approaches comments be submitted anonymously.  Regardless whether identify yourself name, would helpful you describe role/experience/interest emergency medical care research conducted under EFIC help us better understand thoughts particular groups.  example, please indicate you an investigator, EMS personnel, patient, Legally Authorized Representative family member a patient, patient advocate, etc. to Submit Response responses the RFI must submitted via email to by December 17, 2018. Please include Notice Number NOT-HL-18-654) the subject line.  Responses this RFI voluntary.  Do include any proprietary, classified, confidential, trade secret, sensitive information your response.  The responses be reviewed NIH staff, individual feedback not provided any responder. Government use information submitted response this RFI its discretion. Government reserves right use any submitted information public NIH websites, reports, summaries the state the science, any possible resultant solicitation(s), grant(s), cooperative agreement(s), in development future funding opportunity announcements. RFI for information planning purposes only shall be construed a solicitation, grant, cooperative agreement, as obligation the part the Federal Government, NIH, individual NIH Institutes Centers provide support any ideas identified response it. Government not pay the preparation any information submitted for Government’s of such information. basis claims against U.S. Government shall arise a result a response this RFI from Government’s of such information. NIH looks forward your input we hope you share RFI document your colleagues. Inquiries Please direct inquiries to: Email:  
Research Category: Workforce Diversity Expiration Date: Friday, January 1, 2027 NOFO Number: NOT-DA-18-038 Release Date: Tuesday, September 18, 2018 Notice Type: NOT Contact: Michelle Jones-London

Notice Encourage Eligible NIH BRAIN Initiative Awardees Apply PA-18-906 Research Supplements Promote Diversity Health-Related Research Admin Supp - Clinical Trial Allowed) Notice Number: NOT-DA-18-038 Key Dates Release Date: September 18, 2018 Related Announcements PAR-18-501 PAR-18-515 RFA-DA-18-018 RFA-EB-15-006 RFA-EB-17-001 RFA-EB-17-002 RFA-EB-17-003 RFA-EB-17-004 RFA-EB-17-005 RFA-EY-17-001 RFA-EY-18-001 RFA-MH-16-750 RFA-MH-16-775 RFA-MH-16-810 RFA-MH-16-815 RFA-MH-17-210 RFA-MH-17-215 RFA-MH-17-220 RFA-MH-17-230 RFA-MH-17-235 RFA-MH-17-240 RFA-MH-17-245   RFA-MH-17-255 RFA-MH-17-256 RFA-MH-17-257 RFA-MH-17-260 RFA-MH-18-505 RFA-MH-19-136 RFA-NS-15-008 RFA-NS-16-006 RFA-NS-16-007 RFA-NS-16-008 RFA-NS-16-009 RFA-NS-16-010 RFA-NS-17-003 RFA-NS-17-004 RFA-NS-17-006 RFA-NS-17-014 RFA-NS-17-015   RFA-NS-17-019 RFA-NS-18-014 RFA-NS-18-018 RFA-NS-18-019 RFA-NS-18-020 RFA-NS-18-021 RFA-NS-18-022 RFA-NS-18-023 RFA-NS-18-029 RFA-NS-18-030 Issued National Eye Institute NEI) National Institute Biomedical Imaging Bioengineering NIBIB) National Institute Drug Abuse NIDA) National Institute Mental Health NIMH) National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke NINDS) Purpose Notice encourages eligible awardees the BRAIN Initiative community apply administrative supplements response to PA-18-906 Research Supplements Promote Diversity Health-Related Research Admin Supp - Clinical Trial Allowed). NIH a strong interest the diversity the NIH-funded workforce see NOT-OD-18-210 for details) encourages institutions diversify student populations enhancing participation individuals groups identified underrepresented the biomedical, clinical, behavioral, social sciences. BRAIN Initiative 2025 report stated the BRAIN Initiative should a catalyst will drive outstanding young people enter area their most creative career stage." NIH diversity supplement offers opportunity existing BRAIN awardees request additional funds train mentor next generation researchers, including those underrepresented groups, will contribute advancing goals the BRAIN Initiative. Program Directors/Principal Investigators PD/PI) active BRAIN Initiative research program grants thus encouraged identify eligible individuals throughout continuum high school the faculty level support scientific mentorship under auspices this administrative supplement. activities proposed the supplement application must fall within scope the parent grant, both advance objectives the parent grant support research training professional development the supplement candidate. BRAIN Initiative PIs strongly encouraged incorporate training activities will help prepare supplement candidate conduct rigorous research relevant the goals the BRAIN Initiative 2025 Report. Educational goals the NIH component the BRAIN Initiative see BRAIN 2025: Scientific Vision) include acquisition quantitative skills; appropriate and integration newly developed tools, technologies methods developed under BRAIN Initiative; consideration the ethical implications neuroscience research. special focus training quantitative neuroscience, i.e., theory statistics biologists, exposing physicists, engineers statisticians experimental neuroscience. BRAIN 2025 Report strongly encourages scientists cross traditional areas expertise conduct interdisciplinary research, acknowledges need attract investigators faculty recruits neuroscience quantitative disciplines, e.g., statistics, computer science, physics, mathematics, engineering.   Applicants requested state, the first sentence the Research Strategy, the parent grant awarded a BRAIN Initiative award, to state specific FOA the parent grant e.g., RFA-NS-18-030) facilitate processing the supplement application. some cases, diversity supplement be submitted a multiple-PD/PI MPI) BRAIN Initiative award is awarded a foreign institution. Specifically, diversity supplement be submitted the supplement candidate meets eligibility criteria specified in PA-18-906 and work a subaward MPI a domestic institution. Potential applicants encouraged confirm eligibility the Program contact listed below.  BRAIN diversity supplement awardees, appropriate the duration their support career stage, strongly encouraged participate annual PD/PI meetings in activities. Applicants request funds, addition the research costs specified in PA-18-906, to enable supplement candidate attend annual BRAIN Initiative PD/PI meeting the Washington, DC area. request additional funds should reasonable well justified the application.  Before submitting application, applicants encouraged review the supplemental guidance for BRAIN Initiative diversity supplement applications   the NIH BRAIN Initiative web site. Consultation the Program Official the qualifying BRAIN award the individual named under Inquiries below also strongly encouraged. Supplement applications be evaluated the BRAIN Initiative research training committee, committee Program staff the Institutes Centers participating the NIH BRAIN Initiative.  Applications be considered according the following schedule: Application Due Date                                    Funding Decision October 1, 2018 December 1, 2018              January 30, 2019 December 2, 2018 February 15, 2019          March 31, 2019 February 16, 2019 April 15, 2019                 30, 2019 April 16, 2019 June 15, 2019                       July 30, 2019 tracking purposes, applicants encouraged inform Dr. James Churchill via email a diversity supplement application submitted. Please include PD/PI name grant number the subject line this email. Inquiries Please direct inquiries to: James Churchill, Ph.D. National Institute Mental Health NIMH) Telephone: 301-443-3621 Email:

Expiration Date: Friday, January 1, 2027 NOFO Number: NOT-NS-18-085 Release Date: Friday, September 14, 2018 Notice Type: NOT
Notice Intent Publish Funding Opportunity Announcement Support NINDS-Specific Institutional Research Training Programs T32) Notice Number: NOT-NS-18-085 Key Dates Release Date: September 14, 2018 Estimated Publication Date Funding Opportunity Announcement: December 01, 2018 First Estimated Application Due Date: 25, 2019 Earliest Estimated Award Date: January 01, 2020 Earliest Estimated Start Date: July 01, 2020 Related Announcements NOT-NS-18-077 Issued National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke NINDS ) Purpose National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke NINDS) intends publish NINDS-specific Funding Opportunity Announcement FOA) institutional research training programs support advanced predoctoral students years 3-4 graduate school), postdoctoral fellows fellowship-stage clinicians. Under FOA, NINDS support institutional training programs encompass basic, clinical, translational a combination approaches any area research across NINDS mission. programs should designed enhance breadth depth training incorporating didactic, research career development components the context a defined scientific theme.   Upon publication this NINDS-specific T32 FOA, NINDS no longer accept applications New, Renewal, Resubmission Revision) institutional training grants T32) submitted under NIH parent T32 FOA PA-18-403 and subsequent reissuances). All T32 training grant applications institutions were previously are currently supported NINDS-funded T32 training grants under NIH parent T32 FOA PA-18-403 and previous issuances) must submitted under new NINDS-specific T32 FOA. Applications previously currently supported programs be submitted new Type 1) renewal Type 2) applications. NINDS not support first second year graduate students programs supported via FOA. NINDS continue support institutional training programs first second year graduate students under Jointly-Sponsored Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award Institutional Predoctoral Training Program the Neurosciences PAR-17-096 and subsequent reissuances).  programs 1) intend focus translationally motivated research, 2) revolve around team science approach among basic researchers clinicians, 3) incorporate formalized education the steps required moving basic discoveries clinical applicability, apply this FOA, a different NINDS T32 FOA, was written specifically this narrow focus which be available a limited time NOT-NS-18-077).  Both FOAs expected be published the Fall 2018. Applications both FOAs be accepted once per year, an expected first application due date May 25, 2019. FOA utilize T32 activity code. Research Initiative Details Programs supported under FOA be expected include following: defined scientific goals activities designed achieve those goals, within thematic area emphasis, supported formal activities, sound experimental design, proper of statistical methodology theoretical understanding each trainee the quantitative capabilities his her experimental system structured group meetings the program’s trainees program faculty discuss evaluate experimental statistical approaches used their own work in literature relevant the thematic area the program activities trainees develop oral written skills communicating science a wide variety audiences access an appropriate diversity role models, both within institution through activities such invited seminars access career advising opportunities learn career options utilize expertise. APPLICATIONS NOT BEING SOLICITED THIS TIME. Funding Information Estimated Total Funding TBD Expected Number Awards TBD Estimated Award Ceiling TBD Primary CFDA Numbers 93.853 Anticipated Eligible Organizations Public/State Controlled Institution Higher Education Private Institution Higher Education Nonprofit 501(c)(3) IRS Status than Institution Higher Education) Nonprofit without 501(c)(3) IRS Status than Institution Higher Education) Indian/Native American Tribal Government Federally Recognized) Indian/Native American Tribally Designated Organization Native American tribal organizations than Federally recognized tribal governments) U.S. Territory Possession Indian/Native American Tribal Government than Federally Recognized) Applications not being solicited this time.  nbsp; Inquiries Please direct inquiries to: Letitia Weigand, Ph.D. National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke NINDS) 301-496-4188
Expiration Date: Friday, January 1, 2027 NOFO Number: NOT-NS-18-077 Release Date: Friday, September 14, 2018 Notice Type: NOT
Notice Intent Publish Funding Opportunity Announcement Support Institutional Translational Research Training Programs T32) Notice Number: NOT-NS-18-077 Key Dates Release Date:September 14, 2018 Estimated Publication Date Funding Opportunity Announcement: December 01, 2018 First Estimated Application Due Date: 25, 2019 Earliest Estimated Award Date: January 01, 2020 Earliest Estimated Start Date: July 01, 2020 Related Announcements NOT-NS-18-085 Issued National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke NINDS) Purpose National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke intends publish Funding Opportunity Announcement FOA) solicit applications institutional training programs translational research. These programs support advanced predoctoral students years 3-4 graduate school), postdoctoral fellows fellowship-stage clinicians. Advancing basic discoveries clinical application (“bench bedside”) requires close collaboration between basic scientists clinical investigators well an understanding the experimental regulatory issues arise moving basic discovery clinical applicability. goal this FOA to stimulate creation translational training programs neuroscience will equip trainees research expertise an understanding the principles practices involved translating basic research findings clinical therapies, technologies devices. program intended help expand community basic clinical researchers working teams conduct basic, disease-relevant research an understanding the requirements achieve clinical applicability. Notice being provided allow potential applicants sufficient time develop design programmatic content will form cohesive approach translational research training.  notice intended support limited number exceptional training programs will therefore available only limited period time. Under different FOA NOT-NS-18-085), NINDS continue accept applications address basic, clinical, translational a combination approaches any area research across NINDS mission. Both these FOAs expected be published the Fall 2018.  Applications both FOAs be accepted once per year, an expected first application due date May 25, 2019. FOA utilize T32 activity code. Research Initiative Details Notice encourages established investigators have 1) experience working along continuum basic discovery clinical applicability, 2) expertise translational research, 3) ability provide both administrative scientific leadership the development implementation the proposed training program, begin consider applying this new FOA. Programs supported under FOA be expected include following: 1) focus basic disease-related research projects will informed by, conducted reference to, clinical applicability 2) training designed facilitate a) in-depth understanding the clinical relevance the basic mechanistic studies, b) understanding fundamental biological mechanisms contribute diseases/disorders being studied c) understanding the experimental regulatory requirements translation basic discovery clinical applicability 3) creation team-based research mentorship each trainee includes basic scientists, clinician experts various aspects translational research 4) emphasis, supported formal activities, sound experimental design, proper of statistical methodology theoretical understanding each trainee the quantitative capabilities his her experimental system 5) structured group meetings the program's trainees program faculty discuss evaluate experimental statistical approaches used their own work in literature relevant the thematic area the program 6) activities trainees develop oral written skills communicating science a wide variety audiences 7) access an appropriate diversity role models, both within institution through activities such invited seminars. APPLICATIONS NOT BEING SOLICITED THIS TIME. Funding Information Estimated Total Funding TBD Expected Number Awards TBD Estimated Award Ceiling TBD Primary CFDA Numbers 93.853 Anticipated Eligible Organizations Public/State Controlled Institution Higher Education Private Institution Higher Education Nonprofit 501(c)(3) IRS Status than Institution Higher Education) Nonprofit without 501(c)(3) IRS Status than Institution Higher Education) Indian/Native American Tribal Government Federally Recognized) Indian/Native American Tribally Designated Organization Native American tribal organizations than Federally recognized tribal governments) U.S. Territory Possession Indian/Native American Tribal Government than Federally Recognized) Applications not being solicited this time.  nbsp; Inquiries Please direct inquiries to: Letitia Weigand, PhD National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke NINDS) Telephone: 301-496-4188Email:
Expiration Date: Friday, January 1, 2027 NOFO Number: NOT-NS-18-092 Release Date: Thursday, September 13, 2018 Notice Type: NOT
Notice Intent Publish Funding Opportunity Announcement Post-Stroke VCID the United States Including Health Disparities Populations U19 Clinical Trial Allowed) Notice Number: NOT-NS-18-092 Key Dates Release Date: September 13, 2018 Estimated Publication Date Funding Opportunity Announcement: November 01, 2018 First Estimated Application Due Date: March 05, 2019 Earliest Estimated Award Date: September 30, 2019 Earliest Estimated Start Date: September 30, 2019 Related Announcements None Issued National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke NINDS) National Institute Aging NIA) Purpose National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke NINDS), a part an ongoing collaboration the National Institute Aging NIA) AD/ADRD research, intends publish Funding Opportunity Announcement FOA) responsive vascular contributions cognitive impairment dementia VCID) milestones the National Plan Address Alzheimer’s Disease. FOA invite applications a large prospective clinical research study determine specific subsets stroke events predict cognitive impairment dementia post-stroke populations the United States, including health disparities populations, what additional clinical factors comorbidities along AD/ADRD spectrum causally synergize stroke result or prevent) cognitive impairment dementia outcomes. Notice being provided allow potential applicants sufficient time develop meaningful collaborations responsive projects.  FOA expected be published November 2018, an expected application due date April 2019. FOA utilize U19 activity code, supports multi-component research program directed toward specific major objective, basic theme program goal, requiring broadly based, multidisciplinary approach. Details the planned FOA provided below. Research Initiative Details goals this initiative to determine relationship between specific subsets stroke events subsequent cognitive impairment dementia post-stroke populations the United States, including health disparities populations; identify additional clinical factors comorbidities may affect relationships; to contribute development validation clinical-trial ready diagnostic progression biomarkers post-stroke dementia. It expected the study design also allow determination interrelationships cross-sectional longitudinal) among stroke event, cerebrovascular cardiovascular disease risk factors including inflammation, dementia-relevant genetic variants mutations previously associated Alzheimer's disease, cognitive trajectories including decline resistance decline, well amyloid tau biomarkers Alzheimer’s pathology during life. NIH expects the goals this initiative benefit a collaborative network cores sites the expertise, capacity, access stroke populations order achieve adequate statistical power. NIH strongly encourages applicants form multidisciplinary teams consist both clinical non-clinical scientists expertise stroke, VCID, dementia, statistical design analysis, population-based clinical research, health disparities research. multi-disciplinary team should the expertise needed execute research strategy. NIH expects multi-component application include scientific cores, including Administrative Study Management Core; Data Coordinating Center; Recruitment Retention Core; Imaging, Biorepository Laboratory Core; well clinical sites.  is expected the project be phased, an initial protocol refinement start-up phase followed an implementation phase.  Applicants encouraged leverage existing resources VCID stroke research, including not limited to, MarkVCID, StrokeNet, established stroke cohorts, other dementia centers resources. Funding Information Estimated Total Funding TBD Expected Number Awards 1 Estimated Award Ceiling TBD Primary CFDA Numbers 93.853; 93.866 Anticipated Eligible Organizations Public/State Controlled Institution Higher Education Private Institution Higher Education Nonprofit 501(c)(3) IRS Status than Institution Higher Education) Nonprofit without 501(c)(3) IRS Status than Institution Higher Education) Small Business For-Profit Organization than Small Business) State Government Indian/Native American Tribal Government Federally Recognized) County governments City township governments Special district governments Independent school districts Public housing authorities/Indian housing authorities Indian/Native American Tribally Designated Organization Native American tribal organizations than Federally recognized tribal governments) U.S. Territory Possession Indian/Native American Tribal Government than Federally Recognized)   Applications not being solicited this time.  Inquiries Please direct inquiries to: Roderick A. Corriveau, PhD National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke NINDS) 301-496-5680 Claudia Moy, PhD National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke NINDS) Telephone: 301-496-9135 Email:
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