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Expiration Date: Friday, January 1, 2027 NOFO Number: NOT-HD-16-004 Release Date: Friday, February 5, 2016 Notice Type: NOT
Notice NICHD, NINDS, NIDCR NIAID's Interest Prioritize Zika Virus ZIKV) Research Areas Notice Number: NOT-HD-16-004 Key Dates Release Date:   February 5, 2016 Related Announcements NOT-AI-16-026       Issued Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute Child Health Human Development NICHD) National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke NINDS) National Institute Dental Craniofacial Research NIDCR) National Institute Allergy Infectious Diseases NIAID) Purpose NICHD, NINDS, NIDCR NIAID issuing Notice highlight interest research Zika virus ZIKV) it relates the mother-infant dyad sequelae infection.   Areas high priority include, are limited to, following: Demonstrate causative role infection pregnancy Zika virus ZIKV) the etiology fetal microcephaly Basic research understand ZIKV infection pathogenesis transmission the fetus, whether in-utero, postpartum, breastfeedingPopulation-based studies characterize epidemiology ZIKV infection the mother-infant dyadClinical studies improve understanding the mechanisms risks maternal child transmission ZIKV Determine timeline when how women transmit ZIKV the fetusStrategies prevent transmission ZIKV the fetus after infection the mother Studies determine optimal screening and management ZIKV infection pregnant women in exposed fetusesStudies understand mechanisms which ZIKV affects developing nervous system other organ systemsResearch develop lab-based point-of-care diagnosis ZIKV using saliva a biofluidStudies characterize outcome viral infection craniofacial skeletal dental phenotype or without microcephalyStudies understand pregnancy outcomes women infected ZIKVStudies identify sequelae infants infected ZIKV well potential sequelae exposed uninfected infantsStrategies identify neurologic other manifestations infants and without microcephaly such developmental delays other neurologic physical disordersStudies assess characterize natural history long-term neurodevelopmental consequences ZIKV infection childrenStrategies identify effective treatments exposed infants and without microcephaly they develop childhood.  Such strategies must take account cultural acceptance resourcesInvestigations mediating moderating factors affecting variability neurodevelopmental, behavioral, socio-emotional impact ZIKV exposure infants prenatally postnatallyDevelop novel, simple, feasible cost-effective testing methods and/or strategies infection screening during pregnancy Develop novel, simple, rapid, feasible cost effective testing methods and/or strategies infection screening the infant Research develop lab-based point-of-care diagnosis ZIKV using saliva a biofluid Develop culturally sensitive strategies increase knowledge the relative efficacy contraceptive methods, use knowledge plan pregnancy Strategies integrate discussion risk ZIKV infection contraceptive counseling pre-pregnancy prenatal care medical facilities ZIKV endemic areas Determine long-term implications ZIKV infection non-pregnant women men including impact fertility subsequent pregnancy Studies ascertain ZIKV present reproductive fluids such semen, cervical mucus, vaginal secretions and/or follicular fluid; persistence ZIKV these fluids; the mechanisms which ZIKV enters reproductive tract Studies effects ZIKV in vitro fertilization Studies whether ZIKV be transmitted direct sexual contact artificial reproductive technology procedures Once causality demonstrated, studies vaccine development pregnant women children Once causality demonstrated, development methods explain risk ZIKV infection risk harm the fetus pregnant women women are planning become pregnant Possible funding opportunities can used pursue research activities include: PA-16-031, Advancing Understanding, prevention, management Infections Transmitted Women their Infants R21) PA-16-032, Advancing Understanding, prevention, management Infections Transmitted Women their Infants R01) NOT-TW-16-001, Parallel Funding Initiative Collaborative Research Between Investigators the USA in State Sao Paulo, Brazil PAR-16-061, Natural History Disorders Identifiable Screening Newborns R01) PAR-14-331, Global Brain Nervous System Disorders Research Across Lifespan R21) PAR-14-332, Global Brain Nervous System Disorders Research Across Lifespan R01) PAR-15-192 , Immune System Plasticity the Pathogenesis Treatment Complex Dental, Oral, Craniofacial Diseases R01) PAR-15-193, Immune System Plasticity the Pathogenesis Treatment Complex Dental, Oral, Craniofacial Diseases R21) PA-13-302,  R01 Research Project Grant nbsp; PA-13-303, R21 Exploratory/Developmental Research Grant   Inquiries Please direct inquiries to: Nahida Chakhtoura MD, MsGH Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute Child Health Human Development NICHD) Telephone: 301-435-6872 Email: Wong, Ph.D. National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke NINDS) Telephone:  301) 496-1431 Email: Lillian Shum, Ph.D. National Institute Dental Craniofacial Research NIDCR) Telephone: 301-594-0618 Email: Walla Dempsey, Ph.D. National Institute Allergy Infectious Diseases NIAID) Telephone:  240-292-4197 Email:
Research Category: CounterACT Expiration Date: Friday, January 1, 2027 NOFO Number: NOT-NS-16-005 Release Date: Wednesday, February 3, 2016 Notice Type: NOT

Request Information RFI): NIH Countermeasures Against Chemical Threats CounterACT) Investigator-Industry Partnerships Notice Number: NOT-NS-16-005 Key Dates Release Date: February 3, 2016 Response Date: February 29, 2016 Related Announcements None     Issued National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke NINDS) Purpose is time sensitive Request Information RFI) solicit feedback pharmaceutical biotechnology companies regarding potential convening a meeting facilitate partnerships between active NIH CounterACT investigators entities the commercial industrial sectors. Background mission the NIH Countermeasures Against Chemical Threats CounterACT) program to develop new improved therapeutics treat and/or prevent injuries resulting exposure chemical threats. Chemical threats toxic chemicals could used a terrorist attack accidentally released industrial production, storage shipping. include traditional chemical warfare agents toxic industrial chemicals materials.  chemical threats a variety effects.  Classes chemicals encompass cholinesterase GABA-inhibitors can induce prolonged uncontrolled excitation the nervous system, metabolic/cellular poisons prevent cellular respiration, vesicating agents cause moderate debilitating ocular, dermal, mucosal injuries, pulmonary compounds corrosively injure, irritate, react the lining the respiratory tract.  NIH CounterACT projects developing candidate therapeutics are poised more advanced development activities, including pre-Investigational New Drug pre-IND)-enabling clinical studies could supported other federal agencies fund advanced development, FDA approval licensure, well procurement activities under Project BioShield medical majority projects supported NIH in academic labs often not possess resources expertise these types advanced studies. address need, is critical the NIH facilitate partnerships between academic laboratories pharmaceutical biotechnology companies typically more experience drug development regulatory approval. Please CounterACT Projects a list active projects.  Note not of projects mature enough engaging industry.  there general interest an Investigator-Industry Partnership meeting, information specific projects are ready engagement industry be provided a method be determined.  Information Requested NIH especially interested identifying facilitating establishment partnerships between funded researchers industrial entities. partnerships aid the successful development approved medical countermeasure products the sustainability the overall research enterprise. NIH seeks input specifically industry stakeholders potential interest attending meeting specific NIH CounterACT investigators ready partnerships. achieve goal this time-sensitive RFI, invite comments any all the following areas: 1.  Interest  attending presentations NIH CounterACT investigators regarding lead candidate therapeutics 2.   The most important characteristics a project would influence interest a product under development. example, is type product, market beyond biodefense, available non-dilutive funding including federal, etc.? 3.  Please provide any comments specific features the meeting would most useful. 4. Please provide any comments this proposed initiative respondents feel relevant. meeting also include presentations federal government officials the various funding programs available support advanced development medical products within mission. to Submit Response Responses this RFI must submitted electronically Dr. Shardell Spriggs later February 29, 2016.  Reference Notice number NOT-NS-16-005) the subject line the email. Responses this RFI voluntary. RFI for planning purposes only should be construed a solicitation as obligation the part the Federal Government, National Institutes Health, individual NIH institutes Centers. NIH does intend make any type award based responses this RFI to pay either preparation information submitted the Government’s of such information. NIH use information submitted response the RFI its discretion. Respondents advised the Government under obligation acknowledge receipt the information provided will provide feedback respondents. information submitted be analyzed may shared internally used NIH CounterACT staff planning future Investigator-Industry Partnership meetings, appropriate at Government’s discretion. Proprietary, classified, confidential, sensitive information should be included your response.   Inquiries Please direct inquiries to: David A. Jett, Ph.D. National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke NINDS) Telephone: 301-496-6035 Email:

Expiration Date: Friday, January 1, 2027 NOFO Number: NOT-NS-16-006 Release Date: Friday, January 29, 2016 Notice Type: NOT
Notice NIH/FDA Informational Webinar - Common Misunderstandings the Investigational Device Exemption Process Invasive Neuromodulation Devices Notice Number: NOT-NS-16-006 Key Dates Release Date:   January 29, 2016 Related Announcements RFA-NS-16-009 RFA-NS-16-010 RFA-NS-16-011 RFA-NS-16-018     Issued National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke NINDS) Purpose Notice to inform potential applicants Brain Research through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies BRAIN) Initiative FOAs Next-Generation Invasive Devices Recording Modulation the Human Central Nervous System RFA-NS-16-009, RFA-NS-16-010, RFA-NS-16-011 RFA-NS-16-018) a webinar both FDA NIH staff provide assistance the Investigational Device Exemption IDE) process neuromodulation devices. webinar optional is required submission RFA-NS-16-009, RFA-NS-16-010, RFA-NS-16-011 RFA-NS-16-018. register the webinar, to submit questions, please email Tuesday, February 23, 2016. Webinar Information Date: Thursday, February 25, 2016 Time: 3:00PM EDT Duration: 1 hour Inquiries Please direct inquiries to: Stephanie Fertig, MBA National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke NINDS) Telephone: 301-496-1779 Email:
Expiration Date: Friday, January 1, 2027 NOFO Number: NOT-NS-16-003 Release Date: Thursday, January 14, 2016 Notice Type: NOT
Notice Announcing Creation a Dedicated NINDS Human Cell Data Repository supporting Reprogramming, Gene Editing, Banking Distribution Fibroblasts Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells iPSCs) Neurological Disorders. Notice Number: NOT-NS-16-003 Key Dates Release Date:   January 14, 2016 Related Announcements None     Issued National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke NINDS) Purpose National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke NINDS) announcing creation a dedicated Human Cell Data Repository.  repository be housed curated RUCDR Infinite Biologics Rutgers University under direction Dr. Jay Tischfield.  purpose this Notice to: 1) describe timeline access existing NINDS fibroblast induced pluripotent stem cell iPSC) lines currently housed the Coriell Institute Medical Research; 2) outline plans the development new fibroblast iPSC lines including isogenic iPSC lines neurological disorders. Background September 2015, NINDS issued U24 award RUCDR Infinite Biologics RUCDR) Rutgers University support development new resources services will advance our knowledge disease mechanisms promote therapeutic discovery neurological diseases through creation a dedicated NINDS Human Cell Data Repository NHCDR).  new NHCDR support goals NINDS making human cell lines the highest quality, including iPSC lines source cells such fibroblasts, available the global research community. Access existing iPSC fibroblast lines previously distributed through Coriell Institute Medical Research NHCDR continue support access distribution the 177 fibroblast lines 67 iPSC lines have developed over last 5 years through American Recovery Reinvestment ARRA) 2009 collaborations government non-government organizations.  fibroblast iPSC lines previously distributed through Coriell Institute Medical Research. transition existing lines between Coriell Institute Medical Research the RUCDR expected take five months, the first transfer iPSC lines occurring January 2016 the final transfer all cell lines occurring May 2016.  During transfer period, investigators interested accessing cell lines encourage visit new NHCDR website.  NHCDR website provides to date information the lines available through NHCDR catalog, description the NHCDR services available, frequently asked questions, information new lines under development.  Beginning January 2016, investigators place orders NHCDR cell lines through NHCDR catalog.  orders be fulfilled soon the cell lines become available. New services human cell lines available through NHCDR support rapid advancement research tools basic biology therapeutic discovery, NHCDR continue support fibroblast, iPSC peripheral blood mononuclear cell PBMC) expansion, quality assessment distribution.  New services offered the NHCDR include: 1) iPSC derivation comprehensive quality control assessments: 2) generation stem cell derivatives, such neural stem cells; 3) genome editing repair introduce, iPSC lines, specific mutations are implicated human neurological diseases.  iPSC lines developed under NeuroLINCS Data Signature Generation Center, part  the National Institutes Health NIH) Library Integrated Network-based Cellular Signatures LINCS) program be available through NHCDR 2016.  Extensive analysis these iPSC lines differentiated cell derivatives including transcriptomics RNAseq), proteomics SWATH-MS), epigenomics ATAC-Seq) imaging data available the NeuroLINCS website.  find more new existing fibroblast iPSC lines available through NHCDR, well services available cellular reprogramming genetic modification please send email inquiries contact NINDS program official the NINDS NHCDR contact personnel listed below. Inquiries Please direct inquiries to: Michael Sheldon, PhD Director, RUCDR Stem Cell Center Telephone: 848-445-7096 Email: Margaret Sutherland, PhD National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke NINDS) Telephone: 301-496-5680 Email:
Expiration Date: Friday, January 1, 2027 NOFO Number: NOT-NS-16-004 Release Date: Thursday, January 14, 2016 Notice Type: NOT
Notice Announcing Limited Number Travel Fellowship Awards Innovative Analysis Applications NeuroLINCS Data Notice Number: NOT-NS-16-004 Key Dates Release Date: January 14, 2016 Related Announcements None     Issued National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke NINDS) Purpose National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke NINDS) announcing availability a limited number travel fellowship awards innovative analysis applications NeuroLINCS data new existing research studies neurological related disorders.  Travel fellowships for undergraduate graduate students currently enrolled accredited U.S. educational institutions postdoctoral fellows are within three years their terminal degree of December 31, 2015. travel fellowship support attendance the LINCS meeting be held the University California, Irvine UCI) March 10-11, 2016.  Travel fellowship awardees present NeuroLINCS data analysis approach results this meeting. Background 2014, National Institutes Health NIH) awarded six cooperative agreement grants U54) support Data Signature Generating Centers DSGCs) are part the NIH Library Integrated Network-based Cellular Signatures LINCS) program.  LINCS program aims catalog analyze cellular function molecular activity response perturbing agents, such drugs, toxicants, genetic factors, can alter cellular signature.            of DSGCs, NeuroLINCS, focused characterizing induced pluripotent stem cell iPSC) lines differentiated cell types derived healthy control) subjects patients neurological disorders such Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis ALS) Spinal Muscular Atrophy SMA). Technologies employed the NeuroLINCS center include transcriptomics RNA-Seq), proteomics SWATH-MS), epigenomics ATAC-Seq) robotic imaging.  cell lines studied date include iPSCs healthy control subjects 0000iCTR, 0014iCTR, 0025iCRT, 0083iCTR) iPSC lines ALS patients a C9ORF72 pathogenic hexanucleotide repeat expansion 0028iALS, 0029iALS, 0030iALS, 0052iALS), SMA patients SMA type 1 disease 0032iSMA, 0077iSMA 0083iSMA).  Additional de-identified clinical information the iPSC lines used NeuroLINCS be found the Cedars-Sinai iPSC core site.  Data Available of January 3, 2016, three data releases September, 2015, June 2015 December 2015) available the NeuroLINCS center include data iPSC lines motor neurons differentiated several these lines.  Metadata describing experimental conditions assays employed, cell line growth, motor neuron differentiation quality assurance measures also available. Tools apps developed the BD2k-LINCS data coordination integration center available to assist analysis of NeuroLINCS data.  to Apply Only domestic travel be supported only US citizens permanent residents apply. Applicants travel fellowships should complete online registration form upload proposal, the time registration.  proposal should include applicants name, email address, Institutional affiliation, abstract the research proposal, list NeuroLINCS datasets be used, a research hypothesis analysis strategy, February 12, 2016. Awardees be notified February 19th, 2016. Please contact program official listed below further information.   Inquiries Please direct inquiries to: Margaret Sutherland, Ph.D. National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke NINDS) Telephone: 301-496-5680 Email:
Expiration Date: Friday, January 1, 2027 NOFO Number: NOT-OD-16-052 Release Date: Tuesday, January 12, 2016 Notice Type: NOT
Notice Clarifying SBIR Direct-to-Phase II Eligibility Criteria Notice Number: NOT-OD-16-052 Key Dates Release Date:   January 12, 2016 Related Announcements PAR-14-088     Issued National Cancer Institute NCI) National Eye Institute NEI) National Heart, Lung, Blood Institute NHLBI) National Human Genome Research Institute NHGRI) National Institute Aging NIA) National Institute Alcohol Abuse Alcoholism NIAAA) National Institute Allergy Infectious Diseases NIAID) National Institute Arthritis Musculoskeletal Skin Diseases NIAMS) National Institute Biomedical Imaging Bioengineering NIBIB) Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute Child Health Human Development NICHD) National Institute Deafness Other Communication Disorders NIDCD) National Institute Dental Craniofacial Research NIDCR) National Institute Diabetes Digestive Kidney Diseases NIDDK) National Institute Drug Abuse NIDA) National Institute General Medical Sciences NIGMS) National Institute Mental Health NIMH) National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke NINDS) National Institute Minority Health Health Disparities NIMHD) National Center Advancing Translational Sciences NCATS) Division Program Coordination, Planning Strategic Initiatives, Office Research Infrastructure Programs ORIP) Purpose purpose this Notice to clarify types applications can submitted the National Institutes Health Small Business Innovation Research NIH SBIR) Direct-to-Phase II pilot funding opportunity announcement PAR-14-088. NIH Direct-to-Phase II program accept Phase II submissions regardless the funding source the Phase I-like proof principle work which proposed Phase II research based. NIH strongly encourages small businesses contact appropriate Institute Center early their application planning process ensure technology of priority the Institute/Center. Information regarding funding opportunity submission information changed follows:  Part 2. Section I. Funding Opportunity Description following text deleted:  goal this FOA to enable small business has accomplished objectives a Phase SBIR grant through non-SBIR funds initiate Phase II SBIR stage development, without needing perform early stage, Phase-I-SBIR-type research. FOA also accept lsquo;regular’ Phase II submissions SBCs have received Phase SBIR STTR award NIH any agency participates the SBIR/STTR programs projects which applicants seek follow-on research development funding.  following text added:  NIH Direct-to-Phase II program accept Phase II submissions regardless the funding source the Phase I-like proof principle work which proposed Phase II research based, the following exception:  Small business concerns SBCs) eligible submit Phase II applications projects were supported a Phase SBIR STTR award NIH any agency expected submit regular Phase II application through SBIR/STTR solicitations quot;Renewal" applications based the awarded Phase SBIR STTR project. Only Phase II application be awarded a specific project supported a Phase award. NIH policies regarding overlapping applications still apply NOT-OD-14-082). A Phase II awardee receive additional, sequential Phase II award called NIH Phase IIB) continue work an initial Phase II award. nbsp; other aspects these FOAs remain unchanged. Inquiries Please direct inquiries to: NIH SBIR/STTR Program Office Telephone: 301-435-2688 Email: Website:
Expiration Date: Friday, January 1, 2027 NOFO Number: NOT-TW-16-001 Release Date: Tuesday, January 12, 2016 Notice Type: NOT
Notice Information: Parallel Funding Initiative Collaborative Research Between Investigators the USA in State São Paulo, Brazil Notice Number: NOT-TW-16-001 Key Dates Release Date: January 12, 2016 Related Announcements PA-16-160 PA-13-302     Issued Fogarty International Center FIC) National Cancer Institute NCI) National Eye Institute NEI) National Human Genome Research Institute NHGRI) National Institute Aging NIA) National Institute Alcohol Abuse Alcoholism NIAAA) National Institute Allergy Infectious Diseases NIAID) National Institute Arthritis Musculoskeletal Skin Diseases NIAMS) National Institute Biomedical Imaging Bioengineering NIBIB) Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute Child Health Human Development NICHD) National Institute Deafness Other Communication Disorders NIDCD) National Institute Dental Craniofacial Research NIDCR) National Institute Diabetes Digestive Kidney Diseases NIDDK) National Institute Drug Abuse NIDA) National Institute Environmental Health Sciences NIEHS) National Institute General Medical Sciences NIGMS) National Institute Mental Health NIMH) National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke NINDS) National Institute Nursing Research NINR) National Institute Minority Health Health Disparities NIMHD) National Library Medicine NLM) National Center Complementary Integrative Health NCCIH) Purpose National Institute Health NIH) the São Paulo Research Foundation FAPESP), Brazil, signed memorandum understanding MOU) encourage collaborative international research between investigators the US in State São Paulo. two funding agencies intend jointly support parallel funding) successful R01 applications the NIH fall within research areas mutual interest, including single disciplinary cross-disciplinary approaches topics. areas interest include mission areas the participating NIH Institutes Centers ICs), named above. Descriptions their areas interest be found the website links provided. Any application falling outside areas undergo standard review process NIH will be eligible parallel funding. Inquiries the suitability proposed projects each IC be directed the Point Contact each participating IC, listed below. Only applications the NIH parent R01 PA-13-302 subsequent reissuances) be considered this opportunity this time. Instructions Applicants 1. Applications eligible parallel funding under initiative must include least Program Director/Principal Investigator PD/PI) an institution the State São Paulo is eligible funding FAPESP one PD/PI the US is eligible funding NIH. multiple PD/PI MPI) option should used. Any MPI submit application the contact PD/PI. the application chosen parallel support, US PD/PI their institution become contact PD/PI NIH, the São Paulo PD/PI become contact PD/PI FAPESP. may also other collaborators anywhere the world. 2. Applicants should send summary the proposed project such the abstract the NIH application) FAPESP Science Manager Dr. Simone Godoi confirm eligibility least four weeks prior submission the application NIH. 3. Applicants should indicate interest being considered this opportunity acknowledge understanding any award NIH be split funded parallel through linked FAPESP award writing would this application be considered under NIH-FAPESP Funding Initiative. FAPESP confirmed the São Paulo PD/PI eligible this initiative." the end the Specific Aims. 4. Processing the application NIH follow standard NIH receipt referral guidelines review.  the application referred one the participating NIH ICs, will considered parallel support after both levels NIH peer review just prior award. application only undergo review the NIH. Applicants should follow normal guidance an NIH application, including rules regarding foreign applications applications foreign components. 5. applicant be asked forward NIH summary statement full application FAPESP following peer review, within week receiving summary statement, they wish be further considered parallel support. an award made, additional documents, reformatting, re-budgeting be required either agency. 6. Applicants be notified per normal NIH procedure whether are being considered an NIH award the administering NIH IC indicate whether award be funded parallel FAPESP. Inquiries General inquiries this initiative should directed to: Kevin Bialy, MAA Fogarty International Center FIC) Telephone: 301-496-6273 Email: Subject matter inquiries should directed the Point Contact the relevant Institute Center. Paul C Pearlman, PhD National Cancer Institute NCI) Telephone: 240-276-5354 Email: Lisa Neuhold, PhD National Eye Institute NEI) Telephone: 301-451-2020 Email: Jeffery Schloss, PhD National Human Genome Research Institute NHGRI) Telephone: 301-496-7531 Email:            John Haaga, PhD National Institute Aging NIA) Telephone: 301-496-3131 Email: Margaret M. Murray, PhD National Institute Alcohol Abuse Alcoholism NIAAA) Telephone: 301-443-2594 Email: Margarita R. Ossorio Goldman, M.Sc National Institute Allergy Infectious Diseases NIAID) Telephone: 301-451-2597 Email: Laura K. Moen, PhD National Institute Arthritis Musculoskeletal Skin Diseases NIAMS) Telephone: 301-451-6515 Email: Christine A. Kelley, PhD National Institute Biomedical Imaging Bioengineering NIBIB) Telephone: 301-451-4778 Email: Rohan Hazra, MD Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute Child Health Human Development NICHD) Telephone: 301-435-6868 Email: Lana Shekim, PhD National Institute Deafness Other Communication Disorders NIDCD) Telephone: 301-496-5061 Email: Emily L. Harris, PhD, MPH National Institute Dental Craniofacial Research NIDCR) Telephone: 301-594-4846 Email: Andrew Bremer, MD, PhD National Institute Diabetes Digestive Kidney Diseases NIDDK) Telephone: 301-402-7886 Email: Steve Gust, PhD National Institute Drug Abuse NIDA) Telephone: 301-402-1118 Email: Michael Humble, PhD National Institute Environmental Health Sciences NIEHS) Telephone: 919-316-4621 Email: Charles G. Edmonds, PhD National Institute General Medical Sciences NIGMS) Telephone: 301-594-4428 Email: Andrea Horvath Marques, PhD National Institute Mental Health NIMH) Telephone: 301-443-3945 Email: Claudia Moy, PhD National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke NINDS) Telephone: 301-496-9135 Email: Mary Roary, PhD National Institute Nursing Research NINR) Telephone: 301) 594-2154 Email: Rick Berzon, DrPH, PA National Institute Minority Health Health Disparities NIMHD) Telephone: 301-594-8949 Email: Valerie Florance, PhD National Library Medicine NLM) Telephone: 301-496-4621 Email: Flora Katz, PhD Fogarty International Center FIC) Telephone: 301-402-9591 Email: John S. Williamson, PhD National Center Complementary Integrative Health NCCIH) Telephone: 301-496-2583 Email:
Research Category: CounterACT Expiration Date: Friday, January 1, 2027 NOFO Number: NOT-NS-16-002 Release Date: Friday, January 8, 2016 Notice Type: NOT

Notice Correct Submission Instructions the Number Scientific Cores Allowed PAR-15-146 Countermeasures Against Chemical Threats CounterACT) Research Centers Excellence U54)" Notice Number: NOT-NS-16-002 Key Dates Release Date:   January 8, 2016 Related Announcements PAR-15-146     Issued National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke NINDS)  Purpose purpose this notice to correct information the number Scientific Cores allowed PAR-15-146 quot;Countermeasures Against Chemical Threats CounterACT) Research Centers Excellence U54)". Section IV. 2. Content Form Application Submission Currently FOA reads: application should consist the following components: Overall: required Administrative Core: required Scientific Core: optional; Maximum 2 Research Education Core: required Project: Minimum 3 required; Maximum 5 nbsp; FOA modified read: application should consist the following components: Overall: required Administrative Core: required Scientific Core: optional; Maximum 3 Research Education Core: required Project: Minimum 3 required; Maximum 5 nbsp; other aspects the FOA remain unchanged Inquiries Please direct inquiries to: David A. Jett, Ph.D. National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke NINDS) Telephone: 301-496-6035 Email:

Expiration Date: Friday, January 1, 2027 NOFO Number: NOT-EB-15-008 Release Date: Tuesday, December 22, 2015 Notice Type: NOT
Notice Updates the National Robotics Initiative NRI) Notice Number: NOT-EB-15-008 Key Dates Release Date: December 22, 2015 Related Announcements NOT-EB-14-008     Issued National Eye Institute NEI) National Institute Aging NIA) National Institute Biomedical Imaging Bioengineering NIBIB) Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute Child Health Human Development NICHD) National Institute Deafness Other Communication Disorders NIDCD) National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke NINDS) National Institute Nursing Research NINR) Office Behavioral Social Sciences Research OBSSR) National Science Foundation NSF ) National Aeronautics Space Administration NASA) U.S. Department Agriculture USDA) Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency DARPA) Air Force Office Scientific Research AFOSR) U.S. Department Energy DOE) Purpose Notice updates supersedes previous Guide Notice, NOT-EB-14-008, published the NIH Guide, October 23, 2014. NIH collaborating a multi-agency funding opportunity, National Robotics Initiative NRI), whose goal to accelerate development use robots the United States work beside, cooperatively with, people, carry work people dangerous environments.  Innovative robotics research applications emphasizing realization such co-robots working symbiotic relationships human partners supported multiple agencies the federal government including National Science Foundation NSF), National Aeronautics Space Administration NASA), National Institutes Health NIH), U.S. Department Agriculture USDA), U.S. Department Defense DOD) the U.S. Department Energy DOE). purpose this program the development this next generation robotics, advance capability usability such systems artifacts, to encourage existing new communities focus innovative application areas. will address entire life cycle fundamental research development manufacturing deployment. Collaboration between academic, industry, non-profit other organizations strongly encouraged establish better linkages between fundamental science technology development, deployment use. NIH encourages robotics research technology development enhance health, lengthen life reduce illness disability. NIH also supports non-hypothesis driven applications, includes technology-driven problem-driven applications. Specifically, participating NIH Institutes Centers ICs) this solicitation interested targeting solicitation support development assistive robotic technology achieve functional independence humans; improve quality life; assist behavioral therapy personalized care; promote wellness/health. most significant challenges be addressing safety issues, especially applications be used home-based long-term care settings where integration complex systems be required. Additionally, assistive robots need quickly adapt changes the user the environment. Human assistive devices should designed assist healthcare providers as well the individuals needing care. Development robotic applications important NIH because their potential significant impact healthcare the future. Human assistive devices revolutionize healthcare the next 20 years much personal electronics changed our daily lives the past decades. Affordable accessible robotic technology facilitate wellness personalized healthcare. Continual health assessment personalized intervention the potential offset shrinking size the healthcare workforce the growing elderly disabled population. the future, assistive robotics enable people engage all aspects human life endurance dignity. Examples assistive robotic technology development include are limited to: - Homecare long-term personalized care robots - Robotic wellness/health promotion maintenance - Robotic behavioral therapy - Robotic aids mobility, manipulation, human communication cognition, vision non-sighted persons - Assistive robotics eliminate health disparities across populations developing appropriate assistive co-robotic technologies, applicants should consider following basic characteristics: effectiveness, affordability, cultural acceptability, accessibility those need them. Applicants should describe these technologies address healthcare needs the end user healthy individuals, persons disability, or health disparity populations). proposer should compellingly describe healthcare problem being addressed the technology solution being proposed.  is strongly encouraged a healthcare expert included the research team a consultant collaborator, appropriate). robotic applications promoted this solicitation for non-operative settings.  NIH still interested supporting robotics surgical health interventions, robotic exoskeletons, prosthetics, however, in response solicitation. Applicants interested these areas should send inquiries the NIH contacts listed below.  Award Information NIH awards under solicitation be R01 grants.  Award sizes NIH funded research projects expected range approximately 100,000 250,000 per year direct costs, durations one three years. No award exceed 250,000 per year direct costs. Applicants wish submit application NIH more 250,000 direct costs any year should contact Program staff an NIH Institute/Center directly alternate proposal mechanisms.  Estimated program budget, number awards average award size duration subject the availability funds.  Determination awards based three criteria: 1) availability funds, 2) program priorities, 3) scientific merit. Subsequent grant administration procedures be accordance the policies the awarding Institute. Application Preparation Submission Instructions Applications submitted response this solicitation should prepared submitted accordance the general guidelines contained the NSF Grant Proposal Guide GPG).  Applications must submitted the NSF, to NIH.  the full solicitation, are additional instructions listed applicants interested NIH consideration funding e.g. Human/Animal Subjects Protections, Review Criteria, etc.). Applicants reminded identify NSF program announcement number the program announcement block the NSF Cover Sheet Proposal the National Science Foundation.  Compliance this announcement critical determining relevant application processing guidelines. Failure submit information delay processing. Budgetary Information Cost sharing not required applications submitted this funding opportunity. Budgets should include travel funds the PD/PI team members attend annual NRI Principal Investigators' meeting.  NIH Process mission the NIH to support science pursuit knowledge the biology behavior living systems to apply knowledge enhance health, lengthen life reduce illness disability. While of NIH NSF review criteria based the same standards scientific evaluation, scoring mechanisms programmatic emphases vary. example: proposals under consideration NIH be scored their respective review panels using NIH 1-9 scoring system, does include consideration broader impacts. Applicants should pay particular attention NIH evaluation standards represented criteria human protections, inclusion women, minorities, children the study population, animal subjects’ protections, well biohazards. general, NIH funding priorities be directed toward applications best address criteria are used NIH. goal this activity to involve multiple agencies using application one review. meet NIH requirements, those applications are identified potential funding participating NIH ICs, applicant organization be required submit R01 application an NIH-approved format.  PDs/PIs invited submit NIH receive further information submission procedures the NIH. NIH application not allowed increase alter proposed budget change scientific content the application the converted submission the NIH. The summary statement be presented the involved IC's National Advisory Council the second level review. Subsequent the Council review, NIH ICs make funding determinations selected awards. Grant administration procedures NIH awardees, including those related New Early Stage Investigators be accordance the policies NIH. Please note applications be submitted review the NSF March 7, 2016. PDs/PIs applications selected potential funding the participating NIH ICs be notified the end June 2016.  converted submission NIH be due July 15, 2016.  PD/PI should work closely their Sponsored Programs Office assure timely submission during submission window. earliest project start date be September30, 2016. Inquiries Written telephone inquiries encouraged.  NIH Program contacts listed below. Please the NSF NRI website names contact information each the participating NSF Directorates, USDA, NASA, DARPA, AFOSR, DOE.  Grace C.Y. Peng, Ph.D., National Institute Biomedical Imaging Bioengineering NIBIB) Telephone: 301-451-4778;  Email: Tom Greenwell, Ph.D. National Eye Institute NEI) Telephone: 301-451-2020 Email: Lyndon Joseph, Ph.D National Institute Aging NIA) Telephone: 301-496-6926 Email: Louis Quatrano, Ph. D. Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute Child Health Human Development NICHD) Telephone:  301-402-4221 Email: Roger L. Miller, Ph.D. National Institute Deafness Other Communication Disorders NIDCD) Telephone: 301-402-3458 Email: Daofen Chen, Ph.D. National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke NINDS) Telephone: 301-496-9964 Email: Augie Diana, Ph.D. National Institute Nursing Research NINR) Telephone: 301-402-6423 Email:
Expiration Date: Friday, January 1, 2027 NOFO Number: NOT-CA-16-006 Release Date: Monday, December 14, 2015 Notice Type: NOT
Notice Extend PAR-13-055 Dissemination Implementation Research Health R01)" Notice Number: NOT-CA-16-006 Key Dates Release Date: December 14, 2015 Related Announcements PAR-13-055     Issued National Cancer Institute NCI) National Center Complementary Integrative Health NCCIH formerly NCCAM) National Heart, Lung, Blood Institute NHLBI) National Human Genome Research Institute NHGRI) National Institute Aging NIA) National Institute Alcohol Abuse Alcoholism NIAAA) National Institute Allergy Infectious Diseases NIAID) Clarification per NOT-AI-13-034) Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute Child Health Human Development NICHD) National Institute Deafness Other Communication Disorders NIDCD) National Institute Dental Craniofacial Research NIDCR) National Institute Diabetes Digestive Kidney Diseases NIDDK) National Institute Drug Abuse NIDA) National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke NINDS) National Institute Mental Health NIMH) National Institute Minority Health Health Disparities NIMHD) National Institute Nursing Research NINR) Office Behavioral Social Sciences Research OBSSR) Purpose purpose this Notice to extend PAR-13-055 quot;Dissemination Implementation Research Health R01)", encourages investigators submit research grant applications will identify, develop, evaluate refine effective efficient methods, systems, infrastructures, strategies disseminate implement research-tested health behavior change interventions, evidence-based prevention, early detection, diagnostic, treatment management, quality life improvement services, data monitoring surveillance reporting tools public health clinical practice settings focus patient outcomes. current expiration date January 8, 2016. new expiration date May 10, 2016. other aspects this FOA remain same. Inquiries Please direct inquiries to: David A. Chambers, D.Phil. National Cancer Institute NCI) Telephone: 240-276-5090 Email:
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