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Expiration Date: Friday, January 1, 2027 NOFO Number: NOT-NS-16-041 Release Date: Tuesday, September 6, 2016 Notice Type: NOT
BRAIN Initiative Multi-Council Working Group Clearance Initiative Concepts FY2017 Notice Number: NOT-NS-16-041 Key Dates Release Date: September 6, 2016 Related Announcements None     Issued National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke NINDS) National Eye Institute NEI) National Institute Aging NIA) National Institute Alcohol Abuse Alcoholism NIAAA) National Institute Biomedical Imaging Bioengineering NIBIB) Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute Child Health Human Development NICHD) National Institute Deafness Other Communication Disorders NIDCD) National Institute Drug Abuse NIDA) National Institute Mental Health NIMH) National Center Complementary Integrative Health NCCIH) Purpose Brain Research through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies® (BRAIN) Initiative an ambitious multi-agency effort announced President Obama April 2013. Specific goals NIH contributions the Initiative formulated over year-long planning process culminated the release BRAIN 2025: Scientific Vision, seminal planning document produced a working committee the Advisory Council the NIH Director. NIH continues be guided this document by input the BRAIN Multi-Council Working Group MCWG), committee includes Advisory Council members each the ten NIH Institutes Centers ICs) contributing the BRAIN Initiative.  upcoming fiscal year represents transition point the BRAIN Initiative, goals scaling efforts a number specific areas: 1.  Census Brain Cell Types 2.  Tools Cells Circuits 3.  Technologies Neural Recording Modulation 4.  Human Imaging Neuromodulation 6.  Technology Dissemination Training 7.  Small Business Awards 8.  Data Coordination 9.  Neuroethics fund ambitious goals this transition, President’s budget calls a total appropriation 195 million, has matched exceeded proposals House Senate appropriations subcommittees.  its most recent meeting August 2, 2016, MCWG provided clearance BRAIN FY 2017 initiatives.  Investigators interested particular research areas encouraged review listing cleared initiatives, includes contact information NIH Program staff each area.  Links this information be found the following url:   Interested parties also encouraged subscribe the BRAIN Update post, issues periodic announcements including new funding opportunities.  Inquiries Please direct inquiries to: Edmund Ned) Talley, Ph.D. National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke NINDS) Telephone: 301-496-1917 Email: email strongly preferred) Gregory K. Farber, Ph.D. National Institute Mental Health NIMH) Telephone:  301-435-0778 Email:
Expiration Date: Friday, January 1, 2027 NOFO Number: NOT-NS-16-040 Release Date: Tuesday, August 2, 2016 Notice Type: NOT
Notice Discontinuation PAR-14-340 Request Access Parkinson's Disease Related-Biospecimens X01)" Notice Number: NOT-NS-16-040 Key Dates Release Date: August 2, 2016 Related Announcements PAR-14-340 Issued National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke NINDS) Purpose Notice to inform potential applicants NINDS discontinue PAR-14-340 quot;Request Access Parkinson's Disease Related-Biospecimens X01)" of August 12, 2016. Information the Parkinson's Disease Biomarkers Program PDBP), the continued coordination biosample access various Parkinson's Disease cohorts including PDBP, BioFIND NINDS/Michael J. Fox Foundation MJFF) collaboration), Harvard Biomarker Study, and  MJFF supported resources including DATATOP, LRRK2 cohort the 24 hour biofluid sampling study available the PDBP biospecimen website. Inquiries Please direct inquiries to: Margaret Sutherland, PhD National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke NINDS) Telephone: 301-496-5680 Email: nbsp;
Research Category: CounterACT Expiration Date: Friday, January 1, 2027 NOFO Number: NOT-NS-16-037 Release Date: Thursday, July 28, 2016 Notice Type: NOT

Notice a Webinar Presentation the NINDS Countermeasures Against Chemical Threats CounterACT) Funding Opportunity Announcements Notice Number: NOT-NS-16-037 Key Dates Release Date:   July 28, 2016 Related Announcements PAR-15-315 PAR-16-329 PAR-16-330 PAR-16-331 Issued National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke NINDS) Purpose purpose this Notice to alert community the Countermeasures Against Chemical Threats CounterACT) program posted narrated presentation webinar) describing current Funding Opportunity Announcements supported the program.   After reviewing presentation, potential CounterACT applicants encouraged submit any questions comments may via email the point contact below. Depending the nature specifics the inquiries, may included the list Frequently Asked Questions FAQs) already the CounterACT website inform general community. Participation this webinar, although encouraged, optional is required the submission an application response these FOAs. Inquiries Please direct inquiries to: Shardell M. Spriggs, Ph.D. National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke NINDS) Telephone:  301-443-8189 Email:

Expiration Date: Friday, January 1, 2027 NOFO Number: NOT-NS-16-034 Release Date: Wednesday, July 20, 2016 Notice Type: NOT
NINDS Policy Submission Applications Containing Clinical Trials Notice Number: NOT-NS-16-034 Key Dates Release Date:   July 20, 2016 Rescinded - April 03, 2018) Related Announcements Notice replaces NOT-NS-13-006 PA 16-160 PA-16-161   Issued National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke NINDS) Purpose purpose this Notice to define types clinical studies may submitted NINDS response the NIH parent R01 R21 Funding Opportunity Announcements FOAs) PA 16-160 PA-16-161, subsequent reissuances these FOAs.  NINDS not accept investigator-initiated R01 R21 applications include clinical trials under PA 16-160 PA-16-161.  clinical trial a prospective biomedical behavioral research study human subjects designed answer specific questions the safety, tolerability, efficacy and/or effectiveness pharmacologic, behavioral, biologic, surgical, device invasive non-invasive) interventions.  policy does apply 1) NINDS-specific announcements specifically solicit clinical trials, 2) exploratory IND studies defined the FDA…) 3) early feasibility studies devices defined the FDA…). Applicants submitting investigator-initiated applications NINDS contain clinical trial must submit one the following NINDS FOAs specifically designed clinical trials: NINDS Exploratory Clinical Trials R01) PAR 13-281 NINDS PHASE III Investigator-Initiated Multi-Site Clinical Trials U01) PAR 13-278 the subsequent reissuance these FOAs. Inquiries Please direct inquiries to: Peter Gilbert, Sc.M. National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke Telephone: 301-496-0870 Email:
Expiration Date: Friday, January 1, 2027 NOFO Number: NOT-HD-16-017 Release Date: Monday, July 11, 2016 Notice Type: NOT
Change NIH Resources Available the NIH Clinical Center Research Projects Submitted Response PAR-15-286 Pre-application: Opportunities Collaborative Research the NIH Clinical Center X02)" Notice Number: NOT-HD-16-017 Key Dates Release Date:   July 11, 2016 Related Announcements PAR-15-286 Issued Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute Child Health Human Development NICHD) National Cancer Institute NCI) National Eye Institute NEI) National Heart, Lung, Blood Institute NHLBI) National Institute Alcohol Abuse Alcoholism NIAAA) National Institute Allergy Infectious Diseases NIAID) National Institute Arthritis Musculoskeletal Skin Diseases NIAMS) National Institute Biomedical Imaging Bioengineering NIBIB) National Institute Deafness Other Communication Disorders NIDCD) National Institute Dental Craniofacial Research NIDCR) National Institute Diabetes Digestive Kidney Diseases NIDDK) National Institute Drug Abuse NIDA) National Institute Mental Health NIMH) National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke NINDS) National Center Complementary Integrative Health NCCIH) Office Dietary Supplements ODS) Office Research Women’s Health ORWH) Purpose purpose this Notice to inform potential applicants changes the resources available the NIH Clinical Center research projects submitted response PAR-15-286.  Specifically, good manufacturing practices GMP) pharmacy facility biological clinical products no longer available the Clinical Center, a clinical biomechanics laboratory been added the list available resources. Part 2 Section I. Funding Opportunity Description Purpose reflect changes, following list resources deleted: Examples the special resources the Clinical Center include: Large cohorts patients, including studies 500 rare diseases; good manufacturing practices GMP) pharmacy facility new biological clinical products; Specialized clinical phenotyping facilities including metabolic other units); manufacturing use newly designed PET ligands imaging studies; availability blood products special research studies; Collaborative opportunities clinical protocols unique pharmaceutical agents and/or modes therapy, extraordinarily rare diseases investigators are known experts; robust training curriculum clinical research; ability support long-term clinical studies minimal cost patients their families. On-campus amenities e.g., Family Lodge Children’s Inn) assist patients families supportive, home-like environments they leave own homes participate clinical research; A number other resources. section replaced an updated list resources, follows: Examples the special resources the Clinical Center include: Large cohorts patients, including studies 500 rare diseases; Specialized clinical phenotyping facilities including metabolic unit, clinical biomechanics laboratory, other units); manufacturing use PET ligands research imaging studies; availability blood products special research studies; Collaborative opportunities clinical protocols first-in-human early phase agents and/or modes therapy, deleted extraordinarily) rare diseases investigators are known experts; robust training curriculum clinical research; ability support long-term clinical studies minimal cost patients their families. On-campus amenities e.g., Family Lodge Children’s Inn) assist patients families supportive, home-like environments they leave own homes participate clinical research; A number other resources.” other provisions this Funding Opportunity Announcement unchanged.        Inquiries Please direct inquiries to: Julie Orlando, MA NIH Clinical Center CC) Telephone: 301-496-4121 Email: Pat Piringer, RN, MSN NIH Clinical Center CC) Telephone: 301-496-4121 Email: Eugene G. Hayunga, PhD Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute Child Health Human Development NICHD) Telephone: 301-435-6856 Email:
Expiration Date: Friday, January 1, 2027 NOFO Number: NOT-HD-16-018 Release Date: Monday, July 11, 2016 Notice Type: NOT
Change NIH Resources Available the NIH Clinical Center Research Projects Submitted Response PAR-15-287 Opportunities Collaborative Research the NIH Clinical Center U01)" Notice Number: NOT-HD-16-018 Key Dates Release Date: July 11, 2016 Related Announcements PAR-15-287      Issued Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute Child Health Human Development NICHD) National Cancer Institute NCI) National Eye Institute NEI) National Heart, Lung, Blood Institute NHLBI) National Institute Alcohol Abuse Alcoholism NIAAA) National Institute Allergy Infectious Diseases NIAID) National Institute Arthritis Musculoskeletal Skin Diseases NIAMS) National Institute Biomedical Imaging Bioengineering NIBIB) National Institute Deafness Other Communication Disorders NIDCD) National Institute Dental Craniofacial Research NIDCR) National Institute Diabetes Digestive Kidney Diseases NIDDK) National Institute Drug Abuse NIDA) National Institute Mental Health NIMH) National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke NINDS) National Center Complementary Integrative Health NCCIH) Office Dietary Supplements ODS) Office Research Women’s Health ORWH) Purpose purpose this Notice to inform potential applicants changes the resources available the NIH Clinical Center research projects submitted response PAR-15-287.  Specifically, good manufacturing practices GMP) pharmacy facility biological clinical products no longer available the Clinical Center, a clinical biomechanics laboratory been added the list available resources. Part 2 Section I. Funding Opportunity Description Purpose reflect changes, following list resources deleted: Examples the special resources the Clinical Center include: Large cohorts patients, including studies 500 rare diseases; good manufacturing practices GMP) pharmacy facility new biological clinical products; Specialized clinical phenotyping facilities including metabolic other units); manufacturing use newly designed PET ligands imaging studies; availability blood products special research studies; Collaborative opportunities clinical protocols unique pharmaceutical agents and/or modes therapy, extraordinarily rare diseases investigators are known experts; robust training curriculum clinical research; ability support long-term clinical studies minimal cost patients their families. On-campus amenities e.g., Family Lodge Children’s Inn) assist patients families supportive, home-like environments they leave own homes participate clinical research; A number other resources. section replaced an updated list resources, follows: Examples the special resources the Clinical Center include: Large cohorts patients, including studies 500 rare diseases; Specialized clinical phenotyping facilities including metabolic unit, clinical biomechanics laboratory, other units); manufacturing use PET ligands research imaging studies; availability blood products special research studies; Collaborative opportunities clinical protocols first-in-human early phase agents and/or modes therapy, deleted extraordinarily) rare diseases investigators are known experts; robust training curriculum clinical research; ability support long-term clinical studies minimal cost patients their families. On-campus amenities e.g., Family Lodge Children’s Inn) assist patients families supportive, home-like environments they leave own homes participate clinical research; A number other resources.” other provisions this Funding Opportunity Announcement unchanged. Inquiries Please direct inquiries to: Julie Orlando, MA NIH Clinical Center CC) Telephone: 301-496-4121 Email: Pat Piringer, RN, MSN NIH Clinical Center CC) Telephone: 301-496-4121 Email: Eugene G. Hayunga, PhD Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute Child Health Human Development NICHD) Telephone: 301-435-6856 Email:
Expiration Date: Friday, January 1, 2027 NOFO Number: NOT-EB-16-008 Release Date: Tuesday, July 5, 2016 Notice Type: NOT
Notice NIH/BD2K Participation the Joint NSF/NIH Initiative Quantitative Approaches Biomedical Big Data QuBBD) Notice Number: NOT-EB-16-008 Key Dates Release Date: July 5, 2016 Related Announcements NOT-RM-17-012 NOT-AI-16-070 Issued National Institutes Health NIH) National Cancer Institute NCI) National Eye Institute NEI) National Heart, Lung, Blood Institute NHLBI) National Human Genome Research Institute NHGRI) National Institute Aging NIA) National Institute Allergy Infectious Diseases NIAID) National Institute Arthritis Musculoskeletal Skin Diseases NIAMS) National Institute Biomedical Imaging Bioengineering NIBIB) Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute Child Health Human Development NICHD) National Institute Deafness Other Communication Disorders NIDCD) National Institute Diabetes Digestive Kidney Diseases NIDDK) National Institute Drug Abuse NIDA) National Institute Environmental Health Sciences NIEHS) National Institute Mental Health NIMH) National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke NINDS) National Institute Nursing Research NINR) National Library Medicine NLM) National Center Complementary Integrative Health NCCIH) National Center Advancing Translational Sciences NCATS) Division Program Coordination, Planning Strategic Initiatives, Office Research Infrastructure Programs ORIP) Office Strategic Coordination Common Fund) Purpose Biomedical research rapidly becoming data-intensive investigators generating using increasingly large, complex, multidimensional, diverse datasets. era big data biomedical research taxes ability many researchers release, locate, analyze, interact these data associated software due the lack tools, accessibility, training. response these new challenges biomedical research, in response the recommendations the Data Informatics Working Group DIWG) the Advisory Committee the NIH Director, NIH launched trans-NIH Big Data Knowledge Initiative purpose this Notice to announce the NIH, through Big Data Knowledge BD2K) Initiative, collaborating a multi-agency funding opportunity, Quantitative Approaches Biomedical Big Data QuBBD) initiative] Recent advances medical healthcare technologies creating paradigm shift how medical practitioners biomedical researchers approach diagnosis, prevention, treatment diseases.  New imaging technologies, advances genetic testing, innovations wearable and/or ambient sensors allowing researchers predict health outcomes develop personalized treatments interventions. Coupled the rapid growth computing infrastructure, researchers have ability collect, store, analyze vast amounts health- disease-related data biological, biomedical, behavioral, social, environmental, clinical studies.  explosion the availability biomedical big data disparate sources, the complex data structures including images, networks, graphs, pose significant challenges terms visualization, modeling, analysis. While have some encouraging developments related foundational mathematical, statistical, computational approaches big data challenges over past decade, have relatively few opportunities collaboration challenges related biomedical data science.  National Science Foundation NSF) the National Institutes Health NIH) recognize fundamental questions basic, clinical, translational research benefit greatly multidisciplinary approaches involve experts quantitative disciplines such mathematics, statistics, computer science. Quantitative Approaches Biomedical Big Data Program designed support research addresses important application areas the intersection the biomedical data sciences encouraging inter- multi-disciplinary collaborations focus innovative transformative approaches address challenges. Award Information NIH expects fund projects durations up 3 years. Award sizes expected be less 200,000 direct costs) per year.  awards under Funding Opportunity Announcement FOA) NIH be grants cooperative agreements, determined the supporting agency. Application Preparation Submission Instructions Applications submitted response this FOA) should prepared submitted accordance the general guidelines contained the NSF Grant Proposal Guide GPG). Applications must submitted the NSF, to NIH. complete text the GPG available electronically the NSF website Applicants reminded identify NSF program announcement number the program announcement block the NSF Cover Sheet Proposal the National Science Foundation. Compliance this announcement critical determining relevant application processing guidelines. Failure submit information delay processing. Budgetary Information Inclusion voluntary committed cost sharing prohibited. NIH, indirect costs foreign subawards/subcontracts be limited 8 percent. NIH Process those applications are selected potential funding the Big Data Knowledge BD2K) Program, PD/PI be required submit application an NIH-approved format. PD/PIs invited submit NIH receive further information submission procedures NIH. applicant not allowed increase proposed total budget change scientific content the application the submission the NIH an NIH application. NIH applications be entered the NIH IMPAC II system. results the review be presented the involved Institutes' National Advisory Councils the second level review. Subsequent the Council reviews, NIH make final funding determinations selected awards be made. Subsequent grant administration procedures NIH awardees, including those related New Early Stage Investigators, be accordance the policies NIH. Applications selected NIH funding use NIH funding mechanisms. information purposes, NIH PD/PIs wish consult NIAID web site, about Grants," provides excellent generic information all aspects NIH grantsmanship Inquiries Please direct inquiries to: Vinay M. Pai National Institute Biomedical Imaging Bioengineering NIBIB) Telephone: 301-451-4781 Email:  
Expiration Date: Friday, January 1, 2027 NOFO Number: NOT-NS-16-033 Release Date: Tuesday, June 21, 2016 Notice Type: NOT
Notice Increase Phase II Salary Level PAR-16-220 NINDS Advanced Postdoctoral Career Transition Award Promote Diversity Neuroscience Research K22)" Notice Number: NOT-NS-16-033 Key Dates Release Date: June 21, 2016 Related Announcements PAR-16-220   Issued National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke NINDS) Purpose purpose this Notice to inform applicants an increase the Phase II salary level PAR-16-220 quot;NINDS Advanced Postdoctoral Career Transition Award Promote Diversity Neuroscience Research K22)". Part 2. Section II. Award Budget Information Salary Currently reads: NINDS contribute to 95,000 commensurate salary effort, well fringe benefits during phase II. Phase I, NIH contribute salary commensurate the applicant institution's salary structure persons equivalent qualifications, experience, rank, to 50,000 plus fringe benefits per year. nbsp; Further guidance budgeting career development salaries provided the SF424 R&R) Application Guide. FOA now modified read: NINDS contribute to 100,000 commensurate salary effort, well fringe benefits during phase II. Phase I, NIH contribute salary commensurate the applicant institution's salary structure persons equivalent qualifications, experience, rank, to 50,000 plus fringe benefits per year. nbsp; Further guidance budgeting career development salaries provided the SF424 R&R) Application Guide. other aspects this FOA remain unchanged. Inquiries Please direct inquiries to: Michelle Jones-London, PhD National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke NINDS) Telephone: 301-451-7966 Email:
Expiration Date: Friday, January 1, 2027 NOFO Number: NOT-HD-16-015 Release Date: Wednesday, June 15, 2016 Notice Type: NOT
Clarification NIH Policy Post-Submission Application Materials PAR-16-106 Rapid Assessment Zika Virus ZIKV) Complications R21)" Notice Number: NOT-HD-16-015 Key Dates Release Date:   June 15, 2016 Related Announcements NOT-OD-13-030 PAR-16-106   nbsp;       Issued Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute Child Health Human Development NICHD) National Eye Institute NEI) National Heart, Lung, Blood Institute NHLBI) National Institute Allergy Infectious Diseases NIAID) National Institute Biomedical Imaging Bioengineering NIBIB) National Institute Dental Craniofacial Research NIDCR) National Institute Mental Health NIMH) National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke NINDS) Division Program Coordination, Planning Strategic Initiatives, Office Research Infrastructure Programs ORIP) Purpose purpose this Notice to clarify NIH Policy Post-Submission Application Materials PAR-16-106 quot;Rapid Assessment Zika Virus ZIKV) Complications R21)”. NOT-OD-13-030 ldquo;Reminders Updates: NIH Policy Post-Submission Application Materials“ provides policy guidance post-submission application materials.  Post-submission application materials those submitted after submission the grant application prior the initial peer review.  NIH policy post-submission application materials specifies that, the majority applications, only post-submission materials the NIH accept those resulting unforeseen administrative issues.  described NOT-OD-13-030, such materials must received the Scientific Review Officer month 30 calendar days) prior the peer review meeting, demonstrate concurrence the Authorized Organization Representative AOR) the applicant organization. Funding Opportunity Announcement FOA) PAR-16-106 quot;Rapid Assessment Zika Virus ZIKV) Complications R21)" set to accept applications a continuous basis March 20, 2016 until February 28, 2019 rather specifying exact due dates. Therefore, typical timelines receipt, review, council, award not apply applications submitted this FOA. Specifically, R21 applications PAR-16-106 be handled an expedited external peer review award basis meet goals this program. nbsp;Because this accelerated review schedule, 30-day timeframe submitting post-submission materials not always possible.  Therefore, applications submitted PAR-16-106, post-submission materials must received the Scientific Review Officer SRO) later 15 calendar days prior the review meeting must meet the requirements described NOT-OD-13-030.  Applicants strongly encouraged contact respective Scientific Review Officer SRO) before submitting any additional materials. Inquiries Please direct inquiries the Peer Review Contact(s) PAR-16-106: Sherry Dupere, PhD Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute Child Health Human Development NICHD) Telephone: 301-451-3415 Email: Anne Schaffner, PhD National Eye Institute NEI) Telephone: 301-451-2020 Email: Director, Office Scientific Review National Heart, Lung, Blood Institute NHLBI) Telephone: 301-435-0270 Email: nbsp; Raymond Richard Schleef, PhD, MBA National Institute Allergy Infectious Diseases NIAID) Telephone: 240-669-5019 Email:  David George, PhD National Institute Biomedical Imaging Bioengineering NIBIB) Phone: 301-496-9474 Email: Yasaman Shirazi, PhD National Institute Dental Craniofacial Research NIDCR) Telephone: 301-594-5593 Email: David Armstrong, PhD National Institute Mental Health NIMH) Telephone: 301-443-3534 Email: Ernest Lyons, PhD National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke NINDS) Telephone: 301-496-9223 Email:
Expiration Date: Friday, January 1, 2027 NOFO Number: NOT-NS-16-031 Release Date: Tuesday, June 14, 2016 Notice Type: NOT
Notice Participation NINDS PAR-16-245 Neural Regulation Cancer R01)" Notice Number: NOT-NS-16-031 Key Dates Release Date: June 14, 2016 Related Announcements PAR-16-245 Issued National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke NINDS) Purpose purpose this announcement to inform potential applicants the National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke NINDS) participate, effective immediately, PAR-16-245 quot;Neural Regulation Cancer R01)" following changes updates made PAR-16-245 reflect participation NINDS this FOA: Part 1. Overview Information Components Participating Organizations National Cancer Institute NCI) National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke NINDS) Catalog Federal Domestic Assistance CFDA) Number(s)  93.396, 93.853 Funding Opportunity Purpose Central nervous system CNS) tumor studies also encouraged, addition non-central nervous system activities.  Language the rest the FOA inclusive CNS-related tumor studies.  Part 2. Section I.  Funding Opportunity Description Research Scope NINDS National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke NINDS) a shared interest NCI studies involve primary non-metastatic) brain spinal cord tumors their interactions nerves, neuropeptides, neurotransmitters, axon guidance molecules within Central Nervous System CNS).  NINDS supportive applications focused the Specific Challenges outlined the PAR long the proposed activity focused a primary brain and/or spinal cord tumor(s).  overall goal to encourage applications the intersection between cancer biology neuroscience, involving investigators transdisciplinary expertise, further our understanding how nerves influence tumor development, growth, invasion within CNS.  Applications propose look the impact tumors normal neuronal function also encouraged.  Lastly, NINDS also supports involvement neuroscientists peripheral nervous system expertise applications involving non-CNS cancers although applications be assigned NCI noted the current PAR.  NINDS not consider funding research activities the following areas under FOA: Chemobrain, cognitive, psycho-behavioral outcomes related cancer treatment Chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy CIPN) Neuroendocrine cancers  Note:  NINDS does support conduct clinical trials under FOA. Part 2.  Section VII.  Agency Contacts participation NINDS, following contacts added the FOA. Scientific Research Contact(s) Jane W. Fountain, Ph.D. National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke NINDS) Telephone 301-496-1431 Email: questions NINDS submissions related primary non-metastatic) brain tumors) Financial/Grants Management Contact(s) Tijuana Decoster, Ph.D. National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke NINDS) Telephone 301-496-9531 Email: other aspects this FOA remain unchanged. Inquiries Please direct inquiries to: Jane W. Fountain, Ph.D. National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke Telephone: 301 496-1431 Email:
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