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Expiration Date: Friday, January 1, 2027 NOFO Number: NOT-DA-10-007 Release Date: Tuesday, January 26, 2010 Notice Type: NOT
Notice Availability Administrative Supplements R25 Science Education Grants Notice Number: NOT-DA-10-007 Key Dates Release Date:  January 26, 2010 Receipt Date: April 2, 2010 Earliest Anticipated Start Date: June 1, 2010 Issued National Institutes Health Blueprint Neuroscience Research National Center Complementary Alternative Medicine National Center Research Resources National Eye Institute National Institute Aging National Institute Alcohol Abuse Alcoholism National Institute Biomedical Imaging Bioengineering National Institute Child Health Human Development National Institute Drug Abuse National Institute Deafness Other Communication Disorders National Institute Dental Craniofacial Research National Institute Environmental Health Sciences National Institute General Medical Sciences National Institute Mental Health National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke National Institute Nursing Research Office Behavioral Social Sciences Research Purpose National Institutes Health Blueprint Neuroscience Research announces administrative supplement program 600,000 Fiscal Years 2010 2011 provide funds Blueprint Institute-supported research education projects Eligibility section below). purpose this program to create broadly disseminate materials/programs inform students teachers kindergarten-12th grade the field neuroscience. Background NIH Blueprint Neuroscience Research a collaborative framework includes NIH Office the Director the NIH Institutes Centers support research the nervous system. pooling resources expertise, Blueprint identifies cross-cutting areas research, confronts challenges too large any single Institute Center. Since inception 2004, Blueprint supported development new tools, training opportunities other resources assist neuroscientists. 2009, Blueprint Grand Challenges launched catalyze research the potential transform our basic understanding the brain our approaches treating brain disorders.  addition promoting cutting edge neuroscience research, Blueprint recognizes importance improving science education order maintain U.S. competitiveness meet future demands the international technology marketplace.  order NIH fulfill mission, is need ensure adequate numbers students entering science education tracks eventually pursuing careers biomedical sciences.  science literacy should only include basic science knowledge, also understanding the process biomedical research an ability evaluate quality research studies are reported the media. is also important the NIH Blueprint Neuroscience Research all members society understand role science, biology, technology they relate neuroscience. is lack public understanding research general, including role research improving health.  educating school children, is likely we reach adults their lives well. address areas, initiative provides Administrative Supplement support innovative novel activities will promote neuroscience learning the kindergarten-12th grade through NIH funded R25 grants, including Science Education Drug Abuse Partnership Award SEDAPA) Science Education Partnership Award SEPA). Eligibility current announcement for supplements NIH Blueprint Neuroscience Institutes R25 science education grants. be eligible, parent grant must active, the science education project proposed the supplement must accomplished within competitive segment. proposed supplement MUST within general scope the peer-reviewed activities aims approved within parent grant, including projects a no-cost extension; while supplemental funds be awarded grants during no-cost extension, period support cannot extend beyond award period the additional time was granted.  Note while NIH recommends a no-cost extension already in place before administrative supplement request submitted, is a requirement all administrative supplement requests. Institutions submit than supplement request only supplement be funded each NIH funded R25 grant. IMPORTANT:  research proposed the NIH grantee the supplement application must within original scope the NIH-supported grant project.  funding mechanism being used support program, administrative supplements, be used cover cost increases are associated achieving certain new research objectives long they within original scope the project.  Any cost increases need result making modifications the project order take advantage opportunities would increase value the project consistent its originally approved objectives purposes. funding method being used support program, administrative supplements, be used cover cost increases are associated increasing speed projects funded under parent grant and/or achieving certain new science education objectives long they within scope the parent project.  examples the types supplements could appropriate include, are limited to, hiring additional personnel funding investments equipment technology leverage goals the project to enhance energy efficiency the conduct the project. Any cost increases need result making modifications the parent project order take advantage opportunities would increase value the project consistent its originally approved objectives purposes to accelerate tempo science education activities.  nbsp; Areas Interest NIH intends accept applications supplements under notice order promote science education the field neuroscience children grades K-12.  Examples responsive projects include, are limited to: Support specific neuroscience focused components curricula developed through NIH R25 grant such a SEPA/SEDAPA. nbsp; Develop neuroscience education programs low literacy students. Develop new expand existing Teacher Professional Development programs neuroscience content pedagogy.  Develop interactive inquiry-based neuroscience curricula elementary school students. Develop web based education material educational games middle and/or high school students based neuroscience. Expand content existing SEPA/SEDAPA-funded science museum exhibits develop traveling versions their existing SEPA/SEDAPA exhibits include neuroscience related topics. Submitting Administrative Supplement Request be considered an administrative supplement, submit request writing the Institute/Center, to Division Receipt Referral, Center Scientific Review. request must signed the authorized Business Official describe need additional funding the categorical costs. Requests under notice should the PHS 398 forms; available include following elements the request packet.  1) Cover Letter - Citing Notice NOT-DA-10-007), specify request a NIH Blueprint Neuroscience Research Administrative Supplement R25 Science Education, the following information: Project Director/Principal Investigator PD/PI) name; Parent grant number title; Amount the requested supplement; Name title the institutional official; Phone, email, address information both PD/PI institutional official.  cover letter must signed the authorized organizational representative/institutional official. 2) PHS 398 Form Page 1 Face page) title the project Box 1) should the title the parent award. Notice number title, ldquo;Notice Availability Administrative Supplements R25 Science Education Grants) should cited Box 2, the ldquo;yes” box should checked. Project Director(s)/Principal Investigator(s) PDs/PIs) must the same the PD/PI the parent award.   remaining items the face page should filled in accordance the PHS 398 application instructions. 3) PHS 398 Form page 2 Note: project ldquo;summary” that the administrative supplement, the parent grant. 4) brief proposal describing project, including: a) Scope the overall project the anticipated contribution the requested supplement to exceed five pages). Provide brief description the scope the overall project which supplemental request based.  section should include description the supplement’s purpose, including proposed science education activities how improve neuroscience education/knowledge.  Describe relationship the supplement request the parent grant.  b) Budget the supplement a justification details items requested, including Facilities Administrative costs.  Budget Funding Information below. c) Biographical Sketch all new key personnel those are additions the supplemental project) d) Human Subjects/ Vertebrate Animal documentation applicable). Include current Human Subjects/IRB Vertebrate Animals/IACUC approval letter, available. Otherwise, will required the time funding. appropriate IRB IACUC approvals must in place prior a supplement award being made.  Any differences the involvement use human subjects specimens, use vertebrate animals, between administrative supplement activity the parent grant should noted.  appropriate, details should provided the protection human subjects inclusion women, children, minorities.  Additional guidance Human Subjects Research Vertebrate Animals provided under Part II the PHS 398 instructions   e) PHS 398 Checklist Form Selection Factors Administrative supplement requests be reviewed administratively NIH Program Grants Management staff expertise relevant the supplement request.  Awards be determined the basis the merit the supplement request, applicability the goals the NIH Blueprint Neuroscience, the availability funds. Awards be determined a review committee convened the Blueprint institutes. Applicants be notified regarding review outcome. nbsp;Selection factors include following: Relevance the proposed activities the parent grant. Adequate progress the parent grant appropriate the current stage the project. Appropriate well-described plan accomplish goals within timeframe proposed. Expertise the education/scientific team proposed conduct achieve goals supplemental study. Relevance target areas/priorities the NIH Blueprint Neuroscience Research. While geographic variation be considered awarding supplemental funding, proposal’s educational/scientific merit always the prevailing criterion. Budget Funding Information FY 2010 FY 2011 600,000 be available administrative supplements existing research projects.  administrative supplements limited no than 25 percent the Council-approved direct costs the current budget year the project, to maximum 75,000. Supplements be requested up two years may extend beyond FY 2011.  is anticipated supplemental funding begin FY 2010. to Apply is one-time announcement.  Applications must received or before April 2, 2010.  not send applications the NIH Center Scientific Review.  Submit original, hard copy the request packet original signatures the authorized business official) the Grants Management Specialist noted the Notice Award the parent grant. addition, applicants encouraged send electronic copy the submitted supplement request an e-mail attachment PDF format the program grants management contacts listed below under ldquo;Inquiries.” Inquiries Inquiries discussion plans responding this Notice strongly encouraged. Cathrine Sasek, Ph.D. National Institute Drug Abuse National Institutes Health Address: 6001 Executive Blvd Bethesda, MD 20892-9591 EXPRESS/COURIER:  Rockville, MD 20852 Phone: 301); 443-6071 Fax: 301) 443-6277 Email: nbsp;   Grants Management Contact: grants management specialist appropriate funding institute the parent grant.
Expiration Date: Friday, January 1, 2027 NOFO Number: NOT-NS-10-007 Release Date: Friday, January 15, 2010 Notice Type: NOT
Participation NINDS PAR-10-038: Dissemination Implementation Research Health R01), PAR-10-039: Dissemination Implementation Research Health R03), PAR-10-040: Dissemination Implementation Research Health R21) Notice Number: NOT-NS-10-007 Key Dates Release Date:  January 15, 2010 Issued National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke NINDS) Purpose purpose this Notice to inform applicants the NINDS announces intention participate, effective the February 5, 2010 receipt date, the following NIH Funding Opportunity Announcements FOAs): PAR-10-038: Dissemination Implementation Research Health R01) PAR-10-038) PAR-10-039: Dissemination Implementation Research Health R03) PAR-10-039) PAR-10-040: Dissemination Implementation Research Health R21) PAR-10-040) other aspects these FOAs remain unchanged participation other NIH Institutes continues, unaffected this Notice. Inquiries Scientific/research inquiries regarding Notice should directed the contact listed below: Deborah Hirtz M.D. Program Director, Office Clinical Research National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke National Institutes Health 6001 Executive Blvd. Rockville, Md. 20892 Phone: 301-496-5821 Fax: 301 402-1080        Email:
Expiration Date: Friday, January 1, 2027 NOFO Number: NOT-MH-10-007 Release Date: Wednesday, December 9, 2009 Notice Type: NOT
Administrative Supplement Extend Human Tissue Banking Efforts Distribute CNS Tissues Collected the NIH Roadmap GTEx Project Notice Number: NOT-MH-10-007 Key Dates Release Date: December 9, 2009 Receipt Date: January 19, 2010 Earliest Anticipated Start Date: April 2, 2010 Issued National Institute Mental Health NIMH), National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke NINDS) National Institute Drug Abuse NIDA) Purpose National Institute Mental Health NIMH), National Institute Neurological Diseases Stroke NINDS), National Institute Drug Abuse NIDA) announce availability funds support single administrative supplement an NIH grantee, currently funded human brain banking, extend brain collection efforts include receipt, processing, storage adult human normal control postmortem brains spinal cords the NIH Roadmap Genotype-Tissue Expression GTEx) Project.  proposed effort must within scope the peer-reviewed activities specified within parent grant.  length the supplement be limited the duration the parent grant, to five years.  is one-time solicitation. Background Genotype-Tissue Expression GTEx) project, NIH Roadmap Initiative, aims provide resource the scientific community which study relationship between genetic variation regulation gene expression.  project collect analyze multiple human tissues donors have characterized germline genetic variation through dense genotyping.  treating global RNA expression levels quantitative traits, loci polymorphisms are highly correlated variations expression be identified expression quantitative trait loci, eQTLs.  GTEx Pilot Project comprises main initiatives: 1) Biospecimen Acquisition, 2) Laboratory, Data Analysis Coordinating Center LDACC), the latter established through separate contract mechanism NHLBI GTEx RFP NHLBI-HG-10-01. Biospecimen Acquisition be organized under National Cancer Institute’s NCI) cancer Human Biobank caHUB) initiative.  diagrammatic view the functional areas the GTEx project shown Figure 1. Tissue Source Sites TSS) be contracted recruit donors collect biospecimens.   Figure 1.  Schematic showing functional organization the GTEx pilot program GTEx project begin a 2.5-year pilot FY10.  developed a June 2008 GTEx Workshop, primary goal the pilot to assess feasibility enrolling 160 donors identified through low post-mortem-interval PMI) autopsy organ transplant settings collecting high-quality RNA multiple tissues per donor.  precise number tissues yield high-quality RNA can collected each donor not known. aim this project to collect many different tissue types is practical, ideally 50 70, to analyze gene expression at least 50 tissues per donor. this Notice, NIMH, NINDS, NIDA intend capitalize the GTEx effort receiving, storing, dissecting postmortem human brains spinal cords collected GTEx donors the GTEx pilot phase future studies.  purpose this initiative to supplement existing CNS tissue storage facility store distribute brain spinal cords collected the GTEx project.  Donors be recruited tissue be collected the GTEx tissue source sites shipped the successful applicant further processing.  successful applicant be expected to: provide GTEx TSS a standardized protocol CNS tissue removal stabilization shipment; perform basic neuropathology quality control tissue collected shortly after receipt; dissect defined brain areas ship to GTEx Laboratory, Data Analysis Coordinating Center LDACC) using provided, standardized containers tracking procedures, within defined time period; store remaining brain spinal cord tissue associated clinical other phenotype data using LIM system allow tracking repeated sample dissection the same donor brain; provide requested tissues qualified investigators. GTEx project in pilot stage 2010-2011.  Depending the success the pilot available funds, GTEx project scale in subsequent years collect to 800 additional postmortem tissue donors.  Applicants should address ability scale brain storage sample handling the event the full GTEx project approved funded. Eligibility Before submitting application an administrative supplement, grantees strongly encouraged communicate the Program Officer(s) their funded NIH grant discuss planned application. program support administrative supplement an existing R01 R24 grant. parent grant must at least year active funding remaining the time award order be eligible.  Post-mortem brain processing must included the scope the parent grant.  Only supplement request be submitted per grant. Post-Award Requirements awardee be required participate GTEx Steering Committee teleconferences, well one in-person meeting.  two-page progress report addressing progress the supplement-funded activities be required annually.  should included an addition the progress report the parent grant included the final progress report a part the grant close-out process there no non-competing application.  Submitting Application Applications must received or before January 19, 2010. not send applications the Center Scientific Review.  Applicants encouraged submit electronic copy an e-mail attachment PDF format one hard copy original signatures the PI institutional official) the application to: Tiffany Yates Division Neuroscience Basic Behavioral Science National Institute Mental Health 6001 Executive Boulevard, Room 7194, MSC 9641 Bethesda, MD 20892-9641 Rockville, MD 20852 express/courier service) Email: Requests an administrative supplement under program must submitted the PHS 398 rev. 11/2007), available at: must include following: 1.  Cover letter requesting supplement, identifying notice, number title the parent grant, providing full contact information the PI.  separate title the supplement activity should also provided this letter. 2.  Face page. title the project Box 1) should the title the parent grant. Notice number title) should cited Box 2, the yes” box should checked. Principal Investigator PI) must the same the PI the parent grant.  remaining items the face page should filled according the PHS 398 application instructions. 3.  Form page 2 Description, Performance Sites, Key Personnel, Significant Contributors, Human Embryonic Stem Cells) PHS 398. project description that the administrative supplement, the parent grant.  Any new co-investigator(s) collaborator(s) should noted under performance sites, along their institution(s). 4.  Biosketch(es) any new key co-investigator(s) collaborator(s), are listed within parent grant, should provided.. Letters commitment these new participants should included section 16 Consultants) the Research Plan. 5.  Resources page(s) new key personnel named the parent grant(s). 6.  Proposed budget the supplement a budget justification details items requested.  Budget Information” section below. 7.  Research Plan the supplement, items 2-5 to exceed five pages.  Font size restrictions apply designated within PHS398 instructions. section should include description the aims the parent grant the supplement's specific aims 2), background significance 3), preliminary studies 4), research design methods 5).  relationship the proposed studies the parent grant should included under background significance section 3. Items 13 Select Agent Research), 7 Bibliography References Cited), 15 Consortium/Contractual Arrangements), 17 Resource Sharing) 16 Consultants) should completed described the PHS 398 Instructions. Item 14 Multiple PDs/PI Leadership Plan not required. Appendices supplemental material not accepted. Review Award Criteria Applications are complete responsive the goals the supplement announcement be evaluated scientific technical merit a committee NIH staff.  Incomplete applications not reviewed.  Awards be determined the basis technical feasibility, experience the applicant managing post-mortem tissue, sophistication the pathology core staff the track record the applicant managing distributing post-mortem tissue.  Preference be given supplement requests where likelihood success highest.  added value the activity the parent grant(s) also taken consideration.  funding decisions final not subject appeal.  Resubmission applications not considered. Budget Information Applicants request to 250,000 direct costs the duration the administrative supplement under program.  Principal Investigator the parent NIH grant must the supplemental funds support work within scope the parent grant include collected GTEx CNS tissue.  duration the award limited the duration the parent grant, to exceed five years.  Facilities Administrative F&A) costs be paid the full, negotiated rate.  Applicants should provide detailed budget justification personnel costs, equipment, supplies, other expenses. purchase equipment allowed.  fiscal year 2010, participating Institutes plan commit approximately 400,000 total costs towards administrative supplement program, 1 award anticipated. Inquiries Applicants strongly encouraged discuss plans responding this Notice phone e-mail.  Scientific inquiries should directed the NIH Program Officer oversees parent grant associated the administrative supplement request.  General inquiries the supplement program be directed to: Susan Koester, Ph.D. Division Neuroscience Basic Behavioral Science National Institute Mental Health 6001 Executive Boulevard, Room 7205, MSC 9645 Bethesda, MD 20892-9645 Telephone:  301) 443-3563 Email:
Expiration Date: Friday, January 1, 2027 NOFO Number: NOT-NS-10-005 Release Date: Wednesday, December 9, 2009 Notice Type: NOT
Request Information: Soliciting Input Huntington’s Disease Best Practice Guidelines Therapeutic Target Validation Notice Number: NOT-NS-10-005 Key Dates Release Date:    December 9, 2009 Response Due By: January 29, 2010 Issued National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke NINDS) Purpose is time-sensitive Request Information RFI) issued the National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke. purpose this RFI to solicit recommendations the best practices animal studies Huntington’s disease could advance knowledge validation therapeutic targets disease treatment. Institute envisions standardization animal studies through identification common protocols, outcome measures breeding practices enable comparison results across studies targets. Best practice guidelines should inclusive in vivo target manipulation through either genetic pharmacological interventions. responses the RFI be collected evaluated a group Institute staff assess best meet needs researchers the field. Results that evaluation be available the public will part a larger effort NINDS develop best practice guidelines target discovery validation neurological diseases. Background Huntington’s disease a rare neurodegenerative disorder, like neurodegenerative diseases, currently no treatment options modify disease progression. gene Huntington’s disease discovered 1993, genetic testing now identify individuals carrying pathological expansion the CAG repeat exon1 the gene, prior the onset motor symptoms. Knowledge the genetic basis the disease enabled development numerous animal models Huntington’s disease the discovery multiple cellular pathways associated disease pathogenesis. nbsp;The field currently faces challenge determining effective criteria identify best targets therapy development, taking consideration number potential targets, expense associated preclinical drug development, the limited patient population available clinical trials. RFI meant solicit input the extramural research community, scientific medical organizations, Federal Agencies, other interested parties well-versed Huntington’s disease the challenges facing therapeutic target identification validation this disease. Responses this RFI be reviewed NINDS staff will help inform complement assessment best practice guidelines will utilized the development initiatives review criteria involving standardized animal studies Huntington’s disease therapeutic target validation. Following publication the results this RFI, through ongoing interactions the Huntington’s disease research community, is anticipated development these guidelines help advance transform field overall. Best practice guidelines not meant limit number outcome measures studied, rather standardize core set outcome measures can applied all studies focused therapeutic target validation Huntington’s disease. RFI for planning purposes only, should be construed a solicitation applications proposals and/or an obligation any on part the United States Federal Government. Information Requested mission NIH to support biomedical discoveries will improve health save lives. further development therapeutic target validation Huntington’s disease, NINDS like input the following questions: Best Practice Guidelines nbsp;Animal Models there animal models Huntington’s disease best represent disease phenotype seen clinical practice?  so, please describe model including genetic background, length time onset disease, the behavior disease pathology relevant human Huntington’s disease.  reporting results, information should required regarding Huntington’s disease animal model used? example, reporting commercial source reference original paper describing model, catalog number, strain background, average life expectancy, range CAG repeat length across generations, differences disease phenotype between males females) breeding procedures husbandry standardized across studies, investigators institutes? example, of enriched cage environment, maintenance HD mouse models through breeding specific background strains). breeding recommendations exist specific Huntington’s disease models, please provide details. Study Design the experimental design, should Power analysis a requirement the determination group sizes each experiment? Should assumptions in Power analysis included reporting data conclusions the study? Should studies conducted a blinded fashion, that person administering tests and/or drugs blinded the genotypes and/or compounds administered? Blinding genotype feasible the beginning a study prior symptom onset). pharmacologically manipulating target, calculations should study design include? example, determination plasma target tissue exposure, determination maximum tolerated dose MTD) each genotyped studied, verifying compound activity the target e.g. pharmacodynamic data), etc) Outcome measures common outcome measures be applied target validation studies regardless HD rodent model chosen? example, measurement weight, rotarod performance, change regional e.g. striatal) brain volume, life expectancy, etc.) common drug characteristics/properties should reported pharmacological manipulation the target used? example, MTD, target tissue exposure, route administration, formulation details the compound, pharmacodynamic data target activity),timing intervention, etc) Standardized protocols a standardized protocol measurement CAG repeat length applied all studies? so please provide protocol(s). a standardized protocol measurement motor function such rotarod, open field grip strength) applied all studies? so, please provide protocol(s), any known variation background strain response. a standardized protocol measurement regional e.g. striatal) brain volume applied all studies? so please provide protocol. a standardized protocol measurement medium spiny neuron loss applied all studies applicable Huntington’s disease models demonstrating neuronal loss)? so please provide protocol. a standardized protocol measurement huntingtin protein aggregates applied all studies? so please provide protocol. a standardized protocol measurement soluble huntingtin protein levels applied all studies? so please provide protocol. Should standardized protocols considered? so, please provide protocol. General Information Please identify nature your interest the area databases repositories i.e. you biomedical clinical researcher, member an advocacy community group, other?). you a member a particular advocacy professional organization, please indicate name the organization. Please indicate main area research interest. name. email address. Responses Responses must submitted electronically using web-based format…), will accepted through January 29, 2010.  Replies individual questions optional, the site permit anonymous responses. information provided be analyzed may appear various reports. Inquiries Specific questions this RFI should directed the contact listed below: Margaret Sutherland, PhD Program Director, Neurodegeneration NINDS / NIH 6001 Executive Blvd., Rm 2222 Bethesda, MD 20892 Phone: 301-496-5680 Fax: 301-480-1080 E-mail: nbsp;
Expiration Date: Friday, January 1, 2027 NOFO Number: NOT-NS-10-004 Release Date: Friday, November 27, 2009 Notice Type: NOT
NINDS Notice Intent Participate the High Priority, Short-Term Project Award R56) NOT-OD-04-047 Notice Number: NOT-NS-10-004 Key Dates Release Date: November 27, 2009 Issued National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke NINDS) Purpose National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke NINDS) announces intent participate, effective immediately, the High Priority, Short-Term Project Award R56), NOT-OD-04-047 Additional information the R56 program available at: Inquiries Direct inquiries regarding Notice to: Emmeline Edwards Deputy Director, Division Extramural Research National Institute Neurological Disorders amp; Stroke NSC 3305 6001 Executive Boulevard Bethesda, MD 20892 9531 Phone: 301-496-9248 Fax: 301-402-4370 Email:
Expiration Date: Friday, January 1, 2027 NOFO Number: NOT-NS-10-003 Release Date: Friday, November 13, 2009 Notice Type: NOT
Notice Intent Publish Request Applications a Parkinson’s Disease Data Organizing Center PD-DOC] U24) Notice Number: NOT-NS-10-003 Key Dates Release Date: November 13, 2009 Issued National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke NINDS) Purpose National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke NINDS) intends issue Request Applications RFA) provide support a redesigned enhanced Parkinson’s Disease Data Organizing Center PD-DOC). NINDS committed facilitating collection sharing data related clinical translational research Parkinson’s disease, the active development a centralized repository clinical data both observational studies clinical trials strengthen data sharing efforts the Parkinson’s disease research community establish important links between research efforts. main objectives this resource include: Serve an enduring repository data large clinical research studies PD, including clinical trials well epidemiological genetic studies, academia, non-profit disease organizations, industry. Data include clinical well genetic, imaging, neuropathology data elements. Link clinical data other data sets including imaging, pathology, genetic, biospecimens an easily searchable format. N.B. resource not house specimens, rather link clinical data other data sets.) Develop flexible, open source, web-based data entry system facilitate design, implementation, harmonization new clinical research studies PD. Serve a centralized listing PD related resources e.g., standard operating procedures SOPs) sample collection, antibodies, animal models, etc.). Outreach promote data standardization, data sharing, usefulness the PD-DOC resource well oversight data access. NINDS seeks applicants the expertise resources design maintain resource capable achieving aims. award anticipated a total budget 5.5 million total costs) over 5 years. Notice being provided allow potential applicants sufficient time develop responsive projects. RFA expected be published the NIH Guide Grants Contracts December 2009/January 2010 an anticipated receipt date April 30, 2010. RFA use U24 cooperative agreement mechanism. APPLICATIONS NOT BEING SOLICITED THIS TIME. Inquiries Direct inquiries regarding Notice to: Wendy R. Galpern, MD, PhD Office Clinical Research NINDS / NIH 6001 Executive Blvd., 2225 Bethesda, MD 20892 Telephone: 301) 496-9135 Email:
Expiration Date: Friday, January 1, 2027 NOFO Number: NOT-RR-10-001 Release Date: Friday, November 6, 2009 Notice Type: NOT
NIH Announces Availability Recovery Act Funds Administrative Supplements Support Core Consolidation Notice Number: NOT-RR-10-001 Catalog Federal Domestic Assistance Number(s)93.701, 93.702 Key DatesRelease Date:  November 6, 2009Receipt Date: January 13, 2010(NIH administrative supplements paper PHS398 application forms.) Issued byNational Institutes Health NIH), Participating Institutes CentersNational Center Research Resources NCRR) Cancer Institute NCI) Center Complementary Alternative Medicine NCCAM) Institute Allergy Infectious Disease NIAID) Institute Arthritis Musculoskeletal Skin Diseases NIAMS) Institute Dental Craniofacial Research NIDCR) Institute Diabetes Digestive Kidney Disease NIDDK) Institute Drug Abuse NIDA) Institute Environmental Health Sciences NIEHS) Institute Nursing Research NINR) Institute Mental Health NIMH) Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke NINDS) Purpose National Institutes Health NIH) announces opportunity investigators United States institutions/organizations certain active NIH Research Grants support core facilities request administrative supplements the purpose consolidating multiple cores a single, efficient core.  Support these supplements come funds provided NIH through American Recovery Reinvestment Act 2009 (“Recovery Act” ARRA”), Public Law 111-5.  Consistent the intent the Recovery Act, purpose this program to promote job creation economic development along accelerating pace achievement scientific research.  Approximately 15 million ARRA funds be obligated September 30, 2010 support requests submitted response this notice.  Support be requested up 1 year qualified grants eligibility section below).  is expected this be one-time opportunity.Background Recovery Act signed law February 17, 2009 the purpose stimulating American economy through job preservation creation, infrastructure investment, energy efficiency science, other means.  Recovery Act provides NIH up 10.4 billion be obligated over years a variety biomedical research research support activities.  administrative supplement opportunity one part the overall NIH Recovery Act investment strategy, described purposes this Notice, core facility defined a centralized shared resource provides access instruments, technologies, services, well expert consultation biomedical behavioral investigators.  is broad definition covers instrument intensive facilities well facilities offer advice concerning experimental design data interpretation.The National Center Research Resources the Office Extramural Research co-sponsored meeting Core Facilities July, 2009 ).  Attendees included core facility managers, institutional officials responsible core facilities, representatives interested professional organizations.  common point discussion the meeting the difficulty consolidating multiple similar core facilities the same institution in same geographic area.  cores have set by different NIH Institutes Centers ICs) by different departments the institution.  Increasingly, institutions discovering multiple similar cores lead high costs the institution well decreased quality services the users relative what be achieved a single core facility high quality staff resources.The goal this Notice to allow institutions have multiple cores consolidate those facilities a single, efficient, core.  Notice allow cores supported multiple ICs the same institution consolidate the ICs agree this action appropriate. Examples situations are responsive this Notice include: Merging biomedical/behavioral core facilities different departments on different campuses the same institution a single core.  cores have initiated the institution created a result NIH awards. Moving equipment acquired a single investigator used a small cadre biomedical/behavioral researchers a core facility where would accessible a much larger group investigators. Consolidating cores two different technologies cell sorting sequencing, example) a larger single facility.  Such move should allow cross training staff multiple techniques would allow cores share centralized billing scheduling infrastructure. Merging core facilities different institutions a single facility served needs both institutions. list exemplary rather exhaustive prescriptive.Eligibility LimitationsInstitutes Centers NIH support core facilities using different activity codes.  Unless qualified below, Program Project P) Cooperative Agreement U) awards a core facility funded a participating IC eligible apply.  Supplements request more 500,000 equipment.  addition, supplements request more 500,000 alteration renovation.  Supplements also request more 200,000 direct costs) other costs such personnel supplies.  particular supplement contain request equipment, renovations, other costs although supplements not require three categories support.  questions concerning eligibility, contact assigned Program Officer. National Center Research Resources:  G12 awards eligible apply addition all P U awards.  National Cancer Institute:  Only NCI-designated Cancer Centers a P30 Cancer Center Support Grant eligible apply a supplement.  National Institute Allergy Infectious Disease:  Only CFAR P30 awards eligible apply a supplement.  National Institute Arthritis Musculoskeletal Skin Diseases:   Only P30 awards eligible apply a supplement.  National Institute Diabetes Digestive Kidney Disease: Only P30 P60 awards eligible apply a supplement.  budget limitations listed above apply all supplement requests. National Institute Drug Abuse  NIDA particularly interested consolidation results synergistic enhancement existing research capabilities, while continuing current services. National Institute Environmental Health Sciences: Only Environmental Health Science Center Grants P30) eligible apply.  budget eligibility limitations above apply all supplement requests. be eligible, parent grant must active the core consolidation activities proposed the supplement must accomplished within current competitive segment.  proposed supplement MUST within general scope the peer-reviewed activities aims approved within parent grant.  Projects currently a cost extension not eligible apply.Only administrative supplement be permitted an eligible award.  NIH intends issue only administrative per consolidation.  Costs the ongoing core well the retiring core(s) should submitted part a single administrative supplement.  are limits the number administrative supplement requests may submitted an institution Project Director/Principal Investigator.NIH encourages participation individuals racial ethnic groups underrepresented biomedical behavioral research, individuals disabilities individuals disadvantaged backgrounds.  Applications foreign institutions not permitted.  Consistent the goals the Recovery Act preserve create jobs promote economic recovery the United States, applicant must domestic United States) institutions/organizations i.e., located the 50 states, territories possessions the United States, Commonwealth Puerto Rico, Trust Territory the Pacific Islands, District Columbia).  addition, domestic U.S. institutions planning submit supplement requests include foreign components should aware requested funding any foreign components should exceed 10% the total requested direct costs 25,000 per year per subcontract/subaward in aggregate multiple subcontracts/subawards), whichever less.IMPORTANT:  funds requested the NIH grantee the supplement application must within general scope the peer-reviewed activities aims approved within parent grant.  request support new research objectives aims are outside the scope the approved parent grant not appropriate under administrative supplement.  of FundsAdministrative supplements request support facilitate consolidation core facilities.  Examples allowable expenses include: Personnel needed plan implement core consolidation.  Examples implementation activities include merging billing, purchasing, tracking, scheduling systems.  Salary support such personnel be requested no than year. Equipment purchases under 500,000) facilitate operations the consolidated core facility. Minor alteration renovation under 500,000) reconfigure space the core facility. Funds not used support personnel providing services users the core facility. Consolidated expanded core facilities must made widely available although facility must operate within scope the parent grant.  Awardees agree share best practices core consolidation the research community.  Such sharing involve participation a national meeting publication a summary the consolidation process their web site.Preparing Administrative Supplement RequestRequests under notice should the PHS 398 forms rev. 11/2007; available at: and include following elements the request packet. Font size restrictions apply designated within PHS398 instructions. 1) Cover Letter - Citing Notice NOT-RR-10-001), specify request a Recovery Act Administrative Supplement, including following information: Project Director/Principal Investigator PD/PI) name Parent grant number title Amount the requested supplement Name title the authorized institutional official, Phone, email, address information both PD/PI the institutional official.  cover letter must signed the authorized organizational representative. 2) PHS 398 Form Page 1 Face page) MS Word  PDF title the project Box 1) should the title the parent award. Notice number title, Notice Availability Recovery Act Funds Administrative Supplements”) should cited Box 2, the yes” box should checked. Project Director/Principal Investigator PD/PI) must the same the PD/PI the parent award.  Multiple PD/PI parent awards, Contact PD/PI must the PD/PI listed the supplement request. Administrative supplements cannot change Multiple PD/PI team convert grant a single PD/PI a multiple PD/PI grant.  remaining items the face page should filled in accordance the PHS 398 application instructions. 3) PHS 398 Form page 2 MS Word  PDF Note: project summary” that the administrative supplement, the parent grant.  other information requested Form Page 2 should provided.4) brief proposal describing project, including: a) Scope the overall project the anticipated contribution the requested supplement to exceed five pages). Summarize activities were included the parent grant encompass those proposed the supplemental request.  Include description the supplement's purpose including anticipated steps involved consolidation the cores, justification requested alteration renovation space, a justification requested equipment.  Describe way the consolidated core serve biomedical/behavioral researchers.  description should estimate whether larger different group investigators use consolidated core.  the affected core facilities currently supported different NIH ICs, letter/e-mail the Program Officer each award should included indicating approval the plans change existing core.b) research project plan should discuss business plan the consolidated core facility to exceed page).  plan should address plans publicize existence the consolidated facility, sources funds operate staff consolidated facility, how current users existing facilities access consolidated core facility.c) research project plan should discuss the supplement accelerate tempo scientific research and/or allow job creation retention and/or green/sustainable technologies design approaches to exceed page).  order ensure all expenditures support an administrative supplement advance objectives the Recovery Act, applications must address Recovery Act justifications, including the supplement expected stimulate economy creating maintaining jobs the merged core facility and/or green/sustainable technologies design approaches be used the merged core facility.d) Budget the supplement a justification details items requested, including Facilities Administrative costs a justification all personnel their role(s) this project.  Note budget should appropriate the work proposed the supplement request. Applicants encouraged discuss budgets their NIH Program Officer. meet various transparency, accountability, reporting requirements Recovery Act, applications under notice must include detailed budgets the PHS 398 Form Pages 4 MS PDF) 5 MS PDF).  Modular budget pages not accepted even the parent grant funded a modular grant. Budget Funding Information below additional information. e) Biographical Sketch all new Senior/Key Personnel. is need repeat information previously provided other Senior/Key Personnel. MS PDFf) Human Subjects/Vertebrate Animal Documentation.  significant changes the approved of human subjects vertebrate animals be considered administrative supplements.   g) PHS 398 Checklist Form MS Word  PDFReview Selection FactorsAdministrative supplement requests first reviewed administratively NIH Program Grants Management staff expertise relevant the supplement request.  evaluation consider merit the supplement request its applicability the goals the Recovery Act.  recommendation awards the program be determined a trans-NIH group representation each IC participating this Notice.  final evaluation this group include merit the supplement request, applicability the goals the Recovery Act, the availability funds.Selection factors include following: Relevance the goals creating fewer higher quality core facilities will serve wider range biomedical/behavioral researchers. Relevance the proposed activities the parent grant determination the proposed activities within existing peer-reviewed approved scope the project. Adequate progress the parent grant appropriate the current stage the project. Appropriate well-described plan accomplish goals the supplement within timeframe proposed. Appropriateness the request achieve Recovery Act goals promoting job creation, economic development, accelerating pace achievement scientific research. While geographic variation be considered awarding Recovery Act funding, proposal’s scientific merit always the prevailing criterion. Budget Funding Information Funding administrative supplements existing grants be available Recovery Act funds FY2010, Therefore, supplements selected funding be limited one year the budget project period.In addition, domestic U.S. institutions planning submit supplement requests include foreign components should aware requested funding any foreign components should exceed 10% the total requested direct costs 25,000 per year per subcontract/subaward in aggregate multiple subcontracts/subawards), whichever less.How Apply be considered an administrative supplement, submit request writing the Institute/Center, to Division Receipt Referral, NIH Center Scientific Review.  Applications must signed the authorized institutional official submitted the appropriate IC Grants Management Specialist referenced the Notice Award).  NIAID prefer the supplement request directly the assigned Program Officer rather the Grants Management Specialist).  all ICs except NIAID, providing Program Officer the award copy the supplement encouraged, not required.  Applicants strongly encouraged submit applications electronically an e-mail attachment PDF format; however signature the institutional official must clearly visible.  Applicants also submit applications paper format the appropriate IC Grants Management contact. e-mail address the Grants Management Specialist the Program Officer be found the Notice Award.  Full address information those individuals available must received later January 13, 2010.  Timeline January 13, 2010 – Receipt dateFebruary 2010 – Administrative review supplements completed each participating ICMarch 2010 – Trans-NIH committee composed a representative each participating IC meets recommends supplements fundingMay 2010 – Supplements to appropriate Advisory Councils appropriate)June 2010 – Earliest date Notices Grant Award be releasedTerms Award formal notification the form a Notice Award NoA) be provided the grantee organization. NoA signed the grants management officer the authorizing document. Once administrative programmatic issues been resolved, NoA be generated via email notification the awarding component the grantee business official. terms the NoA reference requirements the Recovery Act.In addition the standard NIH terms award, funding provided under Recovery Act be subject the HHS Standard Terms Conditions American Recovery Reinvestment Act 2009 Recovery Act ARRA).  full text these terms approved NIH awards be found the following document: Standard Terms Conditions ARRA Awards.Selection an application award not authorization begin performance. Any costs incurred before receipt the NoA at recipient's risk. costs be reimbursed only the extent considered allowable pre-award costs. Administrative National Policy Requirements Program Official be assigned each funded application will assume responsibility normal stewardship the awards. NIH grant cooperative agreement awards include NIH Grants Policy Statement part the NoA. these terms award, the NIH Grants Policy Statement Part II: Terms Conditions NIH Grant Awards, Subpart A: General and NIH Grants Policy Statement Part II: Terms Conditions NIH Grant Awards, Subpart B: Terms Conditions Specific Types Grants, Grantees, Activities.In addition, recipients Recovery Act funds reminded such funds must separately tracked monitored independently any non-Recovery Act funding. Reporting Grantees must comply the requirements set forth the Recovery Act, including, not limited to, quarterly reporting requirements Section 1512 the Recovery Act specified HHS Standard Terms Conditions American Recovery Reinvestment Act 2009.  full text these terms approved NIH awards be found the following document: Standard Terms Conditions AARA Awards. Recovery Act-related reporting requirements be incorporated a special term award. Inquiries Inquiries discussion plans responding this Notice strongly encouraged. scientific technical questions relating research would supported this solicitation, contact Program Administrator assigned the parent grant.  administrative questions related this solicitation, contact Grants Management Specialist noted the Notice Award the parent grant.Questions the overall program should addressed any the following contacts:Dr. Gregory FarberOffice Extramural ActivitiesNational Center Research Resources6701 Democracy Boulevard, Room 904Bethesda, MD   20892-4874 Telephone: 301) 435-0778FAX: 301) 480-3658Email: Dr. Jaswant S. BhorjeeNational Cancer Institute6116 Executive Boulevard, Room 700Rockville, MD   20892-8335 Telephone:  301) 435-9035FAX:  301) 402-0181Email: Dr. Barbara C. SorkinNational Center Complementary Alternative Medicine6707 Democracy Boulevard, Room 401Bethesda, MD   20892-5475 Telephone:  301) 594-8018FAX:  301) 480-3621Email: Ms. Ann N. LeeNational Institute Allergy Infectious Disease NIAID)6700 B Rockledge Drive, Room 4211Bethesda, MD   20892-7626 Telephone:  301) 496-9176FAX 301) 402-3211Email: Mrs. Justine F. BuschmanNational Institute Arthritis Musculoskeletal Skin Diseases NIAMS)6701 Democracy Boulevard, Room 877Bethesda, MD   20892-2350 Telephone: 301) 496-4811FAX: 301) 480-1284Email: Dr. Alicia DombroskiNational Institute Dental Craniofacial Research6701 Democracy Boulevard, Room 660Bethesda, MD   20892-4874 Telephone: 301) 594-4805Email: Dr. James HydeNational Institute Diabetes Digestive Kidney Disease6707 Democracy Boulevard, Room 789Bethesda, MD   20892-5460 Telephone:  301) 594-7692FAX:  301) 480-0475Email: Dr. Christine ColvisNational Institute Drug Abuse 6001 Executive Boulevard, Room 5261Rockville, MD   20892-9581 Telephone:  301) 443-6480Email: Dr. Leslie ReinlibNational Institute Environmental Health Sciences Division Extramural Research Training530 Davis Drive, Room 3072Research Triangle Park, NC   27713 Telephone:  919-541-4998FAX:  919-316-4606Email: Dr. Jeanette HosseiniNational Institute Nursing Research6701 Democracy Boulevard, Room 718Bethesda, MD   20892-4870 Telephone: 301) 594-5972FAX:  301) 480-8260Email: Dr. Roger LittleNational Institute Mental Health6001 Executive Boulevard, Room 8211Rockville, MD   20892-9667 Telephone:  301) 402-5844FAX:  301) 443-1328Email: Dr. Thomas MillerNational Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke6001 Executive Boulevard, Room 2139Rockville, MD   20892-9527 Telephone:  301) 496-1779FAX:  301) 402-1501Email:  
Expiration Date: Friday, January 1, 2027 NOFO Number: NOT-MH-10-004 Release Date: Wednesday, October 28, 2009 Notice Type: NOT
Clarification Genotype Data Collection Project Management RFA MH-10-020 - Human Connectome Project U54) Notice Number: NOT-MH-10-004 Key Dates Release Date: October 28, 2009 Application Receipt Date:  November 24, 2009 Issued NIH Blueprint Neuroscience Research National Center Complementary Alternative Medicine NCCAM) National Center Research Resources NCRR) National Eye Institute NEI) National Institute Aging NIA) National Institute Alcohol Abuse Alcoholism NIAAA) National Institute Biomedical Imaging Bioengineering NIBIB) National Institute Child Health Human Development NICHD) National Institute Deafness Other Communication Disorders NIDCD) National Institute Dental Craniofacial Research NIDCR) National Institute Drug Abuse NIDA) National Institute Environmental Health Sciences NIEHS) National Institute General Medical Sciences NIGMS) National Institute Mental Health NIMH) National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke NINDS) National Institute Nursing Research NINR) Office Behavioral Social Sciences Research OBSSR) Purpose purpose this Notice to clarify issues regarding collection genotype data the of professional project management RFA-MH-10-020 ldquo;The Human Connectome Project,” was issued July 15, 2009.  Technological advances have transpired since RFA-MH-10-020 written made possible larger numbers subjects be imaged was envisioned that FOA.  Images represent principle data type be collected this project; ancillary data be collected includes genotyping using chip technology.  Since cost chips genotyping not insignificant, requirement genotype subject presents budgetary trade-off increases more more subjects included the project.  mitigate effect this trade-off the ability image large numbers subjects, rather requiring each subject genotyped, only 500 subjects be required be genotyped.  an applicant wishes genotype subjects, even beyond 500, is also acceptable.  other ancillary data collection e.g., demographic, behavioral assessment) expected all subjects described RFA-MH-10-020.  And, blood samples expected be collected all subjects described RFA-MH-10-020. Professional project management paramount the performance the Human Connectome Project.  Applicants have questions what constitutes professional project management, roles principal investigator project manager compare each other, other issues related this important aspect the project encouraged contact program officer listed below. Inquiries Specific questions this Notice should directed to: Michael F. Huerta, Ph.D. National Institute Mental Health 6001 Executive Boulevard, Room 7202, MSC 9645 Bethesda, MD 20892-9645 Telephone: 301) 443-1815 FAX: 301) 443-1731 Email:
Expiration Date: Friday, January 1, 2027 NOFO Number: NOT-NS-10-002 Release Date: Friday, October 16, 2009 Notice Type: NOT
Notice Intent Publish Request Applications the Blueprint Neuroscience Grand Challenge: New Drugs Diseases Disorders the Nervous System U01) Notice Number: NOT-NS-10-002 Key Dates Release Date:  October 16, 2009 Issued NIH Blueprint Neuroscience Research its member institutes, offices, centers: National Center Complementary Alternative Medicine NCCAM) National Center Research Resources NCRR) National Eye Institute NEI) National Institute Aging NIA) National Institute Alcohol Abuse Alcoholism NIAAA) National Institute Biomedical Imaging Bioengineering NIBIB) National Institute Child Health Human Development NICHD) National Institute Drug Abuse NIDA) National Institute Deafness Other Communication Disorders NIDCD) National Institute Dental Craniofacial Research NIDCR) National Institute Environmental Health Sciences NIEHS) National Institute General Medical Sciences NIGMS) National Institute Mental Health NIMH) National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke NINDS) National Institute Nursing Research NINR) Office Behavioral Social Sciences Research OBSSR) Purpose NIH Blueprint Neuroscience Research intends issue Request Applications RFA) solicit projects the Blueprint Grand Challenge New Drugs Diseases Disorders the Nervous System. goal to support development new small molecule drugs will transform treatment neurological, psychiatric, other nervous system diseases conditions. awards provide 1) funding support biological testing compounds during development 2) access technical, infrastructure, advisory resources enable investigators translate promising lead small molecule compounds drugs have completed phase 1 clinical trials. Applicants this RFA must have: least small molecule compound strong evidence biological activity relevant the intended indication a starting point medicinal chemistry optimization. robust, moderate throughput assay biological activity suitable testing compounds generated an iterative medicinal chemistry effort. assay should capable providing robust dose-response data 20-40 compounds a 1-2 week cycle. Secondary bioassays models sufficient evaluate potential a drug candidate the intended indication. Resources conduct drug development activities than bioactivity testing be provided the successful applicants the NIH Blueprint. include medicinal chemistry optimization, pharmacology toxicology testing Phase 1 clinical testing. Successful applicants retain ownership the intellectual property compounds develop through program. notice being provided allow potential applicants sufficient time develop responsive projects necessary collaborations. The RFA expected be published the NIH Guide Grants Contracts April 2010 an anticipated receipt date August 2010. RFA use U01 cooperative agreement mechanism. APPLICATIONS NOT BEING SOLICITED THIS TIME. Inquiries Interested parties contact: Jill Heemskerk Ph.D. National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke National Institutes Health 6001 Executive Boulevard, Room 2229 Bethesda, MD 20892-9525 EXPRESS/COURIER:  Rockville, MD 20852 Email:
Expiration Date: Friday, January 1, 2027 NOFO Number: NOT-MH-10-003 Release Date: Friday, October 9, 2009 Notice Type: NOT
Notice Intent Publish Request Applications Enhancing Neuroscience Diversity through Undergraduate Research Education Experiences R25) Notice Number: NOT-MH-10-003 Key Dates Release Date: October 9, 2009 Issued NIH Blueprint Neuroscience Research National Center Complementary Alternative Medicine NCCAM), National Center Research Resources NCRR), National Eye Institute NEI), National Institute Aging NIA), National Institute Alcohol Abuse Alcoholism NIAAA), National Institute Biomedical Imaging Bioengineering NIBIB), Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute Child Health Human Development NICHD), National Institute Deafness Other Communication Disorders NIDCD), National Institute Dental Craniofacial Research NIDCR), National Institute Drug Abuse NIDA), National Institute Environmental Health Sciences NIEHS), National Institute General Medical Sciences NIGMS), National Institute Mental Health NIMH), National Institute Neurological Disorders Stroke NINDS), National Institute Nursing Research NINR), Office Behavioral Social Sciences Research OBSSR), Purpose National Institute Mental Health, behalf the Institutes Centers ICs) the NIH Blueprint Neuroscience Research intends promote new initiative publishing Request Applications RFA) solicit applications will support development collaborative, multi-institutional undergraduate research education research training programs the purpose increasing number students are well-prepared motivated enter Ph.D. degree programs the neurosciences. initiative focus junior senior undergraduate students are groups underrepresented the biomedical behavioral sciences individuals underrepresented racial ethnic groups, individuals disabilities, individuals disadvantaged backgrounds). APPLICATIONS NOT BEING SOLICITED THIS TIME.  Notice to encourage investigators expertise the areas neuroscience research, research education, research training consider applying this new RFA to allow potential applicants sufficient time develop meaningful collaborations responsive projects. RFA, will utilize Research Education Projects R25) award mechanism, expected be published the Fall 2009 an expected receipt date Winter Spring 2010. Research Initiative Details RFA support development collaborative research education partnerships will increase participants’ awareness interest the neurosciences, develop participants’ scientific knowledge research skills will allow to progress transition more advanced neuroscience related research education research training activities, to establish networks Ph.D. degree granting NIH-supported Predoctoral Institutional Research Training T32) programs the neurosciences. Components the collaborative research education programs should include: research-intensive institution, defined having existing neuroscience neuroscience related program, a significant number potential mentors NIH R01 equivalent extramural research support; or institutions have substantial enrollment undergraduates backgrounds underrepresented the biomedical behavioral sciences majoring areas relevant the neurosciences; Curriculum academic enhancement activities integrated across partnering institutions are uniquely designed increase students interest preparation enter Ph.D. degree programs the neurosciences; Part-time neuroscience research training experiences extramurally funded laboratories during academic year be carried within of partnering institutions; Full-time summer neuroscience research training experiences laboratories are part existing neuroscience-focused NIH Predoctoral Institutional Research Training T32) programs; Formal alliances neuroscience-focused NIH Predoctoral Institutional Research Training T32) programs agree provide summer research training experiences students participating this initiative. alliances expected facilitate early communication interaction between participating students NIH Predoctoral Institutional Research Training program directors. Inquiries Interested parties contact: Mark Chavez, Ph.D. Division Adult Translational Research amp; Treatment Development National Institute Mental Health 6001 Executive Boulevard, Room 7107 Bethesda, MD nbsp;20892-9632 Rockville, MD nbsp;20852 express/courier service) Telephone: 301); 443-8942 FAX: 301) 443-4611 Email:
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