Director's Messages

By Dr. Diana Bianchi (NICHD Director), Dr. Joshua Gordon (NIMH Director), and Dr. Walter Koroshetz (NINDS Director)

By: Dr. Walter Koroshetz


In 2012, after more than a decade of active efforts to identify effective approaches to support replication of critical pre-clinical studies, NINDS recognized that neuroscience could benefit from an initiative to improve the quality and rigor of the research that we fund.

By: Dr. Walter Koroshetz and Dr. Francis Collins


By: Walter Koroshetz, NINDS Director, and Diana Bianchi, NICHD Director

In July 2015, NINDS issued the first funding opportunity announcement for the R35 R

By: Steve Korn and Michelle Jones-London, NINDS Office of Training and Workforce Diversity, and Walter Koroshetz, NINDS Director

This September marked a milestone for the NINDS Nonprofit Forum: its tenth anniversary!

September is Pain Awareness Month.

Today, NIH launches the largest long-term study of brain development and child health in the United States.  The Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) Study aims to recruit more than 10,000 children, beginning at ages 9-10, and follow their biological, cognitive and behavioral development for 10 years.

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