Director's Messages

As the Nation’s medical research agency, one of NIH’s most important roles is leveraging our resources to respond to emerging public health crises.

The toll that neurological disorders exact on patients and their families is truly tragic. Yet, looking forward there is cause for real optimism for some conditions.

The beginning of a new year has a way of sneaking up on all of us, but we always gain helpful perspectives by stopping to reflect on the year that has passed. In 2017, NINDS made significant strides through funding awards, collaboration, new research initiatives, and leadership additions. We are grateful to our investigators, research subjects, and our partners representing those suffering from neurological disorders and stroke.

By: Nina Schor, NINDS Deputy Director

I’m a news junkie, and I love stories, especially those about science. You may not realize it, but every day as part of the NINDS research community, you are generating incredible news.

This week, more than thirty thousand neuroscientists are coming to Washington, DC for the annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (SfN).

If you know anyone with dementia, you probably understand how devastating it is to those affected and their families.

By: Walter Koroshetz, NINDS Director, and Diana Bianchi, NICHD Director

September is Pain Awareness Month. We all experience pain from time to time, but for many Americans pain is a chronic and difficult-to-treat condition.

I was fortunate to have exceptional scientists as mentors who devoted many, many hours guiding me to think more scientifically. Two pieces of their sage advice continue to resonate with me today.

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