Rigor and Transparency Resources

NINDS has been gathering a list of currently available public resources that are, or can be made, freely accessible to the scientific community and beyond. These are in addition to the NINDS-funded comprehensive educational resource to improve training in the principles of rigorous research and other NINDS-driven efforts.

Below you will find non-NINDS resources related to improving awareness and practice of scientific rigor and transparency. Contact us at RigorChampions@nih.gov to let us know about others that may potentially be included.

NINDS does not endorse any of these resources and leaves it to the scientific community to judge their quality.

Resources Table

Categories of resources listed in the table include Books and Articles, Guidelines and Protocols, Media and Courses, Organizations and Training Programs, and Software and Other Digital Resources. Please use the drop-down menu under "Category" to filter results based on one of these categories or use the "Quick Search" bar on the right to enter a key word of your choice.

This is a preview of the Data Table. Only the first three rows are displayed.
Resource Description Category
10 Simple Rules for Evaluating Model Credibility Communication tool by IMAG (Interagency Modeling and Analysis Group) for modelers to organize their model development process Guidelines and Protocols
2 Min Stats Short, animated videos about statistics Media and Courses
A Call for Transparent Reporting to Optimize the Predictive Value of Preclinical Research Article in Nature listing important experimental design elements to report in preclinical research papers Books and Articles, Guidelines and Protocols
A Guide to Open Science Practices for Animal Research Article listing best practices and resources in open science Books and Articles
A Simple Kit to Use Computational Notebooks for More Openness, Reproducibility, and Productivity in Research Article in PLOS Computational Biology with resources for beginners to start an electronic lab notebook Books and Articles
ABRF Committee on Core Rigor and Reproducibility (CCoRRe) Discussion Forum Discussion forum by a committee of The Association of Biomolecular Resource Facilities (ABRF) that focuses on building educational resources, sharing critical best practice guidelines, and providing important tools to the core community that will impact rigor, reproducibility, and transparency across the range of science and technology Organizations and Training Programs, Software and Other Digital Resources
Addgene eBook Collections Free eBooks to come up with ideas for new projects, troubleshoot experiments, avoid pitfalls, and develop the skills needed at and away from the bench Books and Articles
Advice for Choosing the Right Reproducibility Tools Webinar organized by Reproducibility for Everyone (Repro4Everyone) recorded at the Society for Neuroscience (SfN) annual meeting about tools for experimental rigor and transparency Media and Courses
Advice to Scientists: Incorporating Authentication into Everyday Culture Practice Cell culture practice guidelines by the International Cell Line Authentication Committee (ICLAC) Guidelines and Protocols
Agreement on Reforming Research Assessment Recommendations that set a shared direction for changes in assessment practices for research, researchers, and research-performing organisations, with the overarching goal to maximise the quality and impact of research Guidelines and Protocols
AMSTAR (A MeaSurement Tool to Assess systematic Reviews) 2 A critical appraisal tool for systematic reviews that include randomised or non-randomised studies of healthcare interventions Software and Other Digital Resources
Animal Study Registry Online registry for scientific studies involving animals conducted around the world Software and Other Digital Resources
Antibodypedia Portal of validated antibodies that are scored using the validation principles outlined by the International Working Group for Antibody Validation Software and Other Digital Resources
ARRIVE 2.0 Essential 10: Guidance for NIH-sponsored Research NIH-hosted webinar providing an overview of the ARRIVE Essential 10, how each relates to study quality, and how to operationalize them for inclusion in research protocols and grant proposals Media and Courses
ARRIVE Guidelines Animal Research: Reporting of In Vivo Experiments (ARRIVE) guidelines are intended to improve the reporting of research using animals Guidelines and Protocols
ASAPbio (Accelerating Science and Publication in Biology) Scientist-driven nonprofit working to drive open and innovative communication in the life sciences, including productive use of preprints for research dissemination and transparent peer review and feedback on all research outputs Organizations and Training Programs
ASA's Statement on Statistical Significance and P-Values Consensus statement by the American Statistical Association on the proper use of p-values in research Books and Articles, Guidelines and Protocols
AsPredicted Standardized pre-registration that requires what is necessary to separate exploratory from confirmatory analyses Software and Other Digital Resources
Assay Guidance Manual Free, best-practices online resource developed by the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS) devoted to the successful development of robust, early-stage drug discovery assays Books and Articles, Guidelines and Protocols
Australian Reproducibility Network (AUS-RN) Peer-led consortium that aims to ensure Australia retains its place as a centre for world-leading research by investigating the factors that contribute to robust research, promoting training activities, and disseminating best practice Organizations and Training Programs
BD2K Guide to the Fundamentals of Data Science Series Virtual lecture series by the Big Data to Knowledge (BD2K) Initiative on the data science underlying modern biomedical research Media and Courses
Berkeley Initiative for Transparency in the Social Sciences (BITSS) Initiative that works to improve the credibility of science by advancing transparency, reproducibility, rigor, and ethics in research Organizations and Training Programs
Brazilian Reproducibility Initiative Multicenter initiative to estimate the reproducibility of Brazilian biomedical science Organizations and Training Programs
British Neuroscience Association UK-based organisation representing and promoting neuroscience and neuroscientists, with a program to promote and support credibility in neuroscience Organizations and Training Programs
Calling Bullsh*t: Data Reasoning in a Digital World Website containing free video lectures and syllabus information that accompanies a University Washington course on identifying misrepresentations, seeing through them, and combating them with effective analysis and argument Media and Courses
Capturing the Value of Biomedical Research Article in Cell describing a framework for scientific evaluation at the Sidra Medical and Research Center in Qatar Books and Articles
Catalogue of Bias Descriptions of a wide range of biases and their potential impact in research studies Software and Other Digital Resources
Cell Line Authentication Training Training in cell line authentication developed by Global Biological Standards Institute (GBSI) Media and Courses
Center for Biomedical Research Transparency (CBMRT) Organization that facilitates transparent reporting of biomedical research Organizations and Training Programs
Center for Innovation in Science Education (R3ISE) Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health's effort which aims to enable young practitioners to do good science and view their work through the lens of social responsibility Organizations and Training Programs
Center for Open Science (COS) Organization that works to increase openness, integrity, and reproducibility of research Organizations and Training Programs
Center for Open Science (COS) Reproducible Research Training Materials related to educational videos posted to the COS Youtube channel Media and Courses
Center for the Improvement of Mentored Experiences in Research (CIMER) Organization that develops programs including Entering Research with undergraduate and graduate trainee curricular materials and Entering Mentoring curriculum for research mentors Organizations and Training Programs
Clinical Trials Methodology Course (CTMC) Videos of lessons from an NINDS-funded program by the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor to help investigators develop scientifically rigorous yet practical clinical trial protocols Media and Courses
Coalition for Advancing Research Assessment (CoARA) Coalition with a shared direction for changes in assessment practices for research, researchers and research performing organisations, with the overarching goal to maximise the quality and impact of research Guidelines and Protocols
Collaborative Replications and Education Project (CREP) Training, support, and professional growth opportunities for students and instructors completing replication projects Organizations and Training Programs
Common Online Data Analysis Platform (CODAP) Open-source software for dynamic data exploration in a pre-college educational setting Software and Other Digital Resources
Community for Rigor (C4R) NINDS-funded program to create an online educational resource on the fundamental principles of research rigor Organizations and Training Programs, Media and Courses
Complexity Explorer Online courses and educational materials about complexity science produced by the Santa Fe Institute Media and Courses
Consolidating Teaching Resources Open and rigorous science teaching resources compiled by Tufts University Software and Other Digital Resources
CONSORT (CONsolidated Standards of Reporting Trials) Statement Guidelines developed through collaboration and consensus to improve the reporting of parallel-group randomized controlled trials (RCTs) Guidelines and Protocols
COSMIN (COnsensus-based Standards for the selection of health Measurement INstruments) An initiative to develop methodology and practical tools for selecting the most suitable outcome measurement instrument Organizations and Training Programs, Software and Other Digital Resources
Course Syllabi for Open and Reproducible Methods List of available syllabi from courses to examine open science and reproducibility Media and Courses
Cross Validated A question and answer site for people interested in statistics, machine learning, data analysis, data mining, and data visualization Software and Other Digital Resources
DAGitty Browser-based environment for creating, editing, and analyzing causal diagrams for minimizing bias in empirical studies in epidemiology and other disciplines Software and Other Digital Resources
Data and Analytics for Research Training (DART) Program Media and Courses, Organizations and Training Programs
Data Organization by Karl Broman Short primer from Karl Broman on how to organize data in spreadsheets prior to analysis Guidelines and Protocols
Data Science Lab Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) group that supports rigorous, transparent and reproducible research at VCU through the promotion and development of methods, tools, and training programs consistent with best practices in generating robust research findings Organizations and Training Programs
DataLad Software tool for integrated discovery, management, and publication of digital objects of science Software and Other Digital Resources
DataONE (Data Observation Network for Earth) Organization that promotes best practices in data management through responsive educational resources and materials Media and Courses, Software and Other Digital Resources
Digital Curation Centre (DCC) Resources to engage effectively in research data management, digital curation, and data preservation activities Guidelines and Protocols
DMPTool Online tool to help build data management plans (DMPs) to facilitate research Software and Other Digital Resources
Educational Resources to Make the Best Out of the Corona Break List of resources compiled by the Berlin Institute of Health to improve scientific practice and professional development Organizations and Training Programs, Software and Other Digital Resources
Electronic Lab Notebooks at HMS Comparison grid hosted by Harvard Medical School showing electronic lab notebook (ELN) features Software and Other Digital Resources
The Embassy of Good Science A wiki-based online platform and community for sharing experiences and insights, deepening understanding, and continuously contributing to the development of good science Organizations and Training Programs, Software and Other Digital Resources
Enhancing Reproducibility Through Rigor and Transparency Guidance for addressing rigor in NIH grant applications and progress reports Guidelines and Protocols
Ensuring Value in Research (EVIR) Funders' Forum Organization where health research funders from around the world come together to advance their practise and increase the value of research Organizations and Training Programs
Ensuring Value in Research (EVIR) Guiding Principles Principles that have been agreed upon by EVIR members as a guide to help health-related research funders increase the value of their research Guidelines and Protocols, Organizations and Training Programs
EQIPD E-Learning Course 10 modules covering essential learning objectives on study design, data analysis, and other topics developed by the European Quality in Preclinical Data (EQIPD) Consortium Media and Courses
Equator Network Library for Health Research Reporting Collection of guidelines and policy documents related to transparent health research reporting Guidelines and Protocols, Software and Other Digital Resources
Estimation for Better Inference in Neuroscience Article describing the estimation approach to inference, which emphasizes reporting effect sizes with expressions of uncertainty Books and Articles
Estimation Statistics Web application to plot experimental data from an estimation statistics perspective Software and Other Digital Resources
European College of Neuropsychopharmacology (ECNP) Preclinical Data Forum Network Communication platform for dialog related to modern issues in preclinical research and for preclinical data sharing with the goal of enhancing data utility for clinical R&D Organizations and Training Programs
European Quality in Preclinical Data (EQIPD) Consortium Consortium with the goal of improving preclinical data quality to accelerate the transition to clinical studies Organizations and Training Programs
Evaluation of Research Careers Fully Acknowledging Open Science Practices Recommendations by the Open Science Working Group on Rewards/Recognition for ensuring researchers in Europe are recognised and rewarded for practising open science, through the Open Science Career Assessment Matrix (OS-CAM) Books and Articles, Guidelines and Protocols
Experimental Design Assistant (EDA) Free resource developed by the National Centre for the Replacement Refinement & Reduction of Animals in Research (NC3Rs) to help diagram experimental plans Software and Other Digital Resources
Experimental Design: Top Four Strategies for Reproducible Mouse Research Key considerations for mouse research according to the Jackson Laboratory Guidelines and Protocols
FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) Guiding Principles Principles for enhancing the ability of machines to automatically find and use data in addition to supporting its reuse by individuals Guidelines and Protocols
FAIR Data Management INCF information page on FAIR data management for neuroscience intended for students, researchers, data professionals (data stewards, curators, data librarians etc), funders, and research administrators interested in maintaining scientific rigor and reproducibility Software and Other Digital Resources
FAIRsharing A curated, informative and educational resource on data and metadata standards, inter-related to databases and data policies Software and Other Digital Resources
Fiddle (FIle Drawer Data Liberation Effort) Tool to identify alternate publishing routes for well-designed experiments that are difficult to publish in traditional journals (e.g. null or neutral results, datasets) Software and Other Digital Resources
Finnish Reproducibility Network (FIRN) Peer-led consortium that aims to ensure Finland retains its place at the core of world-leading research by investigating and discussing the factors that contribute to robust research, promoting training activities, and disseminating best practice Organizations and Training Programs
Foundations of Rigorous Neuroscience Research NINDS-funded program by the Society for Neuroscience (SfN) to develop a multimodal training program aiming to inform and empower neuroscientists at all career stages to enhance the rigor and reproducibility of their research Organizations and Training Programs
Framework for Open and Reproducible Research Training (FORRT) Pedagogical infrastructure designed to recognize and support the teaching and mentoring of open and reproducible science tenets in tandem with prototypical subject matters in higher education Organizations and Training Programs
Framework for Open and Reproducible Research Training (FORRT) Educational Nexus Hub for community-driven initiatives and resources to provide educators a comprehensive but straightforward framework to teach and mentor open and reproducible science Organizations and Training Programs, Software and Other Digital Resources
Funding Opportunities in Rigor and Reproducibility Past and current NIH funding opportunities for efforts to improve research rigor and quality Organizations and Training Programs, Software and Other Digital Resources
Funding Promoting Open Research Crowdsourced list of funding opportunities in reproducible, open, and FAIR research Software and Other Digital Resources
Global Preclinical Data Forum Jointly sponsored U.S. and European initiative that encourages global collaboration to address the challenge of ensuring that preclinical research is reproducible, robust and translatable to support disease research utility for clinical research & development (R&D) Organizations and Training Programs
Global Preclinical Data Forum Resources Best practice resources to encourage robust, reproducible preclinical research curated by the Global Preclinical Data Forum Software and Other Digital Resources
Good Research Practice in Non-Clinical Pharmacology and Biomedicine Online textbook in the Handbook of Experimental Pharmacology series that describes rigorous and robust research practices Books and Articles
Great Scientists, Great Failures Videos of scientists discussing their scientific failures Media and Courses
Guide for Accelerating Computational Reproducibility in the Social Sciences (ACRe Guide) Online book that includes a common approach, terminology, and standards for conducting reproductions of published work Books and Articles, Guidelines and Protocols
Guidelines for Data Acquisition, Quality and Curation for Observational Research Designs (DAQCORD) Framework for the design, documentation, and reporting of data curation methods in order to advance the scientific rigour, reproducibility, and analysis of the data Guidelines and Protocols
Guidelines for Scientific Record Keeping in the Intramural Research Program at the NIH General principles underlying record keeping that are necessary to support the conduct of good science and address needs arising from the rapid growth of alternative record keeping methods, the increasing complexity of research data formats, and the influx of scientific trainees with diverse background Books and Articles, Guidelines and Protocols
Handbook of Biological Statistics Online textbook by John H. McDonald originally developed to supplement a biological data analysis course Books and Articles
Harvard Medical School R3 Community Resources, tools, and training and educational programs to identify, explore, and support R3 principles Organizations and Training Programs, Software and Other Digital Resources
Healthcare Triage: Science Culture and the Reproducibility Crisis Podcast about how the culture of science plays into the "reproducibility crisis" Media and Courses
HHMI BioInteractive: Statistics and Math Statistics and math videos produced by Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) BioInteractive Media and Courses
Hong Kong Principles for Assessing Researchers Principles for improving research through ensuring that researchers are explicitly recognized and rewarded for behavior that leads to trustworthy research Books and Articles, Guidelines and Protocols
How Scientists Fool Themselves - and How They Can Stop Editorial describing cognitive fallacies in research and how to minimize bias Books and Articles
ICPSR Guidelines for Effective Data Management Plans Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR) data repository at the University of Michigan that offers examples, guidance, and other resources in developing a data management plan Organizations and Training Programs, Software and Other Digital Resources
IHC Q9 Quality Risk Management for Pharmaceuticals Principles and examples of tools from the International Council for Harmonisation of Technical Requirements for Pharmaceuticals for Human Use (ICH) for quality risk management that can be applied to different aspects of pharmaceutical quality Guidelines and Protocols
Improving Reproducibility in Animal Research Collection of articles from Scientific Reports on the topic of reproducibility in animal research Books and Articles
Improving the Reproducibility of Our Research Practices Six-part workshop video series presented by the Association for Psychological Science about laboratory and personal research practices that improve reproducibility Media and Courses
Improving the Trustworthiness, Usefulness, and Ethics of Biomedical Research Through an Innovative and Comprehensive Institutional Initiative Article in PLOS Biology about an effort at the Berlin Institute of Health to incentivize and support responsible practices in research, funding, and hiring Books and Articles
Improving Your Neuroscience - Society for Neuroscience (SfN) Workshop OSF project website that serves as a hub for disseminating material for the "Improving Your Science" professional development workshop series at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience Software and Other Digital Resources, Media and Courses
Improving Your Statistical Inferences Books and Articles
INCF Infrastructure Portfolio Index of neuroscience data repositories and scientific gateways that have been assessed using the criteria for repository and science gateways and associated recommendations developed by the INCF Infrastructure Committee in 2020-2021 Software and Other Digital Resources
INCF TrainingSpace Online hub hosted by the International Neuroinformatics Coordinating Facility (INCF) to make neuroscience educational materials more accessible to the global neuroscience community Software and Other Digital Resources, Media and Courses
Institute for Replication (I4R) Organization that aims to improve the credibility of science by systematically reproducing and replicating research findings in leading academic journals Organizations and Training Programs
Institute for Reproducible Research Nonprofit that builds platforms to make science more reproducible and provides educational assistance and non-financial services to researchers Software and Other Digital Resources
International Neuroinformatics Coordinating Facility (INCF) Standards organization that develops, evaluates, and endorses best practices that embrace the principles of Open, FAIR, and Citable neuroscience Organizations and Training Programs
Introduction to the New Statistics Companion site for the Introduction to the New Statistics textbook Books and Articles
Italian Reproducibility Network (ITRN) Peer-led consortium that aims to investigate the factors that contribute to robust research and disseminate them within the Italian scientific community Organizations and Training Programs
James Lind Library Collection of historical material to illustrate the principles underlying fair tests of treatments and their development and application over time Books and Articles
Jamovi Free and open statistical platform Software and Other Digital Resources
Journal of Biological Chemistry: Collecting and Presenting Data Guidelines for reporting data and experimental conditions as fully and transparently as possible Guidelines and Protocols
Justify Your Alpha: A Primer on Two Practical Approaches Article describing guidelines for how and why to choose alpha levels to determine statistical significance Books and Articles, Guidelines and Protocols
Learning Statistics with R Online textbook by Danielle Navarro for an introductory statistics class for psychology students offered at the University of Adelaide, using the R statistical package as the primary tool Books and Articles, Media and Courses
Leiden Manifesto for Research Metrics Ten principles and best practices for the measurement of research performance Guidelines and Protocols
Let's Experiment: A Guide for Scientists Working at the Bench Free 6-week course to build a framework for how to design experiments in biological research Media and Courses
Materials Design Analysis Reporting (MDAR) Checklist for Authors A minimum set of requirements in transparent reporting applicable to studies in the life sciences Guidelines and Protocols
Medical Research Council (MRC) Methodology Guidance Portal Portal developed within the NIHR-MRC Methodology Research Programme to inform best methodological practice for clinical studies Software and Other Digital Resources
Medical Research Council (MRC) Policies and Guidance for Researchers Resources and policies that all MRC-funded scientists are required to follow as a condition of their funding Guidelines and Protocols, Organizations and Training Programs
Menagerie of Reporting Guidelines Involving Animals (MERIDIAN) Collection of reporting guidelines for research studies that involve animals Guidelines and Protocols
Messy Data Coalition Concord Consortium initiative to bring "messy data" into the classroom to improve pedagogy in data literacy and data fluency Organizations and Training Programs
Meta-Research Innovation Center at Stanford (METRICS) Research group and fellowship program dedicated to finding ways to improve the validity and transparency of scientific research Organizations and Training Programs, Software and Other Digital Resources, Media and Courses
Methods: Mind the Gap Webinars that explore research design, measurement, intervention, data analysis, and other methods of interest in clinical disease prevention science Media and Courses
Metrics Toolkit Evidence-based information about research metrics across disciplines, including how each metric is calculated, where you can find it, and how each should (and should not) be applied Software and Other Digital Resources
Modern Statistics for Modern Biology Interactive online statistics textbook by Susan Holmes and Wolfgang Huber Books and Articles
Mouse Randomization Application to assist researchers in the process of randomization and organization of the animals in experimental groups Software and Other Digital Resources
NanoBubbles Blog by NanoBubbles Project, a group focusing on how, when and why science fails to correct itself Organizations and Training Programs
National Centre for the Replacement Refinement & Reduction of Animals in Research (NC3Rs) Organization that works to replace, reduce, or refine the use of animals in research and ensure that animal experiments are as robust and reproducible as possible Organizations and Training Programs
Nature.com Collection: Statistics for Biologists Nature's collection of statistical issues of which biologists should be aware and practical advice to help improve the rigor of their work Books and Articles
NC3Rs Experimental Design Hub Resources compiled by the National Centre for the Replacement Refinement & Reduction of Animals in Research (NC3Rs) for designing and reporting animal research Organizations and Training Programs, Software and Other Digital Resources
NeuroImaging Tools & Resources Collaboratory (NITRC) Web-based resource that shares comprehensive information on neuroinformatics software and data Software and Other Digital Resources
Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) Research-based content standards for the K-12 (primary and secondary school) level, including education in scientific practice Guidelines and Protocols
NIGMS Clearinghouse for Training Modules to Enhance Data Reproducibility Products of NIH-funded grants and other relevant training modules developed to improve data reproducibility Media and Courses
NIH Figshare Pilot program to test the usefulness of formally adding generalist data repositories to the NIH data ecosystem Software and Other Digital Resources
NIH Office of Data Science Strategy (ODSS) Office at the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) with a mission to catalyze new capabilities in biomedical data science by providing trans-NIH leadership and coordination for modernization of the NIH data resource ecosystem Organizations and Training Programs, Software and Other Digital Resources
NIH Research Methods Resources NIH website that provides investigators with important research methods resources to help them satisfy new clinical trial requirements Guidelines and Protocols, Organizations and Training Programs, Media and Courses
NIH Scientific Data Sharing Guidelines and resources for sharing scientific data and creating data management and sharing plans for NIH grant applications Guidelines and Protocols, Software and Other Digital Resources
Norwegian Reproducibility Network (NORRN) Peer-led network that aims to promote and enable rigorous, robust and transparent research practices in Norway Organizations and Training Programs
Open Innovation in Life Sciences (OILS) Part of Life Science Zurich that helps life scientists understand what open science is to them and how to practice open science as part of their research Organizations and Training Programs
Open Knowledge Foundation Organization that works toward an open world, where all non-personal information is open, free for everyone to use, build on and share; and creators and innovators are fairly recognised and rewarded Organizations and Training Programs
Open Neuroscience Network of collaborators curating open source projects related to neurosciences Software and Other Digital Resources
Open Research Funders Group (ORFG) Partnership of philanthropic organizations committed to the open sharing of research outputs Organizations and Training Programs
Open Scholarship Knowledge Base Open scholarship resources created and curated by the community Software and Other Digital Resources
Open Science 101 Online platform for the hosting of Open Science curriculum Media and Courses, Software and Other Digital Resources
Open Science Committee at the MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit Members from all levels of seniority that meet termly to discuss best practices and future plans to further advance education and implementation of open science practices within and beyond the unit Organizations and Training Programs
Open Science Framework (OSF) A free and open source project management repository that supports researchers across their entire project lifecycle Organizations and Training Programs, Software and Other Digital Resources
Open Science MOOC Online courses to help equip students and researchers with the skills they need to excel in an open research environment Media and Courses
Open Science: The Very Idea Online open-access book by Frank Miedema that takes a critical look at how science is practiced and rewarded Books and Articles
Pathways to Enhance Rigor: A Collection of Conversations Limited-series podcast by SfN's Foundations of Rigorous Neuroscience Research Program featuring neuroscientists discussing ways to better embed rigor into every part of the scientific process Media and Courses
Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) Congressionally mandated nonprofit organization that helps people make informed healthcare decisions, and improves healthcare delivery and outcomes, by producing and promoting high-integrity, evidence-based information Organizations and Training Programs
Platform for the Exchange of Experimental Research Standards (PEERS) Platform that enables sharing of information on parameters that affect the robustness of preclinical data Software and Other Digital Resources
Portuguese Reproducibility Network (PTRN) Peer-led consortium that aims to promote the adoption of replicable, transparent, robust, and rigorous research practices in all scientific disciplines in Portugal Organizations and Training Programs
Practical Significance Podcast A podcast to inspire listeners with compelling stories from statistics and data science to propel data-driven careers forward with learning opportunities for all Media and Courses
Pragmatic and Group-Randomized Trials in Public Health and Medicine A 7-part online course to help researchers design and analyze group-randomized trials (GRTs) Media and Courses
Preclinical Design Repository of basic science resources to facilitate proper experimental design, appropriate statistical analyses, and reporting Software and Other Digital Resources
PreclinicalTrials International prospective registry of preclinical animal study protocols Software and Other Digital Resources
PREMIER (Productiveness and Robustness through Modular Improvement of Experimental Research) Modular quality management system with low implemenation threshold for research groups, departments, or institutions that helps to systematically improve the quality of academic preclinical biomedical research Guidelines and Protocols, Software and Other Digital Resources
PREPARE (Planning Research and Experimental Procedures on Animals: Recommendations for Excellence) Guidelines to improve the planning of research and testing using animals Guidelines and Protocols
Principles and Guidelines for Reporting Preclinical Research NIH Guidelines for transparently reporting research practices in publications Guidelines and Protocols, Organizations and Training Programs
Principles, Statistical and Computational Tools for Reproducible Data Science Online course to learn skills and tools that support data science and reproducible research Media and Courses
PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) A minimum set of items for reporting in systematic reviews and meta-analyses Guidelines and Protocols
Project TIER (Teaching Integrity in Empirical Research) Organization that promotes the integration of principles and practices related to transparency and replicability in the research training of social scientists Media and Courses, Organizations and Training Programs
Promoting Awareness and Knowledge to Enhance Scientific Rigor in Neuroscience Webinar series hosted by the Society for Neuroscience (SfN) on topics of experimental rigor and transparency Media and Courses
PROSPERO International prospective registry of systematic reviews Software and Other Digital Resources
PsyTeachR Course materials from the University of Glasgow for teaching reproducible research using R, including programming skills, data visualisation, data wrangling, and reproducible reports Media and Courses
Quality in Core Facilities (Q-CoFa) Compilation of practical recommendations on how to ensure research quality in core facilities Guidelines and Protocols
Quality Practice in Basic Biomedical Research (QPBR) Manuals by the World Health Organization (WHO) that outline a quality management system which provides institutions and researchers with tools for the implementation and monitoring of quality practices in biomedical research Books and Articles, Guidelines and Protocols
Quantitude Podcast dedicated to quantitative methods, statistics, and data analysis Media and Courses
QUEST (Quality, Ethics, Open Science, Translation) Center for Transforming Biomedical Research Center at the Berlin Institute of Health (BIH) in Germany that strives to increase the value of biomedical research at BIH and beyond Organizations and Training Programs
QuOCCA: Quality Output Checklist and Content Assessment Checklist developed by Neuroscience Research Australia (NeuRA) specifically designed to support researchers to conduct more open, rigorous and reproducible science and to allow institutes and institutions to evaluate the quality of their research output Guidelines and Protocols
R3: Enhancing Scientific Rigor, Reproducibility, and Reporting A Rockefeller University program to assist investigators in enhancing scientific rigor, reproducibility, and reporting Organizations and Training Programs
Randomizer Free resource for researchers and students in need of a quick way to generate random numbers or assign participants to experimental conditions Software and Other Digital Resources
RDMkit (ELIXIR Research Data Management Kit) Online guide supported by the European Commission containing data management best practices applicable to life science research projects following the FAIR Principles Organizations and Training Programs, Software and Other Digital Resources
Register of Misidentified Cell Lines Registry maintained by the International Cell Line Authentication Committee (ICLAC) of cell lines that are known to be misidentified through cross-contamination or other mechanisms Software and Other Digital Resources
Registry of Research Data Repositories (re3data) Global registry of research data repositories that covers research data repositories from different academic disciplines Software and Other Digital Resources
ReproducibiliTea Grassroots initiative that helps young researchers create local journal clubs at their universities to discuss papers and ideas about improving science, reproducibility, and the open science movement Organizations and Training Programs
Reproducibility University of Minnesota library webpage on reproducibility resources Organizations and Training Programs, Software and Other Digital Resources
Reproducibility and Reliability of Biomedical Research: Improving Research Practice Report from a symposium held by the Academy of Medical Sciences, the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC), the Medical Research Council (MRC) and the Wellcome Trust in April 2015 Books and Articles
Reproducibility for Everyone Organization that compiles resources and teaching workshops to improve the reproducibility of research Organizations and Training Programs
Reproducibility for Everyone Tools and Resources List of rigor and reproducibility resources compiled by Reproducibility for Everyone Organizations and Training Programs, Software and Other Digital Resources
Reproducibility in Research: An Introduction First video in a Youtube video series by Healthcare Triage on improving reproducibility in research Media and Courses
Reproducibility in Science Github guide to enhancing reproducibility in scientific results and writing Guidelines and Protocols, Software and Other Digital Resources
Reproducibility of Research: Get Started List of courses and resources for rigor and reproducibility on the University of Utah Spencer S. Eccles Health Sciences Library website Organizations and Training Programs, Software and Other Digital Resources
Reproducible Data Science with Open-Source Python Tools and Real-World Data Online textbook that uses real-world social data sets to provide an introduction to open, reproducible, and ethical data analysis using hands-on Python coding, modern open-source computational tools, and data science techniques Books and Articles, Guidelines and Protocols
Reproducible Research Course that focuses on the concepts and tools behind reporting modern data analyses in a reproducible manner Media and Courses
Reproducible Research Oxford (RROx) University-wide initiative focused on advancing the open research agenda at Oxford by promoting a coordinated approach to open scholarship and research reproducibility that extends to all disciplines Organizations and Training Programs
Reproductibilite et Controverses French-language course materials about reproducibility in cognitive neuroscience Media and Courses
Research and Data Integrity (ReaDI) Program Columbia University's compilation of online research integrity and scientific best practice resources Organizations and Training Programs, Software and Other Digital Resources
Research Culture: Setting the Right Tone Article in eLife that describes efforts to improve research culture and quality at the University of Glasgow Books and Articles
Research Data Alliance (RDA) Community-driven initiative with a mission to build the social and technical bridges to enable the open sharing and re-use of data Organizations and Training Programs
Research on Research Institute (RoRI) Collaboration to investigate how research is funded, practiced and evaluated, and in how research cultures and systems can be made more efficient, open, inclusive and impactful Organizations and Training Programs
Research Resource Identification (RRID) Initiative Initiative to help researchers cite the key biological and non-biological resources used to produce their scientific findings Guidelines and Protocols
Research Topic: Reproducibility and Rigour in Computational Neuroscience Articles by Frontiers journals about reproducibility of computational studies Books and Articles
Resources for Rigor & Transparency List of resources on the Brown University Library website for improving rigor and transparency Organizations and Training Programs, Software and Other Digital Resources
Riffomonas Project Youtube channel focused on how to use data science tools Media and Courses
Rigor and Reproducibility Recordings and slides from Rigor and Reproducibility webinar series sponsored by Library and Information Technology Services and the WHSC Data Science Initiative at Emory University Media and Courses
Rigor and Reproducibility Seminar Series Seminar series hosted by the University of Florida UF Interdisciplinary T32 in Movement Disorders and Neurorestoration Media and Courses, Organizations and Training Programs
Rigorous Reproducible Responsible Research Integrity at UF (R4I@UF) University of Florida initiative to provide case studies to be used for brief conversations about best research practices Organizations and Training Programs
Rigorous Science: a How-To Guide Article describing a framework for rigor that includes redundant experimental design, sound statistical analysis, recognition of error, avoidance of logical fallacies, and intellectual honesty Books and Articles, Guidelines and Protocols
RIOT (Reproducible, Interpretable, Open, Transparent) Science Club Seminar series partnered with the UK Reproducibility Network that raises awareness and provides training in reproducible, interpretable, open & transparent science practices Organizations and Training Programs
Ripeta Organization that creates products to assess, design, and disseminate practices and measures to improve the reproducibility of science with minimal burden on scientists Organizations and Training Programs, Software and Other Digital Resources
San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA) Recommendations to improve the ways in which the output of scientific research is evaluated by funding agencies, academic institutions, and other parties Guidelines and Protocols
Science in Transition Dutch initiative to consider various issues related to research quality and reliability Organizations and Training Programs
Scientific Rigor Champions Online workspace for champions of rigorous research to discuss pilot initiatives, successes, methods of evaluation, and best practices Software and Other Digital Resources
SCOPE Framework for Research Evaluation Five-stage framework for responsible research evaluation: START with what you value, CONTEXT considerations, OPTIONS for evaluating, PROBE deeply, and EVALUATE your evaluation Guidelines and Protocols
Shake Up Conferences Article in Nature describing potential methods for improving rigor and transparency at conferences Books and Articles
Social Science Reproduction Platform (SSRP) Online platform that crowdsources and catalogs attempts to assess and improve the computational reproducibility of social science research Software and Other Digital Resources
Society for the Improvement of Psychological Science Service organization which aims to increase the quality of psychological science Organizations and Training Programs
Standard Reference Data Data compliant with rigorous National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) evaluation criteria for use in confident decision making Software and Other Digital Resources
Stanford Center for Reproducible Science Neuroimaging center that provides researchers with tools to analyze data, share data, and share workflows in ways that focus on the reproducibility of the results Organizations and Training Programs, Software and Other Digital Resources
Stanford Program on Research Rigor & Reproducibility (SPORR) Program to maximize the scientific value of all research performed in the Stanford School of Medicine Organizations and Training Programs
STAR Methods Guide for Authors Cell Press guidelines for increased clarity and transparency in reporting of methods and analysis to foster improved rigor and reproducibility in research Guidelines and Protocols
Statistical Inference in the 21st Century: A World Beyond p < 0.05 Special issue of The American Statistician containing dozens of journal articles by statisticians offering advice on making scientific inferences from statistical tests Books and Articles
Statistical Tests, P Values, Confidence Intervals, and Power: a Guide to Misinterpretations An article in the European Journal of Epidemiology on common misconceptions with p values, confidence intervals, and power calculations Books and Articles
StatisticalHelp Free statistical help provided by StatsDirect Software and Other Digital Resources
Statistics and Reproducibility University of Michigan website by Megan Hagenauer sharing teaching materials on statistics and reproducibility topics Media and Courses
Statistics Done Wrong: the Woefully Complete Guide A guide to the most popular statistical errors and slip-ups committed by scientists every day, in the lab, and in peer-reviewed journals Books and Articles
Stats in the Lab Animated vignettes discussing aspects of study design, interpretation, and reporting hosted on Youtube and produced by the University of Rochester Media and Courses
StatXFinder Decision support tool for appropriate statistical test selection Software and Other Digital Resources
Strain Background and Genetic Drift in Mice Jackson Laboratory FAQs and resources about potential genetic confounds in mouse studies Guidelines and Protocols, Organizations and Training Programs, Software and Other Digital Resources
Swiss Reproducibility Network (SwissRN) Peer-led consortium that aims to promote and ensure rigorous research practices in Switzerland Organizations and Training Programs
Systematic Review Center for Laboratory Animal Experimentation (SYRCLE) Center that develops, applies, and disseminates methodology and resources for responsible and rigorous systematic reviews of animal studies Organizations and Training Programs, Software and Other Digital Resources
Teaching Reproducibility List of teaching resources at the University of Washington University Libraries to help integrate reproducibility into the curriculum Organizations and Training Programs, Media and Courses
Ten Simple Rules for Reproducible Computational Research Article describing guidelines for making computational research more accessible Books and Articles, Guidelines and Protocols
Testing Treatments International Companion site for the Testing Treatments book that promotes critical thinking about treatment claims Books and Articles
The Many Faces of Reproducibility Project supported by the College of Liberal Arts at the University of Minnesota involving an interdisciplinary exploration of different facets of reproducibility across the social, behavioral, and natural sciences Organizations and Training Programs
The National Academies Press: Reproducibility Collection Reports by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine that discuss the importance and challenges of fostering reproducibility in science Books and Articles, Guidelines and Protocols
The Turing Way Open source, community-driven guide to reproducible, ethical, inclusive and collaborative data science Books and Articles, Organizations and Training Programs
TIER2 (Enhancing Trust, Integrity and Efficiency in Research Through Next-level Reproducibility) Organization that aims to boost knowledge on reproducibility, create tools, engage communities, and implement interventions and policy across different contexts to increase re-use and overall quality of research results Organizations and Training Programs
TransnetYX Rigor Champions and Resources Commercial vendor page with free guidance documents about rigorous approaches to genetics and genomics techniques Guidelines and Protocols
Transparency and Openness Promotion (TOP) Guidelines Shared standards for open science practices across journals Books and Articles, Guidelines and Protocols
UCLA Institute for Digital Research and Education Seminars and course notes by the UCLA Statistical Consulting Group Organizations and Training Programs, Media and Courses
UCSD FAIR Data Informatics Lab Organization to make research data more FAIR through development of technology, services, and policy Organizations and Training Programs
UCSF Introduction to Biostatistics Biostatistics course materials by David Quigley for designing studies, performing essential analyses, and consuming statistical data Books and Articles, Media and Courses
UK Network of Open Research Working Groups Action-oriented teams within higher education that are seeking to reform science to make the processes and products of research as transparent, accessible, and reproducible as possible Organizations and Training Programs
UK Reproducibility Network (UKRN) Peer-led consortium that investigates the factors that contribute to robust research, provides training and disseminates best practice, and works with stakeholders to ensure coordination of efforts across the sector Organizations and Training Programs
Utrecht University Open Science Programme A programme that aims to stimulate and facilitate researchers to put open science into practice Organizations and Training Programs
Whole Tale Computational tools for telling the whole tale of the research project Software and Other Digital Resources