NINDS Fundamental Neuroscience Working Group Public Webinar

July 27, 2023 | 12:00 - 1:00 PM

Please click this link to register for the webinar

What is the Fundamental Neuroscience Working Group? Find out more here: NANDSC Fundamental Neuroscience Working Group 

FNWG Public Webinar Agenda 

  • Introductory Remarks (Walter Koroshetz)
  • FNWG Charge, Process and Timeline (Lyn Jakeman)
  • FNWG Summary Recommendations (Yishi Jin/Tim Ryan)
  • Q&A and Feedback Session (open)

Webinar Materials

Please click on the link below to view the draft recommendations the FNWG will discuss at the webinar.

FNWG Draft Recommendations for the 7.27.23 Public Webinar(pdf, 306 KB)

Members of the public are encouraged to submit feedback or questions in writing to fn@nih.govQuestions received by July 22 will be addressed during the webinar. The FNWG will consider all input submitted to by August 1, 2023 in its final report to the NINDS Advisory Council in September 2023.