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Study Title Sort descending Disorders Status Study Location Clinical Trials ID
Physiological Brain Atlas Development Parkinson's Disease, Dystonia, Essential Tremor, Epilepsy and Seizures Recruiting Tennessee NCT00575081
Physiological Changes Induced Through MEP Conditioning in People With SCI Recruiting South Carolina NCT04286191
Physiological Disturbances Associated With Neonatal Intraventricular Hemorrhage Terminated Texas NCT00665769
Physiological Investigations of Movement Disorders Parkinson's Disease, Dystonia Completed Maryland NCT01019343
Physiological Study of the Efficacy and Mechanistic Effects of Alcohol Renal Denervation Completed Texas NCT03465917
Physiology of Human Brain Connectivity Not Yet Recruiting NCT06246942
Physiology of Volition Studied With Nerve Block Withdrawn Maryland NCT01143506
Physiology of Weakness in Movement Disorders Completed Maryland NCT00307346
Physiology, Imaging and Modeling of Essential Tremor Essential Tremor, Dystonia Recruiting Florida NCT03811405
Pilot Study for Automated Deep Brain Stimulation Programming Parkinson's Disease, Tremor Completed Ohio NCT02046863
Pilot Study of Bumetanide for Newborn Seizures Completed Massachusetts NCT00830531
Pilot Study of Cognitive and Functional Outcomes Following TAVI Completed NCT02089945
Pilot Study of Neuromodulation for Enhancement of Emotion Regulation in Bipolar Mood Disorders Recruiting Massachusetts NCT03622749
Pilot Trial of Botulinum Toxin and Occupational Therapy for Writer's Cramp Dystonia Completed Maryland NCT02015039
Pioglitazone in Early Parkinson's Disease Parkinson's Disease Completed Multiple U.S. Locations NCT01280123
Pivotal Response Treatment for Children With Autism Spectrum Disorders Completed Connecticut NCT01908686
Plasma Exchange for Autoimmune Autonomic Failure Completed Maryland NCT00359346
Plasticity in Cervical Dystonia Completed Maryland NCT00323765
Podocyturia - Predictor of Renal Dysfunction in Fabry Nephropathy Fabry Disease Multiple U.S. Locations NCT02994303
Positron Emission Tomography (PET) to Study Brain Signaling Completed Maryland NCT00044200