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Study Title Sort descending Disorders Status Study Location Clinical Trials ID
Modulation of GABA-A Receptors in Parkinson Disease-Transdermal Flumazenil Arm Recruiting Michigan NCT03440112
Modulation of Motor Function by Stimulation of the Central and Peripheral Nervous System Completed Maryland NCT00453505
Modulation of the Parieto-frontal Communication Withdrawn NCT03434093
Molecular Analysis of Patients With Neuromuscular Disease Recruiting Massachusetts NCT00390104
Molecular-Genetic Correlates of Fatigue in Cancer Patients Receiving Localized External Beam Radiation Therapy Completed Maryland* NCT00852111
Monitoring Patient Cerebro-Spinal Fluid Drainage With an Ultrasonic Flow Sensor Hydrocephalus Completed Wisconsin NCT00652197
Monitoring Patients With Uncontrolled Epilepsy Epilepsy and Seizures Completed Maryland NCT00001149
Motor Changes Associated With Recovery From Stroke After Therapy Completed Maryland NCT00001553
Motor Cortex Reward Signaling in Parkinson Disease Completed Maryland NCT00558766
Motor Learning in Stroke Patients and Healthy Volunteers Stroke Completed Maryland NCT00021710
Motor Network Physiology Essential Tremor Recruiting Texas NCT04957095
Motor Performance in Chronic Stroke Patients Stroke Completed Maryland NCT00110175
Motor Recovery in Recent Stroke Patients Treated With Amphetamine and Physical Therapy Completed Maryland NCT00001783
Motor Recovery Through Plasticity-Inducing Cortical Stimulation Not Yet Recruiting NCT06506279
Motor rECovery witH eArly imagiNg In STroke Stroke Not Yet Recruiting Illinois NCT04165616
Motor Skill Learning in People With Parkinson's Disease Parkinson's Disease Completed Maryland NCT00396942
Motor Training to Treat Hand Dystonia Completed Maryland NCT00021853
Movement of Epiglottis During Swallowing Completed Maryland NCT00475943
Movement-Related Brain Networks Involved in Hand Dystonia Completed Maryland NCT00137384
Moving a Paralyzed Hand Through Use of a Brain-Computer Interface Stroke Terminated Maryland NCT00242242